Dr. Daya Shankar Mishra
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Dr. Daya Shankar Mishra

Assistant Professor
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Fruit Science from Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India

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Area of Interest:

Food Science and Technology
Fruit Science
Food Diversity
Fruit Nutrition
Food Protection

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Tamta, A., R. Kumar, D.S. Mishra and P. Kumar, 2012. Biochemical Changes in Guava Fruits During Storage as Affected by Different Methods of Harvesting From Different Position of Tree. HortFlora Res. Spectr., 1: 145-148.
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  2. Rajesh, K., K.K. Misra, D.S. Misra and M. Brijwal, 2012. Seed Ger Mination of Fruit Crops : A Review. HortFlora Res. Spectr., 1: 199-207.
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  3. Pal, M. and D.S. Mishra, 2012. Extending Harvesting Period of Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)Through Chemicals Application. HortFlora Res. Spectr., 1: 235-238.
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  4. Mishra, D.S., P. Kumar and R. Kumar, 2012. Effect OF GA3 and BA on Fruit Weight, Quality and ripening of 'Rose Scented' Litchi. HortFlora Res. Spectr., 1: 80-82.
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  5. Goswami, A.K., H.S. Shukla, P. Kumar and D.S. Mishra, 2012. Effect of Pre-Har Vest Application of Micro-Nutrients on Quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Cv. Sardar. HortFlora Res. Spectr., 1: 60-63.
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  6. Chakraborty, B, P.N. Singh, A. Shukla and D.S. Mishra, 2012. Physiological and Biochemical Adjustment of Iron Chlorosis Affected Low-Chill Peach Cultivars Supplied with Different Iron Sources. Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants, 18: 141-148.
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  7. Kumar, P., R.K. Maurya, D.S. Mishra and B. Chakraborty, 2011. Prediction of Some Important Floral and Corm Characters of Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybrida) from its Plant Height. Progressive Hortic., 43: 102-104.
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  8. Kumar, P., R.K. Maurya, B. Chakraborty, R. Mer and D.S. Mishra, 2011. Genetic Variability and Correlation Studies in Gladiolus Hybrida L. under Tarai Condition of Uttarakhand. Progressive Hortic., 43: 323-327.
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  9. Mishra, D.S., J.P. Tiwari, R. Kumar, P. Kumar and N.K. Mishra, 2010. In vitro Clonal Propagation Studies on the Nodal Explants of Psidium cujavillis. Ann. Hortic., 3: 58-62.
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  10. Marboh, E.S., R.L. Lal and D.S. Mishra, 2010. Effect of Hot Water Treatment and Oxalic Acid at Different Regimes on Storage Quality of Litchi Fruit cv. Rose Scented under Ambient Conditions. Indian J. Hortic., 67: 419-422.
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  11. Kumar, P., S.P. Preetham, R.K. Maurya and D.S. Mishra, 2010. Response of Organics and Bio-Inoculants on Quantitative and Qualitative Characters of Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybrida) cv. White Prosperity. Progressive Agric., 10: 116-119.
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  12. Deep, C., R.L. Lal and D.S. Mishra, 2010. Effect of Girdling on Yield and Quality of Litchi. Pantnagar J. Res., 8: 51-54.
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  13. Rathore, N., N.K. Mishra, R.L. Lal and D.S. Mishra, 2009. Effect of foliar application of nutrients on yield and quality of litchi cv. rose scented. Indian J. Hortic., 66: 524-525.
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  14. Mishra, D.S., J.P. Tiwari and R. Kumar, 2009. In Vitro Clonal Propagation of Guava (Psidium guajava, L.). Progressive Agric., 9: 79-84.
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  15. Agnihotri, P.K., R.L. Lal, D.S. Mishra and S. Pavan, 2009. Root distribution pattern of litchi as influenced by seasonal variations. Indian J. Hortic., 66: 257-260.
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  16. Mishra, D.S., J.P. Tiwari and S. Lal, 2007. In vitro cloning of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. pant prabhat. Acta Hortic., 735: 127-132.
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  17. Tiwari, J.P., N.K. Mishra, D.S. Mishra, B. Bisen, Y.P. Singh and R. Rai, 2004. Nutrient requirement for subtropical peaches and pear for Uttaranchal: An overview. Acta Hortic., 662: 199-204.
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