Dr. Mahendra Kumar Samal
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Dr. Mahendra Kumar Samal

Research Scientist
Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Universitat Stuttgart, Germany

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Dr. Mahendra Kumar Samal is currently working as Scientist, Reactor Safety Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, and Assistant Professor at Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Universidad Stuttgart, Germany. His main area of interest related to Physical Science Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering. His area of expertise includes Fracture Mechanics, Material Constitutive Modeling, Finite Element Method, Piezoelectric Materials, Creep, Fatigue and Fracture, Fracture Tests on Thin-Walled Tubes, and Continuum Damage Mechanics. He has published 51 research papers in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Physical Science Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Materials Engineering
Nuclear Science and Engineering
Fracture Mechanics

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sanyal, G. and M.K. Samal, 2014. A geometry dependent generalized shape function for calculation of stress intensity factor for axially cracked thin-walled tubes. Int. J. Adv. Struct. Eng., 6: 1-11.
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  2. Samal, M.K., K.S. Balakrishnan, J. Parashar and G.P. Tiwari, 2014. Investigation of deformation behavior of ring-tensile specimens machined from pressure tubes of Indian PHWR. Trans. Indian Instit. Metals, 67: 167-176.
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  3. Balakrishnan, K.S., M.K. Samal, J. Parashar, G.P. Tiwari and S. Anatharaman, 2014. Suitability of miniature tensile specimens for estimating the mechanical property data of pressure tubes: An assessment. Trans. Indian Instit. Metals, 67: 47-55.
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  4. Sanyal, G., M.K. Samal, S. Samanta and D.K. Aswal, 2013. Characterization of axial cracking morphology of Zircaloy cladding tubes. Int. J. Nucl. Energy Sci. Eng., 3: 40-45.
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  5. Sanyal, G. and M.K. Samal, 2013. Investigation of fracture behavior of steam generator tubes of Indian PHWR using PLT specimens. Procedia Eng., 55: 578-584.
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  6. Samal, M.K., M. Seidenfuss and E., Roos, 2013. A comparative assessment of local and nonlocal damage models for prediction of fracture behavior during mixed-mode loading. Procedia Eng., 55: 493-498.
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  7. Samal, M.K., M. Seidenfuss and E. Roos, 2013. Prediction of temperature dependence and scatter in fracture toughness of pressure vessel steel using nonlocal damage models. Procedia Eng., 55: 780-785.
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  8. Samal, M.K., K.S. Balakrishnan, J. Parashar, G.P. Tiwari and S. Anantharaman, 2013. Estimation of transverse tensile behavior of Zircaloy pressure tubes using ring-tensile test and finite element analysis. J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 227: 1177-1186.
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  9. Samal, M.K. and S. Ghosh, 2013. Evaluation of creep deformation and mechanical property of nickel-based superalloys through FE analysis based on crystal plasticity models. Procedia Eng., 55: 342-347.
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  10. Samal, M.K. and P.K. Shah, 2013. On the application of Rousselier's damage model to predict fracture resistance behavior of Zircaloy fuel pin specimens. Procedia Eng., 55: 710-715.
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  11. Samal, M.K. and G. Sanyal, 2013. A generalized geometric shape function for evaluation of SIF values of thin-walled axially-cracked fuel pin specimens. Procedia Eng., 55: 367-373.
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  12. Daga, R. and M.K. Samal, 2013. Real-time monitoring of high-temperature components. Procedia Eng., 55: 421-427.
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  13. Sanyal, G. and M.K. Samal, 2012. Fracture behavior of thin-walled Zircaloy fuel clad tubes of Indian pressurized heavy water reactor. Int. J. Fracture, 173: 175-188.
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  14. Sanyal, G. and M.K. Samal, 2012. Assessment of axial cracking of a steam generator tube. J. Metallurgical Eng., 1: 53-62.
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  15. Samal, M.K. and G. Sanyal, 2012. A load separation technique to evaluate crack growth and fracture resistance behavior of thin-walled axially-cracked tubular specimens. J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 226: 1447-1461.
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  16. Seidenfuss, M., M.K. Samal and E. Roos, 2011. On critical assessment of the use of local and nonlocal damage models for prediction of ductile crack growth and crack path in various loading and boundary conditions. Int. J. Solids Struct., 48: 3365-3381.
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  17. Sanyal, G., M.K. Samal, K.K. Ray, J.K. Chakravartty, A.K. Suri and S. Banerjee, 2011. Prediction of J-R curves of thin-walled fuel pin specimens in a PLT setup. Eng. Fracture Mech., 78: 1029-1043.
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  18. Samal, M.K., M. Seidenfuss, E. Roos and K. Balani, 2011. Investigation of failure behavior of ferritic-austenitic type of dissimilar steel welded joints. Eng. Failure Anal., 18: 999-1008.
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  19. Samal, M.K., J.K. Chakravartty, M. Seidenfuss and E. Roos, 2011. Evaluation of fracture toughness and its scatter in the DBTT region of different types of pressure vessel steels. Eng. Failure Anal., 18: 172-185.
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  20. Samal, M.K., G. Sanyal and J.K. Chakravartty, 2011. Investigation of failure behavior of two different types of Zircaloy clad tubes used as nuclear reactor fuel pins. Eng. Failure Anal., 18: 2042-2053.
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  21. Samal, M.K. and A. Abhishek, 2011. A new model for prediction of chromium depletion near grain boundaries and corresponding sensitization in austenitic stainless steels. J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 225: 809-815.
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  22. Anahid, M., M.K. Samal and S. Ghosh, 2011. Dwell fatigue crack nucleation model based on using crystal plasticity finite element simulations of polycrystalline Titanium alloys. J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 59: 2157-2176.
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  23. Seidenfuβ, M., E. Roos and M.K. Samal, 2010. Entwicklung eines nichtlokalen schadigungsmodells [Development of a non-local damage mechanics model]. J. Mater. Testing, 52: 36-41.
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  24. Samal, M.K., G. Sanyal and J.K. Chakravartty, 2010. Estimation of fracture behaviour of thin walled nuclear reactor fuel pins using Pin-Loading Tension (PLT) test. Nucl. Eng. Design, 240: 4043-4050.
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  25. Samal, M.K., G. Sanyal and J.K. Chakravartty, 2010. An experimental and numerical study of the fracture behaviour of tubular specimens in a pin-loading-tension set-up. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 224: 1-12.
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  26. Samal, M.K., B.K. Dutta, H.S. Kushwaha, R. Daga and G. Bandyopadhyay, 2010. Creep damage evaluation of a power plant header using combined FEM analysis and quantitative metallography. Trans. Indian Inst. Metals, 63: 411-416.
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  27. Samal, M.K., B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2010. A probabilistic approach to evaluate creep and fatigue damage in critical components. Trans. Indian Inst. Metals, 63: 595-600.
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  28. Samal, M.K., B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2010. A coupled damage model for creep. Trans. Indian Instit. Metals, 63: 641-645.
  29. Samal, M.K., 2010. A new damage mechanics based approach for integrity assessment of plant components. Struct. Longevity, 3: 127-153.
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  30. Daga, R., G. Bandyopadhyay, M.K. Samal, B.K. Dutta and A.K. Mohindru, 2010. Consumed creep life fraction assessment of critical locations of an in-service SHOH under surveillance programme. Trans. Indian Instit. Metals, 63: 423-429.
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  31. Samal, M.K., M. Seidenfuss, E. Roos, B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2009. A mesh-independent Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman damage model and its application in simulating ductile fracture behaviour. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 223: 283-292.
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  32. Samal, M.K., M. Seidenfuss and E. Roos, 2009. A new mesh-independent Rousselier's damage model: Finite element implementation and experimental verification. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 51: 619-630.
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  33. Samal, M.K., K. Balani, M. Seidenfuss and E. Roos, 2009. An Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture resistance behaviour of a dissimilar metal welded joint. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 223: 1507-1523.
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  34. Samal, M.K., B.K. Dutta, S. Guin and H.S. Kushwaha, 2009. A finite element program for on-line life assessment of critical plant components. Eng. Failure Anal., 16: 85-111.
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  35. Samal, M.K. and P. Seshu, 2009. On the non-linear response of piezoelectric slabs under weak electric fields: Experimental and analytical modelling. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 223: 1493-1506.
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  36. Samal, M.K. and P. Seshu, 2009. Analytical solution in 2D domain for nonlinear response of piezoelectric slabs under weak electric fields. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 14: 2817-2826.
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  37. Samal, M.K., P. Seshu, U. von Wagner, P. Hagedorn, B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2008. A mathematical model in three-dimensional piezoelectric continuum to predict non-linear responses of piezoceramic materials. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 222: 2251-2268.
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  38. Samal, M.K., M. Seidenfuss, E. Roos, B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2008. Finite element formulation of a new nonlocal damage model. Finite Elem. Anal. Des., 44: 358-371.
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  39. Samal, M.K., M. Seidenfuss, E. Roos, B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2008. Experimental and numerical investigation of ductile-to-brittle transition in a pressure vessel steel. Mater. Sci. Eng.: A, 496: 25-35.
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  40. Dutta, B.K., S. Guin, M. Sahu and M.K. Samal, 2008. A phenomenological form of the q2 parameter in the Gurson model. Int. J. Pressure Vessels Piping, 85: 199-210.
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  41. Daga, R., G. Bandyopadhyay, M.K. Samal and B.K. Dutta, 2008. A consideration of the real-time remnant life assessment of a HRH pipe bend. J. Power Plant: Oper. Maintenance Mater. Issues, 5: 1-19.
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  42. Samal, M.K., P. Seshu and B.K. Dutta, 2007. Modeling and application of piezoelectric materials in smart structures. Int. J. Condition Monit. Diagn. Eng. Manage., 10: 30-42.
  43. Samal, M.K., P. Seshu and B.K. Dutta, 2007. An analytical formulation in 3D domain for the nonlinear response of piezoelectric slabs under weak electric fields. Int. J. Solids Struct., 44: 4656-4672.
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  44. Samal, M.K., P. Seshu, S. Parashar, U. von Wagner, P. Hagedorn, B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2006. Nonlinear behaviour of piezoceramics under weak electric fields: Part-I: 3-D finite element formulation. Int. J. Solids Struct., 43: 1422-1436.
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  45. Samal, M.K., P. Seshu, S. Parashar, U. von Wagner, P. Hagedorn, B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2006. Nonlinear behaviour of piezoceramics under weak electric fields. Part-II: Numerical results and validation with experiment. Int. J. Solids Struct., 43: 1437-1458.
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  46. Samal, M.K., P. Seshu, S. Parashar, U. von Wagner, P. Hagedorn, B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 2005. A finite element model for nonlinear behaviour of piezoceramics under weak electric fields. Finite Elem. Anal. Des., 41: 1464-1480.
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  47. Pavankumar, T.V., M.K. Samal, J. Chattopadhyay, B.K. Dutta, H.S. Kushwaha, E. Roos and M. Seidenfuss, 2005. Transferability of fracture parameters from specimens to component level. Int. J. Pressure Vessels Piping, 82: 386-399.
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  48. Kushwaha, H.S., B.K. Dutta and M.K. Samal, 2005. Structural integrity assessment of components operating at high temperature. Trans. Indian Inst. Metals, 58: 221-232.
  49. Samal, M.K., B.K. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, 1999. A study on ductile fracture initiation in the PHT piping material of an Indian PHWR using local approach. Int. J. Pressure Vessels Piping, 76: 319-330.
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