Dr. Sushil  Kumar Middha
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Dr. Sushil Kumar Middha

Assistant Professor
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biotechnology from Kumaun University, India

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Dr. Sushil Kumar Middha is currently working as Assistant Professor at Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women, India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biotechnology from same Institute. He is life member of Indian Academy of Wood Science (IAWS). He is member of editorial board in International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. Further to his skills he has good knowledge of Flavonoids, Antioxidant Activity, Antioxidants, Oxidative Stress, Medicinal Plants and Herbs, Quantum, FlexX, Autodock, ds, HTML, Animal Handling, Diabetes, Purification Of Herbal Compounds, Invitro Assays, ANOVA, GraphPad Prism, Herbal, Pharmacognosy, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biological Databases, Sample Preparation, Phytochemistry, Databases, Polyphenols, Free Radicals etc. He has published 28 research articles in journals as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Medicinal Chemistry

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Usha, T., S.K. Middha, D. Narzary, B.K. Brahma and A.K. Goyal, 2017. In silico and in vivo based scientific evaluation of traditional anti-diabetic herb Hodgsonia heteroclita. Bangladesh J. Pharmacol., 12: 165-166.
  2. Usha, T., S. Pradhan, A.K. Goyal, Neelam and P. Pradhan et al., 2017. Molecular simulation based Combinatorial Modeling and Antioxidant activities of Zingiberaceae family rhizomes found at higher latitude from North-East India: A mechanism based study. Pharmacognosy (In Press). .
  3. Usha, T., A.K. Goyal, D. Narzary, L. Prakash and G. Wadhwa et al., 2017. Identification of bioactive glucose lowering compounds of Hodgsonia heteroclite fruit pulp. Front. Biosci. (In Press). .
  4. Goyal, A.K., S.K. Middha, T. Usha and A. Sen, 2017. Investigation of toxicity, antidiabetic and in vitro antioxidant potential of Bambusa balcooa Roxb. leaf extracts in alloxan induced diabetic rats: An identification of probable biomarkers. Biotech, Vol. 7. .
  5. Dhivya, S., C.S. Kumar, V. Bommuraj, R. Janarthanam, M. Chandran, T. Usha and S.K. Middha, 2017. A study of comparative modelling, simulation and molecular dynamics of CXCR3 receptor with lipid bilayer. J. Biomol. Struct. Dynamics, .
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  6. Basumatary, A.A., A.K. Basumatary, S.K. Middha, T. Usha, S. Bhattacharya, B.K. Brahma and A.K. Goyal, 2017. Morphological phylogeny among 15 accessions of bamboos growing in Kokrajhar district of BTAD. Assam J. For. Res. (In Press). .
  7. Prakash, L., S.K. Middha, S.K. Mohanty and M.K. Swamy, 2016. Micropropagation and validation of genetic and biochemical fidelity among regenerants of Nothapodytes nimmoniana (Graham) Mabb. employing ISSR markers and HPLC. 3 Biotech, Vol. 6. 10.1007/s13205-016-0490-y.
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  8. Middha, S.K., T. Usha, D. Babu, A.K. Misra, P. Lokesh and A.K. Goyal, 2016. Evaluation of antioxidative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of methanolic extract of Myrica nagi leaves-an animal model approach. Symbiosis, 70: 179-184.
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  9. Middha, S.K., T. Usha and V. Pande, 2016. Insight into causes and antihyperglycemic effects of Punica granatum L rind in alloxan induced rats. Chiang Mai J. Sci., 43: 1166-1176.
  10. Middha, S.K., A.K. Goyal, A. Bhardwaj, R. Kamal and P. Lokesh et al., 2016. In silico exploration of cyclooxygenase inhibitory activity of natural compounds found in Myrica nagi using LC-MS. Symbiosis, 70: 169-178.
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  11. Sudipta, K.M., M. Kumaraswamy, S.K. Middha, P. Lokesh, S. Balasubramanya and M. Anuradha, 2015. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-lipoxygenase activity and characterization of three bioactive compounds in the most active fraction of Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.)Wight & Arn.: A valuable medicinal plant. Iran. J. Pharmaceut. Res., (In Press). .
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  12. Mohanty, S.K., M.K. Swamy, S.K. Middha, L. Prakash, B. Subbanarashiman and A. Maniyam, 2015. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-lipoxygenase activity and characterization of three bioactive compounds in the most active fraction of Leptadenia reticulate (Retz.) wight and Arn.: A valuable medicinal plant. Iran. J. Pharm. Res., 14: 933-942.
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  13. Middha, S.K., T. Usha and H.K. Prashanth, 2015. Basics of Bioinformatics. College Book House, Bangalore.
  14. Middha, S.K., A.K. Goyal, P. Lokesh, V. Yardi and L. Mojamdar et al., 2015. Toxicological evaluation of Emblica officinalis fruit extract and its anti-inflammatory and free radical scavenging properties. Pharmacogn. Mag., 11: S427-S433.
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  15. Goyal, A.K., S.K. Middha, T. Usha and A. Sen, 2015. Ameliorating reactive oxygen species-induced in vitro lipid peroxidation in liver, carbohydrate and DNA damage by Dendrocalamus hamiltonii different leaf extracts. Chiang Mai J. Sci., 42: 1134-1142.
  16. Basumatary, A., S.K. Middha, T. Usha, B.K. Brahma and A.K. Goyal, 2015. Bamboo, as potential sources of food security, economic prosperity and ecological security in North-East India: An overview. Res. Plant Biol., 5: 17-23.
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  17. Usha, T., S.K. Middha, M. Bhattacharya, P. Lokesh and A.K. Goyal, 2014. Rosmarinic acid, a new polyphenol from Baccaurea ramiflora Lour. leaf: A probable compound for its anti-inflammatory activity. Antioxidants, 3: 830-842.
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  18. Usha, T., S.K. Middha, A.K. Goyal, M. Karthik and D.A. Manoj et al., 2014. Molecular docking studies of anti-cancerous candidates in Hippophae rhamnoides and Hippophae salicifolia. J. Biomed. Res., 28: 406-415.
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  19. Usha, T., A.K. Goyal, S. Lubna, H. Prashanth, T.M. Mohan, V. Pande and S.K. Middha, 2014. Identification of anti-cancer targets of eco-friendly waste Punica granatum peel by dual reverse virtual screening and binding analysis. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev., 15: 10345-10350.
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  20. Middha, S.K., T. Usha and V. Pande, 2014. Pomegranate peel attenuates hyperglycemic effects of alloxan-induced diabetic rats. EXCLI J., 13: 223-224.
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  21. Usha, T., P. Tripathi, V. Pande and S.K. Middha, 2013. Molecular docking and quantum mechanical studies on pelargonidin-3-glucoside as renoprotective ACE inhibitor. ISRN Comput. Biol. 10.1155/2013/428378.
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  22. Middha, S.K., T. Usha and V. Pande, 2013. HPLC evaluation of phenolic profile, nutritive content and antioxidant capacity of extracts obtained from Punica granatum fruit peel. Adv. Pharmacol. Sci. 10.1155/2013/296236.
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  23. Middha, S.K., T. Usha and V. Pande, 2013. A review on antihyperglycemic and antihepatoprotective activity of eco-friendly Punica granatum peel waste. Evidence-Based Complement. Altern. Med. 10.1155/2013/656172.
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  24. Middha, S.K., A.K. Goyal, S.A. Faizan, N. Sanghamitra, B.C. Basistha and T. Usha, 2013. In silico-based combinatorial pharmacophore modelling and docking studies of GSK-3β and GK inhibitors of Hippophae. J. Biosci., 38: 805-814.
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  25. Goyal, A.K., S.K. Middha and A. Sen, 2013. Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex JC Wendl. var. vittata Riviere & C. Riviere leaves attenuate oxidative stress: An in vitro biochemical assay. Indian J. Nat. Prod. Resour., 4: 436-440.
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  26. Vijaya, T.M., S.K. Middha, T. Usha, H.K. Aruna, R. Bharathi, D. Saini and G. Govindaraj, 2012. Morphological and histological studies on the vermicomposting Indian earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae. World J. Zool., 7: 165-170.
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  27. Pande, V., S.K. Middha, N.K. Sharma, Y. Lohani and M. Pandey, 2012. Ectomychorrizal DB: A symbiotic association database. Bioinformation, 8: 104-106.
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  28. Middha, S.K., T. Usha, P. Tripathi, K.Y. Marathe and T. Jain et al., 2012. An in vitro studies on indigenous ayurvedic plants, having hypoglycemic activity. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Dis., 2: S46-S49.
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  29. Middha, S.K., T. Usha and T. RaviKiran, 2012. Influence of Punica granatum L. on region specific responses in rat brain during alloxan-induced diabetes. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 2: S905-S909.
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  30. Mishra, T., A.K. Goyal, S.K. Middha and A. Sen, 2011. Antioxidative properties of Canna edulis Ker-Gawl. Indian J. Nat. Prod. Resour., 2: 315-321.
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  31. Middha, S.K., B. Bhattacharjee, D. Saini, M.S. Baliga, M.B. Nagaveni and T. Usha, 2011. Protective role of Trigonella foenum graceum extract against oxidative stress in hyperglycemic rats. Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci., 15: 427-435.
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  32. Goyal, A.K., S.K. Middha and A. Sen, 2011. In vitro antioxidative profiling of different fractions of Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees leaf extracts. Free Radicals Antioxid., 1: 42-48.
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  33. Goyal, A.K., B.C. Basistha, A. Sen and S.K. Middha, 2011. Antioxidant profiling of Hippophae salicifolia growing in sacred forests of Sikkim, India. Funct. Plant Biol., 38: 697-701.
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  34. Bhattacharjee, B., U. Talambedu, S. Sadegh, A.K. Goyal and V. Pande et al., 2011. Computer aided screening of inhibitors to 5-α reductase type 2 for prostate cancer. Bioinformation, 6: 262-265.
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  35. Bhattacharjee, B., R.M. Jayadeepa, U. Talambedu, S. Banerjee and J. Joshi et al., 2011. Complex network and gene ontology in pharmacology approaches: Mapping natural compounds on potential drug target colon cancer network. Curr. Bioinform., 6: 44-52.
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  36. Mittal, Y., D. Kumar and S.K. Middha, 2010. Influenza virus: Mutational variants in H5N1 and H1N1. J. Comput. Intell. Bioinform., 3: 91-99.
  37. Goyal, A.K., S.K. Middha, T. Usha, S. Chatterjee, A.K. Bothra, M.B. Nagaveni and A. Sen, 2010. Bamboo-infoline: A database for North Bengal bamboo's. Bioinformation, 5: 184-185.
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  38. Goyal, A.K., S.K. Middha and A. Sen, 2010. Evaluation of the DPPH radical scavenging activity, total phenols and antioxidant activities in Indian wild Bambusa vulgaris "Vittata" methanolic leaf extract. J. Nat. Pharmaceut., 1: 40-45.
  39. Bhattacharjee, B., R.M. Jayadeepa, S. Banerjee, V.M. George, A.P. Chako and S.K. Middha, 2010. Mapping of natural MMP inhibitor targets on lung cancer network using systems biology approach. Int. J. Curr. Res., 8: 70-72.
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  40. Middha, S.K., Y. Mittal, T. Ushal, D. Kumar and R. Srinivasan et al., 2009. Phyto-mellitus: A phyto-chemical database for diabetes. Bioinformation, 4: 78-79.
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