Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
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Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muza arabad, Pakistan

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Mathematics from University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakitan

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Area of Interest:

Difference Equations
Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical Analysis
Mathematical Modelling

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Khan, A.Q. and H. El-Metwally, 2021. Global dynamics, boundedness, and semicycle analysis of a difference equation. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., Vol. 2021. 10.1155/2021/1896838.
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  2. Khan, A.Q. and S.M. Qureshi, 2021. Dynamical properties of some rational systems of difference equations. Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 44: 3485-3508.
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  3. Ibrahim, T.F., A.Q. Khan and A. Ibrahim, 2021. Qualitative behavior of a nonlinear generalized recursive sequence with delay. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2021. 10.1155/2021/6162320.
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  4. Ibrahim, T.F. and A.Q. Khan, 2021. Forms of solutions for some two-dimensional systems of rational partial recursion equations. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2021. 10.1155/2021/9966197.
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  5. Alshareef, A., F. Alzahrani and A.Q. Khan, 2021. Dynamics and solutions expressions of a higher-order nonlinear fractional recursive sequence. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2021. 10.1155/2021/1902473.
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  6. Alayachi, H.S., A.Q. Khan, M.S.M. Noorani and A. Khaliq, 2021. Displaying the structure of the solutions for some fifth-order systems of recursive equations. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2021. 10.1155/2021/6682009.
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  7. Alayachi, H.S., A.Q. Khan and M.S.M. Noorani, 2021. On the solutions of three-dimensional rational difference equation systems. J. Math., Vol. 2021. 10.1155/2021/2480294.
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  8. Taj, M., M. Safeer, M. Hussain, M.N. Naeem and M. Ahmad et al., 2020. Effect of external force on buckling of cytoskeleton intermediate filaments within viscoelastic media. Comput. Concr., 25: 205-214.
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  9. Ma, J. and A.Q. Khan, 2020. Dynamics of an anti-competitive system of difference equations. J. Comput. Anal. Appl., 28: 962-967.
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  10. Khan, A.Q., M.A. El-Moneamy, E.S. Alyz and M.A. Aiyashix, 2020. On the dynamics of higher-order anti-competitive system:... J. Comput. Anal. Appl., 28: 104-109.
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  11. Khan, A.Q., E. Abdullah and T.F. Ibrahim, 2020. Supercritical neimark-sacker bifurcation and hybrid control in a discrete-time glycolytic oscillator model. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2020. 10.1155/2020/7834076.
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  12. Khan, A.Q., A.Z. Kiyani and I. Ahmad, 2020. Bifurcations and hybrid control in a 3×3 discrete-time predator-prey model. Math. Biosci. Eng., 17: 6963-6992.
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  13. Khan, A.Q., 2020. Neimark-sacker bifurcation of a two-dimensional discrete-time chemical model. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2020. 10.1155/2020/3936242.
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  14. Khan, A.Q., 2020. Bifurcation analysis of a discrete-time two-species model. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., Vol. 2020. 10.1155/2020/2954059.
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  15. Khan, A.Q. and T. Khalique, 2020. Neimark-sacker bifurcation and hybrid control in a discrete-time Lotka-Volterra model. Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 43: 5887-5904.
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  16. Khan, A.Q. and T. Khalique, 2020. Bifurcations and chaos control in a discrete-time biological model. Int. J. Biomath., Vol. 13. 10.1142/S1793524520500229.
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  17. Khan, A.Q. and S.M. Qureshi, 2020. Global dynamical properties of rational higher-order system of difference equations. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., Vol. 2020. 10.1155/2020/3696874.
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  18. Khan, A.Q. and K. Sharif, 2020. Global dynamics, forbidden set, and transcritical bifurcation of a one-dimensional discrete-time laser model. Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 43: 4409-4421.
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  19. Khan, A.Q. and H.M. Arshad, 2020. Global dynamics of an exponential system by a discrete-time Lyapunov function. J. Taibah Univ. Sci., 14: 513-523.
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  20. Khaliq, A., M. Zubair and A.Q. Khan, 2020. Asymptotic behavior of the solutions of difference equation system of exponential form. Fractals, Vol. 28. 10.1142/S0218348X20501182.
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  21. Khaliq, A., H.S. Alayachi, M.S.M. Noorani and A.Q. Khan, 2020. On stability analysis of higher-order rational difference equation. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., Vol. 202. 10.1155/2020/3094185.
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  22. El-Moneam, M.A., A.Q. Khan, E.S. Aly and M.A. Aiyashi, 2020. Behavior of a system of higher-order difference equations. J. Comput. Anal. Appl., 28: 808-813.
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  23. Al-Basyouni, K.S. and A.Q. Khan, 2020. Discrete-time predator-prey model with bifurcations and chaos. Math. Probl. Eng., Vol. 2020. 10.1155/2020/8845926.
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  24. Khan, A.Q., M. Alesemi, M.A. El-Moneam and E.S. Aly, 2019. Bifurcation analysis of a discrete-time predator-prey model. Wulfenia J., 26: 23-39.
  25. Khan, A.Q., 2019. Bifurcations of a two-dimensional discrete-time predator–prey model. Adv. Difference Equations, Vol. 2019. 10.1186/s13662-019-1995-6.
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  26. Khan, A.Q. and T.F. Ibrahim, 2019. Stability and bifurcations analysis of discrete dynamical systems. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., Vol. 2019. 10.1155/2019/8474706.
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  27. Qureshi, M.N. and A.Q. Khan, 2018. Global dynamics of (1, 2)-type systems of difference equations. Malaya J. Mat., 6: 408-416.
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  28. Khan, A.Q., 2018. Supercritical neimark‐sacker bifurcation of a discrete‐time nicholson‐bailey model. Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 41: 4841-4852.
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  29. Khan, A.Q. and M.N. Qureshi, 2018. On an exponential type system of difference equations. Dyn. Continuous, Discrete Impulsive Syst. Ser. A: Math. Anal., 25: 197-209.
  30. Khan, A.Q. and M.N. Qureshi, 2018. Global dynamics and bifurcations analysis of a two-dimensional discrete-time lotka-volterra model. Complexity, Vol. 2018. 10.1155/2018/7101505.
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  31. Khan, A.Q. and A. Sharif, 2018. Global dynamics of some 36 systems of exponential difference equations. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., Vol. 2018. 10.1155/2018/8362837.
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  32. Khan, A.Q., J. Ma and D. Xiao, 2017. Global dynamics and bifurcation analysis of a host–parasitoid model with strong Allee effect. J. Biol. Dynamics, 11: 121-146.
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  33. Khan, A.Q., 2017. Stability and Neimark-sacker bifurcation of a ratio-dependence predator-prey model. Math. Methods Applied Sci., 40: 4109-4117.
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  34. Khan, A.Q., J. Ma and D. Xiao, 2016. Bifurcations of a two-dimensional discrete time plant-herbivore system. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 39: 185-198.
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  35. Khan, A.Q., 2016. Neimark-Sacker bifurcation of a two-dimensional discrete-time predator-prey model. SpringerPlus, Vol. 5. 10.1186/s40064-015-1618-y.
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  36. Khan, A.Q. and M.N. Qureshi, 2016. Stability analysis of a discrete biological model. Int. J. Biomath., Vol. 9. 10.1142/S1793524516500212.
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  37. Khan, A.Q. and M.N. Qureshi, 2016. Qualitative behavior of two systems of higher‐order difference equations. Math. Methods Applied Sci., 39: 3058-3074.
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  38. Khan, A.Q. and M.N. Qureshi, 2016. Global dynamics of some systems of rational difference equations. J. Egypt. Math. Soc., 24: 30-36.
  39. Qureshi, M.N. and A.Q. Khan, 2015. Local stability of an open-access anchovy fishery model. Comput. Ecol. Software, 5: 48-62.
  40. Khan, A.Q., M.N. Qureshi and Q. Din, 2015. Qualitative behavior of two systems of second-order rational difference equations. J. Comput. Anal. Applic., 8: 1027-1041.
  41. Khan, A.Q. and M.N. Qureshi, 2015. Global dynamics of a competitive system of rational difference equations. Math. Methods Applied Sci., 38: 4786-4796.
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  42. Khan, A.Q. and M.N. Qureshi, 2015. Dynamics of a modified Nicholson-Bailey host-parasitoid model. Adv. Difference Equations, Vol. 2015. 10.1186/s13662-015-0357-2.
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  43. Qureshi, M.N., A.Q. Khan and Q. Din, 2014. Some systems of second-order rational difference equations. Life Sci. J., 11: 43-50.
  44. Qureshi, M.N., A.Q. Khan and Q. Din, 2014. Asymptotic behavior of a Nicholson-Bailey model. Adv. Difference Equations, Vol. 2014. 10.1186/1687-1847-2014-62.
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  45. Khan, A.Q., M.N. Qureshi and Q. Din, 2014. Asymptotic behavior of an anti-competitive system of rational difference equations. Life Sci. J., 11: 16-20.
  46. Khan, A.Q., 2014. Global dynamics of two systems of exponential difference equations by Lyapunov function. Adv. Difference Equations, Vol. 2014. 10.1186/1687-1847-2014-297.
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  47. Khan, A.Q. and M.N. Qureshi, 2014. Behavior of an exponential system of difference equations. Discrete Dynamics Nat. Soc., Vol. 2014. 10.1155/2014/607281.
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  48. Din, Q., M.N. Qureshi and A.Q. Khan, 2014. Qualitative behavior of an anti-competitive system of third-order rational difference equation. Comput. Ecol. Software, 4: 104-115.
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  49. Din, Q., M.N. Qureshi and A.Q. Khan, 2014. Periodicity nature of some systems of difference equations. World Applied Sci. J., 29: 1685-1694.
  50. Anwar, S.M., S. Azhar, A. Muhammad, A.Q. Khan, M.N. Quershi and S.M. Bukhari, 2014. Best statistical model estimation for maize yield in Kotli, Azad Kashmir. Sci. Int. (Lahore), 26: 891-896.
  51. Khan, A.Q., Q. Din, M.N. Qureshi and T.F. Ibrahim, 2014. Global behavior of an anti-competitive system of fourth-order rational difference equations. Comput. Ecol. Software, 4: 35-46.
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  52. Qureshi, M.N., A.Q. Khan, M. Ayub and Q. Din, 2013. Invariant solutions for nonhomogeneous discrete diffusion equation. Discrete Dynamics Nat. Soc., Vol. 2013. 10.1155/2013/146976.
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  53. Qureshi, M.N., A.Q. Khan and Q. Din, 2013. Invariant Solutions: Invariant Solutions of Difference Equations. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3659507472, pp: 108.
  54. Qureshi, M.N., A.Q. Khan and Q. Din, 2013. Global behavior of third order system of rational difference equations. Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol., 2: 2182-2191.
  55. Khan, A.Q., M.N. Qureshi and Q. Din, 2013. Global dynamics of some systems of higher-order rational difference equations. Adv. Difference Equations, Vol. 2013. 10.1186/1687-1847-2013-354.
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  56. Din, Q., A.Q. Khan and M.N. Qureshi, 2013. Qualitative behavior of a host-pathogen model. Adv. Difference Equations, Vol. 2013. 10.1186/1687-1847-2013-263.
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  57. Anwar, S.M., K. Abbas, M. Zakira, M. Basharat, A.Q. Khan and S.S. Bukhari, 2013. Perception of people about govt. and private education institutions in District Kotli, Azad Kashmir. Perception, 2: 222-228.
  58. Anwar, S.M., A. Saleem, S.S. Bukhari, A.Q. Khan and N. Mahmood, 2013. Perception of graduates about drug addiction in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Int. J. Humanities Social Sci., 3: 298-303.
  59. Anwar, S.M., A. Saleem, A.Q. Khan, S.K.H. Naqvi and S.S. Bukhari, 2013. A statistical study to the impact of advertisement on the youth of the capital of Azad Kashmir. Asian J. Empirical Res., 3: 586-595.
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  60. Din, Q., M.N. Qureshi and A.Q. Khan, 2012. Dynamics of a fourth-order system of rational difference equations. Adv. Difference Equations, Vol. 2012. .
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