Dr. Jafar Ahmad Abed Alzubi
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Dr. Jafar Ahmad Abed Alzubi

Associate Professor
Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Advance Telecommunication from Swansea University, United Kingdom

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Jafar A. Alzubi is an associate professor at Al-Balqa Applied University, School of Engineering, Jordan. Received Ph.D. degree in Advanced Telecommunications from Swansea University, Swansea – UK (2012). Master of Science degree (Hons.) in electrical and computer engineering from New York Institute of Technology, New York - USA (2005). And Bachelor of Science degree (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering, majoring in Electronics and Communications, from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore – Pakistan (2001).
Jafar works and researches in multi and interdisciplinary environment involving Machine Learning, classifications and detection of Web scams, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, and using Algebraic–Geometric theory in channel coding for wireless networks. As part of his research, he designed the first regular and first irregular block turbo codes using Algebraic–Geometry codes and investigated their performance across various computer and wireless networks. Managed and directed few projects funded by the European Union. A cumulative research experience for over ten years, resulted in publishing more than thirty papers in highly impacted journals.
Currently, he is serving as an editor for IEEE Access Journal, and Wireless Sensor Networks area editor for Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. In addition, he is editorial board member in few other prestigious journals in computer engineering and science field. He is also acting as reviewer for several high impacted journals.

Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Information Theory
Machine Learning
Information Security

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sethuraman, J., J.A. Alzubi, R. Manikandan, M. Gheisari and A. Kumar, 2019. Eccentric methodology with optimization to unearth hidden facts of search engine result pages. Rec. Pat. Comp. Sci., 12: 110-119.
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  2. Samadi, S., M.R. Khosravi, J.A. Alzubi, O.A. Alzubi and V.G. Menon, 2019. Optimum range of angle tracking radars: A theoretical computing. Int. J. Electr. Comp. Eng., 9: 1765-1772.
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  3. Rani, S.S., J.A. Alzubi, S.K. Lakshmanaprabu, D. Gupta and R. Manikandan, 2019. Optimal users based secure data transmission on the internet of healthcare things (IOHT) with lightweight block ciphers. Multimedia Tools Appl., 10.1007/s11042-019-07760-5.
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  4. Rachna, J., V. Goel, J.K. Rekhi and J.A. Alzubi, 2019. IoT-Based Green Building: Towards an Energy-Efficient Future. In: Green Building Management and Smart Automation, Solanki, A. and A. Nayyar (Eds.). IGI Global, UK., pp: 184-207.
  5. Jain, D.K., S. Jacob, J. Alzubi and V. Menon, 2019. An efficient and adaptable multimedia system for converting PAL to VGA in real-time video processing. J. Real Time Image Process., 10.1007/s11554-019-00889-4.
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  6. Gheisari, M., J. Alzubi, X. Zhang, U. Kose and J.A.M. Saucedo, 2019. A new algorithm for optimization of quality of service in peer to peer wireless mesh networks. Wireless Networks, 10.1007/s11276-019-01982-z.
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  7. Alzubi, J.A., R. Manikandan, O.A. Alzubi, N. Gayathri and R. Patan, 2019. A survey of specific iot applications. Int. J. Emerg. Technol., 10: 47-53.
  8. Alzubi, J.A., O.A. Alzubi, G. Suseendran and D. Akila, 2019. +A novel chaotic map encryption methodology for image cryptography and secret communication with steganography. Int. J. Rec. Technol. Eng., Vol. 8. .
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  9. Alzubi, J.A., A. Kumar, O. Alzubi and R. Manikandan, 2019. Efficient approaches for prediction of brain tumer using machine learning techniques. Indian J. Public Health Res. Dev., 10: 267-272.
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  10. ALzubi, J.A., B. Bharathikannan, S. Tanwar, R. Manikandan, A. Khanna and C. Thaventhiran, 2019. Boosted neural network ensemble classification for lung cancer disease diagnosis. Applied Soft Comput., 80: 579-591.
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  11. Kodhai, E., D.S.V. Krishna, R.A. Natarajan, C. Andrews, P. Yellamma and J.A. Alzubi, 2018. Managing the cloud storage using deduplication and secured fuzzy keyword search for multiple data owners. Int. J. Pure Applied Math., 118: 563-565.
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  12. Kia, M.M.M., J.A. Alzubi, M. Gheisari, X. Zhang, M. Rahimi and Y. Qin, 2018. A novel method for recognition of persian alphabet by using fuzzy neural network. IEEE Access, 6: 77265-77271.
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  13. Janani, V., Kodhai, S. Varshni, K. Kavipriya, K.K. Kameswari, P. Yellamma and J.A. Alzubi, 2018. Automated irrigation system to monitoring soil moisture using humidity sensor in arduino with bluetooth. Int. J. Pure Applied Math., 118: 457-463.
  14. Alzubi, O.A., J.A. Alzubi, S. Tedmori, H. Rashaideh and O. Almomani, 2018. Consensus-based combining method for classifier ensembles. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 15: 76-86.
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  15. Alzubi, J., A. Nayyar and A. Kumar, 2018. Machine learning from theory to algorithms: An overview. J. Phy. Conf. Ser., Vol. 1142 .
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  16. Singh, A., M.A.A. Alryalat, J.A. Alzubi and H.K. Sarma, 2017. Understanding Jordanian consumers’ online purchase intentions: Integrating trust to the UTAUT2 framework. Int. J. Applied Eng. Res., 12: 10258-10268.
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  17. Sholiyi, A., T. O'Farrell, O.A. Alzubi and J.A. Alzubi, 2017. Performance evaluation of turbo codes in high speed downlink packet access using exit charts. Int. J. Future Gener. Commun. Network., 10: 1-14.
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  18. Alzubi, O.A., T.M. Chen, J.A. Alzubi, H. Rashaideh and N. Al-Najdawi, 2016. Secure channel coding schemes based on algebraic-geometric codes over hermitian curves. J. UCS., 22: 552-566.
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  19. Alzubi, J.A., O. Almomani, O.A. Alzubi and M. Al-shugran, 2016. Intelligent and dynamic neighbourhood entry lifetime for position-based routing protocol using fuzzy logic controller. Int. J. Comp. Sci. Inf. Sec., 14: 118-128.
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  20. Alzubi, J.A., 2016. Diversity-based boosting algorithm. Int. J. Adv. Comp. Sci. Appl., 7: 524-529.
  21. Alweshah, M., O.A. Alzubi, J.A. Alzubi and S. Alaqeel, 2016. Solving attribute reduction problem using wrapper genetic programming. Int. J. Comp. Sci. Network Secur., 16: 77-84.
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  22. Alryalat, M.A.A., N.P. Rana, H.K.D. Sarma and J.A. Alzubi, 2016. An Empirical Study of Facebook Adoption Among Young Adults in a Northeastern State of India: Validation of Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In: Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I3E 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Dwivedi, Y. (Ed.). Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-319-45233-3, PP: 206-218.
  23. Almomani, O., F. Al Balas, J.A. Alzubi, M. Al-Shugran and O.A. Alzubi, 2016. Dynamic and reactive multi-objective routing decision in position-based routing protocols. Int. J. Comp. Sci. Network Secur., 16: 62-74.
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  24. Albalawi, A., H. Zhu, S. Taccheo, A. Chiasera, M. Ferrari, J. Al-Zubi and O. Al-Zubi, 2016. Numerical modeling of the impact of pump wavelength on Yb-doped fiber amplifier performance. Opt. Quantum Electron., Vol. 48. 10.1007/s11082-016-0771-z.
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  25. Al-Najdawi, N., S. Tedmori, O. Alzubi, O. Dorgham and J. Alzubi, 2016. A frequency based hierarchical fast search block matching algorithm for fast video communication. Int. J. Adv. Comp. Sci. Appl., 7: 447-455.
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  26. Nazir, S., H. Hamdoun, J.A. Alzubi and O.A. Alzubi, 2015. Cyber attack challenges and resilience for smart grids. Eur. J. Sci. Res., 134: 111-120.
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  27. Alzubi, J.A., 2015. Optimal classifier ensemble design based on cooperative game theory. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 11: 1336-1343.
  28. Almomani, O., M. Al-Shugran, J.A. Alzubi and O.A. Alzubi, 2015. Performance evaluation of position-based routing protocols using different mobility models in manet. Int. J. Comp. Appl., 119: 43-48.
  29. Sholiyi, A., J. Alzubi, O. Alzubi, O. Almomani and T. O'Farrell, 2015. Near capacity irregular turbo code. Indian J. Sci. Technol., Vol. 8. 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i23/70654.
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  30. Hamdoun, H., J.A. Alzubi, O.A. Alzubi and S. Mangeni, 2014. Key economic and environmental perspectives on sustainability in the ICT sector. Middle East J. Sci. Res., 21: 1341-1345.
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  31. Chen, T., J. Blasco, J. Alzubi and O. Alzubi, 2014. Intrusion detection. IET., 1: 1-9.
  32. Alzubi, J.A., O.A. Alzubi and T.M. Chen, 2014. Forward Error Correction Based On Algebraic-Geometric Theory. Springer, New York, ISBN: 978-3319082929..
  33. Abukharis, S., J.A. Alzubi, O.A. Alzubi, S. Alamri and T.O. Farrell, 2014. Packet Error rate performance of IEEE802.11g under bluetooth interface. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 8: 1419-1423.
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  34. Abujassar, R., O. Almomani, A. Awajan and J.A. Alzubi, 2014. Dynamic redundancy FEC for supporting video delivery over ip networks. Australian J. Basic Applied Sci., 8: 371-380.