Dr. Nahla Tariq Khalid
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Dr. Nahla Tariq Khalid

Assistant Professor
Department of Food Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agriculture from University of Baghdad, Iraq

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Dr. Nahla Tariq Khalid Al Sheekly appointed in 1995 to work at the College of Agriculture, Baghdad, Iraq to work as agricultural engineer. Dr. Nahla Tariq Khalid has received his M. Sc. degree in Agricultural Science, Food Science in 2005. Her M. Sc. entitled “Effect of Some Chemical and Physical Factors on the Extraction Efficiency of Tomato Pomace Carotenoides and their Use for Coloring Buffalo Butter ". Her M. Sc. supervised by Professor Abdulmajeeed H. Al-samarraie. In 2005, she promoted as assistant teacher in the College of Agriculture. In 2014, she received her Ph. D. degree in Food Chemistry from the Food Science Department, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq. Her doctoral dissertation entitled Chemical Isomerization of Whey Lactose to Lactulose ". Her Ph. D. supervised by Professor Dr. Tariq Nassir Musa.

Area of Interest:

Food Science and Technology
Manufacturing Cheese
Food Analysis
Liquid Milk

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Wisam, S.U., T.K. Nahla and N.M. Tariq, 2018. Antioxidant activities of thyme extracts. Pak. J. Nutr., 17: 46-50.
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  2. Nahla, T.K., S.U. Wisam and N.M. Tariq, 2018. Antioxidant activities of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) extracts. Pak. J. Nutr., 17: 500-505.
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  3. Khalid, N.T. and M.A. Mosa, 2018. Effect of wheat germ on chemical, sensory and technological properties of soft cheese. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 13: 40-45.
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  4. Nahla, T.K., 2016. The chemical isomerization of lactose to lactulose by using sodium hydroxide as batch reaction. Pak. J. Chem., 3: 1-7.
  5. Nahla, T.K. and T.N. Musa, 2015. Chemical isomerization of whey lactose to lactulose by using batch reaction. Pak. J. Nutr., 14: 255-258.
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  6. Al-Samarraie, A.H., T. Nahla and S.R. Al-Aini, 2013. Separation and identification of pigments in tomato residue. Al-Anbar J. Agric. Sci., 11: 390-399.
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  7. Al-Sheekhly, N.T., 2011. Extraction of beet root (Beta vulgaris) pigment and using it as colorants in ice water and jelly. Jordan J. Agri. Sci., 7: 339-350.
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  8. Menahel, J.M., F.A. Saleh, N.T. Al-Sheekly and S.J. Al-Khalidi, 2010. Effect of pH on some functional properties of Mozzarella cheese made from cow’s milk. Al-Anbar J. Agric. Sci., 8: 206-213.
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  9. Menahel, J.M., N.T. Al-Sheeldy and S.R. Al-Ani, 2008. Factors affecting the ripening of Awshari cheese slurry produced from cow milks. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci., 39: 117-123.