Ayman Al-Hazmi
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Ayman Al-Hazmi

Associate Professor
Biochemistry and Molecular biology Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences Medical Laboratories Department Taif University

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology from King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Al-hazmi A., 2020. N-acetylcysteine as a therapeutic extract for cardiac, lung, intestine and spleen injuries induced by microcystin-lr in mice. Journal of King Saud University - Science 32: 934-938.
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  2. M. Almehmadi, 2019. Assessment of the knowledge of human papillomavirus infection complications, cervical cancer and vaccine among students of medical sciences college at taif university: a cross-sectional survey. Int. J. Med. Res. Prof., 5 : 52-55.
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  3. Al-hazmi, A., A. Alomery and L.A. Abderrahim, 2019. Silymarin as a therapeutic extract for intestinal and splenic injuries induced by microcystin-LR in mice. Journal of King Saud University - Science 31: 1414-1417.
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  4. Abderrahim, L.A., K. TaÈbi, N.A. Abderrahim, A.M. Alomery, F. Abdellah, A.S. Alhazmi and S. Aljassabi, 2019. Protective effects of melatonin and N-acetyl cysteine against oxidative stress induced by microcystin-LR on cardiac muscle tissue. Toxicon, 169: 38-44.
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  5. Rechenmacher, C., B. Wiebke-Strohm, L.A. de Oliveira-Busatt, J.C. Polacco, C.R. Carlini and M.H. Bodanese-Zanettini, 2017. Effect of soybean ureases on seed germination and plant development. Genet. Mol. Biol., 40: 209-216.
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  6. Hussein, Y.M., A. Alhazmi, S. Alzahrani, A. El-Askary and A. Alghamdy et al., 2017. Osteopontin as a marker for response to pegylated interferon Alpha-2b treatment in Chronic HCV Saudi patients. Afr Health Sci., 10.4314/ahs.v17i2.10.
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  7. AlShehri A.S., S.S. AlShehri, A.H. AlHamidi, T.A. Dalati, A.S. Alhazmi and G.E. Eid, 2017. Role of interferon-g and interlukin-10 on the pathogenesis of asthma phenotypes in Saudi patients. Int. J. Adv. Res., 5: 506-511.
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  8. Mader, G., L. Castro, S.L. Bonatto and L.B. de Freitas, 2016. Multiple introductions and gene flow in subtropical South American populations of the fireweed, Senecio madagascariensis (Asteraceae). Genet. Mol. Biol., 39: 135-144.
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  9. Hussein, Y.M., S.S. Alzahrani, A.A. Alharthi, A.S. Alhazmi and M.M. Ghonaim et al., 2016. Gene polymorphism of interleukin-4, interleukin-4 receptor and STAT6 in children with atopic dermatitis in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Immunol. Invest., 45: 223-234.
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  10. Alhazmi, A.S., 2016. Association of TGF-Β1 polymorphism with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy in saudi patients.
    Int. J. Adv. Res., 4: 1322-1328.
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  11. Alhazmi, A.S. 2016. Relation of vitamin d with bone mineral density and bone turnover markers in healthy Saudi men. Int. J. Adv. Res., 10.21474/IJAR01/129.
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  12. Hawash, Y., M.M. Ghonaim and A.S. Al-Hazmi, 2015. Internal amplification control for a Cryptosporidium diagnostic PCR: Construction and clinical evaluation. Korean J. Parasitol., 53: 147-154.
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  13. Hussein, Y.M., S.M. Shalaby, A. Nassar, S.S. Alzahrani, A.S. Alharbi and M. Nouh, 2014. Association between genes encoding components of the IL-4/IL-4 receptor pathway and dermatitis in children. Gene, 545: 276-281.
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  14. Hussein, Y.M., A.S. Alhazmi, E.A. TawfiK, S.M. Khalil and S.S. Alzahrani et al., 2014. Il-4Rα, TNF-α,TNF-α receptor, and CD4 enhancer genes polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis Saudi female patients. IOSR J. Dent. Med. Sci., 13: 71-82.
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  15. Hussein, Y.M., A.A. Hashim, S.S. Alzahrani, A.S. Alhazmi, Y.A. Hawash, E.M.Eed and S.M. Shalaby 2014. MAGE genes mRNAs: potential early diagnostic markers for hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV Saudi patients. IOSR J. Dent. Med. Sci., 13: 61-65.
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  16. Hussein Y.M., S.S. Alzahrani, A.A. Alharthi, M.M. Ghonaim, A.S. Alhazmi, E.M. Eed and S.M. Shalaby, 2014. Association of serum cytokines levels, interleukin 10 −1082g/a and interferon-γ +874t/a polymorphisms with atopic asthma children from saudi arabia. Cellular Immunology 289: 21-26.
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  17. Hawash, Y., L.S. Dorgham, A.S. Al-Hazmi and M.S. Al-Ghamdi, 2014. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium-associated diarrhea in a high altitude–community of Saudi Arabia detected by conventional and molecular methods. Korean J. Parasitol., 52: 1-7.
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  18. Ali, T.M., A.S. Alhazmi and A.S. Khalifa, 2014. Association of single nucleotide polymorphism of 5- flanke ghrelin gene with obesity in Saudi subjects. IOSR J. Dent. Med. Sci., 13: 30-35.
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  19. Al-hazmi, A.S., M.M. Al-Mehmadi, S.M. Al-Bogami, A.A. Shami and A.A. Al-Askary et al., 2011. Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms as a risk factor for obesity in Saudi men. Electr. Phys., 9: 5427-5433.
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