Dr. Farshid Talat
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Dr. Farshid Talat

Principal Scientist
West Azerbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center, Iran

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biotechnology and Genomics from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Crop Production
Plant Breeding
Plant Genetics

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Talat, F. and S.S. Udikeri, 2020. Synonymous codon usage bias factors affecting chloroplast genome of grape wine vitis vinifera. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Applied Sci., 9: 1971-1977.
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  2. Talaat, F., N. Ghaffari and M.B. Anarjan, 2019. Comparison and bioinformatics analysis of the complete genome of chloroplasts of three strawberry cultivars F.vesca, F. virginiana, F.chiloensis. Iran. J. Plant Biol., 10.22108/IJPB.2019.113723.1118.
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  3. Badri, A., F. Talat and M. Fayyaz, 2019. Yield components analyses in cotton: G. hirsutum cultivars with multivariate statistical methods. Genetika, 51: 595-606.
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  4. Talat, F., S.H. Nejad and M.B. Anarjan, 2018. Codon usage analysis of chloroplast genome in diploid and tetraploid species of cotton. J. Biol. Chem. Res. (In Press). .
  5. Talat, F., S. Shahdparvar and M.B. Anarjan, 2018. Comparative bioinformatics analyses of the chloroplast genomes of Vitis vinifera with two Caucasica subspecies of grape fruit. J. Phylogenet. Evol. Biol., Vol. 6. 10.4172/2329-9002.1000208.
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  6. Talat, F., M. Badri and K. Sootoudemaram, 2018. Multivariate analyses of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of hopeful cotton varieties under cold weather conditions. Iran. J. Field Crop Sci., 49: 179-195.
  7. Atashbeigi, S., F. Talat and A. Fajri, 2018. Investigating the effect of seed priming and bio-fertilizer on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the Calendula officinalis plant. Scinzer J. Eng., 4: 1-11.
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  8. Nasrollahi, H., F. Talat, I. Bernoosi and M. Badri, 2017. Comparative bioinformatics analyses of the chloroplast genome of a diploid cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) with two allotetraploid species. J. Crop Biotechnol., 20: 1-12.
  9. Nasrollahi, H., F. Talat, I. Bernoosi and M. Badri, 2017. Comparative bioinformatics analyses of the chloroplast genome of a diploid cotton (G. herbaceum) with two allotetraploid species. J. Crop Biotechnol., 20: 1-12.
  10. Jamshidian, Z. and F. Talat, 2017. Effects of seed priming on morphological and phonological characteristics of the coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.). Adv. Plants Agric. Res., 7: 411-415.
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  11. Jamshidian, Z. and F. Talat, 2017. Effects of seed priming on morphological and phonological characteristics of the coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.). Adv. Plants Agric. Res., Vol. 7. .
  12. Talat, F. and K. Wang, 2015. Comparative chloroplast genome sequence analyses of gossypium thurberi with two cultivated allotetraploid Gossypium species. Iran. J. Biotechnol., 13: 47-56.
  13. Talat, F. and K. Wang, 2015. Comparative bioinformatics analysis of a wild diploid Gossypium with two cultivated allotetraploid species. Iran. J. Biotechnol., 13: 47-56.
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  14. Talat, F. and K. Wang, 2014. Chloroplast genome study, new tool in plant biotechnology; Gossypium spp. as a model crop. J. Curr. Res. Sci., 2: 838-850.
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  15. Wang, L., F. Liu, F. Talat, M.K.R. Khan and L. Shaohui et al., 2012. Multivariate statistical analyses of yield and some agronomic traits in an elite cotton hybrid LMY 15. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 7: 4919-4926.
  16. Talat, F., N. Ghadirian, V. Ghasemian, S. Haghi and I. Bernoosi, 2011. Earliness: Multivariate analysis overview to a strategic property in cotton. J. Agric. Res., 31: 25-34.
  17. Talat, F., N. Ghadirian and A. Eivazi, 2011. Genetic analysis of earliness in upland cotton using diallel-crossing method. Agron. J., 85: 8-18.
  18. Bernoosi, I., F. Talat, A. Hassanzadeh, N. Nemati and Z. Hosseininejad, 2009. Earliness component analyses in upland cotton through diallel cross method. Indian J. Crop Sci., 4: 61-65.
  19. Behrad, F.A. and A.H. Gorttapeh, 2009. Evaluation correlated traits for seed and oil yield in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) throught path analysis in under condition relay cropping. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4: 82-85.
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  20. Zargaran, M., M. Safaralizadeh, S. Sadeghi and F. Talat, 2008. Survey of populus leaf miner lithocolletis populifoliella tr: Density on different populus clones in West Azerbaijan. J. Dynamic Agric., 5: 85-96.
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  21. Vafaie, T.M. and F. Talat, 2008. Quantitative and qualitative traits of some promising cotton cultivars in varamin region. J. Dynamic Agric., 5: 245-256.
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  22. Khoshnoud, H., N. Nemati, R. Amirnia, M. Ghiyasi and A.H. Ghourttapeh et al., 2008. Insecticidal properties of Verbascum cheiranthifolium against R. dominica on wheat and barley. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 11: 783-787.
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  23. Gorttapeh, A.H., N. Namati and F. Fegnabi, 2008. Evaluation of economy and compared energy efficiency on grape in west Azerbijan province. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 3: 1090-1093.
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  24. Gorttapeh, A.H., F. Talet and J. Panahy, 2008. Floristic study of marakan protected region (West Azerbaidgan Province). Res. Biol. Sci., 3: 581-588.
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  25. Eivazi, A., F. Talat, A. Saeed and H. Ranji, 2007. Selection for osmoregulation gene to improve grain yield of wheat genotypes under osmotic stresses. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 3703-3707.
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  26. Chegini, K.G., M.R. Bihamta, A. Zali and F. Talat, 2007. Elementarily evaluation of quantitative and qualitative traits in introduced cotton genotypes. Iran. J. Agron. Plant Breed., 3: 91-102.
  27. Ramezani, M.M. and F. Talat, 2006. Investigation of general and specific combining ability in cotton using line x tester analysis. J. Agric. Sci. Islamic Azad Univ., 1: 57-65.