Dr. Ebrahim Shokoohi
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Dr. Ebrahim Shokoohi

Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Protection, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Plant Protection from University of Tehran, Iran

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Selected Publications

  1. Shokoohi, E. and N. Moyo, 2022. Molecular Character of Mylonchulus hawaiiensis and Morphometric Differentiation of Six Mylonchulus (Nematoda; Order: Mononchida; Family: Mylonchulidae) Species Using Multivariate Analysis. Microbiol. Res., 13: 655-666.
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  2. Shokoohi, E., M. Marais, H. Fourie and H. Panahi, 2018. Morphological and molecular characterization of three Helicotylenchus species from Iran. Zootaxa, Vol. 4388. 10.11646/zootaxa.4388.2.4.
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  3. Shokoohi, E., H. Panahi, H. Fourie and J. Abolafia, 2018. Studies on the morphology of Macrolaimus arboreus Truskova & Eroshenko, 1977 (Rhabditida: Chambersiellidae) from Iran. Nematology, 20: 441-447.
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  4. Shokoohi, E., F. Iranpour, V. Peneva, M. Elshishka, H. Fourie and A. Swart, 2018. Ditylenchus sarvarae sp. n. (Tylenchina: Anguinidae) from Iran. Zootaxa, 4399: 197-204.
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  5. Shokoohi, E., F. Iranpour, A. Swart, H. Fourie and H. Panahi, 2018. Morphological and molecular characters of three Ditylenchus species from Iran. Trop. Zool., 31: 161-176.
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  6. Koohkan, M., E. Shokoohi and P. Mullin, 2018. Phylogenetic relationships of three families of the suborder Mononchina Kirjanova & Krall, 1969 inferred from 18S rDNA. Nematology, 17: 1113-1125.
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  7. Kanzaki, N., E. Shokoohi, H. Fourie, A. Swart, L. Muller and R.M. Giblin-Davis, 2018. On the morphology and phylogeny of Robustodorus AndrÌssy, 2007 and two ‘Aphelenchoides’ species (Nematoda: Aphelenchoidinae). Nematology, 20: 601-615.
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  8. Abolafia, J., E. Shokoohi, G.D. Preez and H. Fourie, 2018. Description of Acrobeles aenigmaticus sp. n. (Rhabditida: Cephalobidae), an unusual species with a poorly developed vulva, from the Kalahari Desert (Ngamiland, Botswana). Nematology, 21: 319-332.
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  9. Abolafia, J. and E. Shokoohi, 2017. Description of Stegelletina lingulata sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabditida, Cephalobidae) from xeric environments in Iran. Zootaxa, Vol. 4358. 10.11646/zootaxa.4358.3.4.
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  10. Shokoohi, E., E. Seddiqi, H. Panahi and J. Abolafia, 2015. New isolate of Mononchoides composticola steel, moens, scholaert, boshoff, houthoofd & bert, 2011 (Nematoda: Neodiplogasteridae) from Iran. Zootaxa, 4044: 141-150.
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