Dr. Hassan Nosrati
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Dr. Hassan Nosrati

Postdoctoral Researcher
Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

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Area of Interest:

Materials Science and Engineering
3D and 4D Printing Technology
Cell Culture
Tissue Engineering

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, M.C. Perez, D.Q.S. Le, R.Z. Emameh and C.E. BÊnger, 2021. Characteristics of hydroxyapatite-reduced graphene oxide composite powders synthesized via hydrothermal method in the absence and presence of diethylene glycol. Open Ceramics, Vol. 5. 10.1016/j.oceram.2021.100067.
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  2. Azizi‐Malekabadi, M., H. Bakhshi, H. Shahbazi and H. Nosrati, 2021. Enhancement of the Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy corrosion resistance by applying CRN/CrAIN multilayer coating via Arc‐PVD method. Int. J. Applied Ceramic Technol., 18: 1288-1296.
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  3. Nosrati, H., R.S. Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le, C.E. BÊnger, R.Z. Emameh and F. Dabir, 2020. Gas injection approach for synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanorods via hydrothermal method. Mater. Charact., Vol. 159. 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.110071.
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  4. Nosrati, H., R.S. Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Fabrication of gelatin/hydroxyapatite/3D-graphene scaffolds by a hydrogel 3D-printing method. Mater. Chem. Phys., Vol. 239. 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2019.122305.
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  5. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, R.Z. Emameh, D.Q.S. Le, M.C. Perez and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Low temperature consolidation of hydroxyapatite-reduced graphene oxide nano-structured powders. Mater. Adv., 1: 1337-1346.
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  6. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, R.Z. Emameh, A. Aidun and M.C. Perez, 2020. Enhancing mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites by increasing the spark plasma sintering temperature. Inorg. Nano-Metal Chem., 10.1080/24701556.2020.1852251.
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  7. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, M.H. Kazemi, M.C. Perez, M. Shokrollahi, R.Z. Emameh and R. Falak, 2020. Characterization of hydroxyapatite-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites consolidated via high frequency induction heat sintering method. J. Asian Ceramic Soc., 8: 1296-1309.
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  8. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le, R.Z. Emameh, M.C. Perez and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Improving the mechanical behavior of reduced graphene oxide/hydroxyapatite nanocomposites using gas injection into powders synthesis autoclave. Sci. Rep., Vol. 10. 10.1038/s41598-020-64928-y.
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  9. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le, M.C. Perez and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Studying the physical behavior of human mesenchymal stem cells on the surface of hydroxyapatite after adding graphene as a reinforcement. J. Bioeng. Res., 2: 1-10.
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  10. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le, M.C. Perez and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Evaluation of argon-gas-injected solvothermal synthesis of hydroxyapatite crystals followed by high-frequency induction heat sintering. Crystal Growth Des., 20: 3182-3189.
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  11. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le, A.H. Ahmadi, M.C. Perez and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Statistical evaluation of nano-structured hydroxyapatite mechanical characteristics by employing the vickers indentation technique. Ceramics Int., 46: 20081-20087.
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  12. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le, A.H. Ahmadi, M.C. Perez and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Investigating the mechanical behavior of hydroxyapatite-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite under different loading rates. Nano Express, Vol. 1. 10.1088/2632-959x/ab98e2.
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  13. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Enhanced fracture toughness of three dimensional graphene- hydroxyapatite nanocomposites by employing the taguchi method. Composites Part B: Eng., Vol. 190. 10.1016/j.compositesb.2020.107928.
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  14. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, A.K. Behnagh, R.Z. Emameh and A. Aidun et al., 2020. Comparison of the effect of argon, hydrogen, and nitrogen gases on the reduced graphene oxide-hydroxyapatite nanocomposites characteristics. BMC Chem., Vol. 14. 10.1186/s13065-020-00712-3.
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  15. Nosrati, H., R. Sarraf-Mamoory, A.H. Ahmadi and M.C. Perez, 2020. Synthesis of graphene nanoribbons–hydroxyapatite nanocomposite applicable in biomedicine and theranostics. J. Nanotheranostics, 1: 6-18.
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  16. Nosrati, H., D.Q.S. Le, R.Z. Emameh, M.C. Perez and C.E. BÊnger, 2020. Nucleation and growth of brushite crystals on the graphene sheets applicable in bone cement. Boletín la Sociedad Española Cerámica y Vidrio, 10.1016/j.bsecv.2020.05.001.
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  17. Nosrati, H., R.S. Mamoory, F. Dabir, M.C. Perez, M.A. Rodriguez, D.Q.S. Le and C.E. BÊnger, 2019. In situ synthesis of three dimensional graphene-hydroxyapatite nano powders via hydrothermal process. Materials Chem. Phy., 222: 251-255.
  18. Nosrati, H., R.S. Mamoory, F. Dabir, D.Q.S. Le, C.E. BÊnger, M.C. Perez and M.A. Rodriguez, 2019. Effects of hydrothermal pressure on in situ synthesis of 3D graphene- hydroxyapatite nano structured powders. Ceramics Int., 45: 1761-1769.
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  19. Nosrati, H., R.S. Mamoory, D.Q.S. Le and C.E. BÊnger, 2019. Preparation of reduced graphene oxide/hydroxyapatite nanocomposite and evaluation of graphene sheets/hydroxyapatite interface. Diamond Related Mater., Vol. 100. 10.1016/j.diamond.2019.107561.
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  20. Nosrati, H., N. Ehsani, H. Baharvandi, M. Mohtashami, H. Abdizadeh and V. Mazinani, 2014. Effect of primary materials ratio and their stirring time on SiC nanoparticle production efficiency through sol-gel process. Am. J. Eng. Res., 3: 317-321.
  21. Samariha, A., A. Bastani, M. Nemati, M. Kiaei, H. Nosrati and M. Farsi, 2013. Investigation of the mechanical properties of bagasse flour/polypropylene composites. Mech. Composite Mater., 49: 447-454.
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  22. Nosrati, H., M.S. Hosseini, M. Nemati and A. Samariha, 2013. Production of TiO2 nano-rods using combination of sol-gel and electrophoretic methods. Asian J. Chem., 25: 3484-3486.
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  23. Nosrati, H., S.H. Tabaian, H. Baharvandi, M. Nemati and A. Samariha, 2012. Effect of nickel pulse electroplating parameters on ST12 steel.
    Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 12: 1288-1291.
  24. Mazloumpour, M., F. Rahmani, N. Ansari, H. Nosrati and A.H. Rezaei, 2011. Study of wicking behavior of water on woven fabric using magnetic induction technique. J. Text. Inst., 102: 559-567.
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