Dr. Bahram Mansoori
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Dr. Bahram Mansoori

Associate Researcher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Fars, Iran

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Botany and Microbiology from University of Wales, U.K

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Dr. Bahram Mansoori holds a position of Associate Researcher. He has completed his Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from University-College of Swansea, UK. His main area of interest related to Plant and Soil Sciences, and Molecular Sciences. His area of expertise includes Plant Fungal Diseases, Phytotoxins, Plant Diseases, Chemical control, Soil Borne Plant Pathogens, Plant Pathogen Interactions, Management, and Biological control. He has published 22 research articles in national and international journals, 32 scientific reports, and 28 abstract in conferences and seminars contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Soil-born Fungal Diseases
Plant Pathogen
Host-Pathogen Interaction

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Mansoori, B., 2020. Effect of post-plant soil solarization on the reclamation of apple trees grafted onto MM. 106 rootstock infected by Phytophthora cactorum. J. Plant Pathol., 102: 1153-1158.
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  2. Hemmati, A. and B. Mansoori, 2016. Sufficient application of NPK fertilizers: A practical and efficient strategy in the management of Verticillium wilt of potato var. Agria. J. Crop Protect., 5: 343-348.
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  3. Mansoori, B., 2015. Biology and epidemiology of Tilletia indica inducing Karnal bunt (partial bunt) of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in arid regions. Indian Phytopathol., 68: 39-41.
  4. Mansoori, B., 2012. Fusarium proliferatum induces gum in xylem vessels as the cause of date bunch fading in Iran. J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 14: 1133-1140.
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  5. Mansoori, B., 2011. An improved ethanol medium for efficient recovery and estimation of Verticillium dahlia populations in soil. Can. J. Plant Pathol., 33: 88-93.
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  6. Mohammadi, S., B. Mansoori, H.R. Zamanizadeh and A. Heydari, 2009. Antagonistic mechanisms of Trichoderma spp. against Rhizoctonia solani, the causal agent of chickpea wet root rot disease. Plant Prot. J., 1: 71-85.
  7. Mansoori, B. and M. Dorostkar, 2008. Reactions of some grape cultivars to Dematophora necatrix. Vitis, 47: 231-233.
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  8. Safaie, H. and B. Mansoori, 2007. Reactions of some chickpea genotypes to black root rot pathogen in Fars province. Seed Plant Improv. J., 23: 31-41.
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  9. Mansoori, B. and S. Rajaei, 2006. Reactions of some wheat advanced lines and commercial cultivars to common fungal diseases in Fars province. Seed Plant Improv. J., 22: 455-472.
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  10. Mansoori, B. and M.H. Kord, 2006. Yellow death: A disease of date palm in Iran caused by Fusarium solani. J. Phytopathol., 154: 125-127.
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  11. Rahemi, A., A. Hasanpour, B. Mansoori, A. Zakerin and T.S. Taghavi, 2005. The effects of intra-row spacing and N fertilizer on the yield of two foreign potato cultivars in Iran. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 7: 705-707.
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  12. Mansoori, B. and M.A. Pazhoumand, 2005. Field reaction of some wheat advanced lines and cultivars to common root and crown rot pathogens in Fars province. Seed Plant Improv. J., 21: 81-92.
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  13. Mansoori, B. and C.J. Smith, 2005. Verticillium-toxins: Their role in pathogenesis. J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 7: 103-112.
  14. Mansoori, B. and C. J. Smith, 2005. Elicitation of ethylene by Verticillium albo-atrum phytotoxins in potato. J. Phytopathol., 153: 143-149.
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  15. Mansouri, B., 2003. Reaction of some potato cultivars to early dying disease (Verticillium dahlia), In Fars province. Seed Plant Improv. J., 19: 539-541.
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  16. Mansoori, B., 2003. Fusarium solani, The cause of root rot of date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Iran. J. Plant Pathol., 39: 77-77.
  17. Mansoori, B. and N.K. Jaliani, 1996. Control of soilborne pathogens of watermelon by solar heating. Crop Prot., 15: 423-424.
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  18. Mansoori, B., J.M. Milton and C.J. Smith, 1995. Isolation and partial purification of a phytotoxin related to pathogenic Verticillium species. J. Phytopathol., 143: 33-36.
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  19. Mansoori, B., 1995. The early dying disease (Verticillium wilt) of potato in Fars province. Applied Entomol. Phytopathol., 62: 42-42.
  20. Mansoori, B. and A. Hamdollahzadeh, 1995. Seed rot and seedling diseases of cotton in Gorgan and Gonbad. Applied Entomol. Phytopathol., 62: 80-83.
  21. Mansoori, B., 1991. Cotton wilt disease caused by Verticillium albo-atrum. Iran. J. Plant Pathol., 27: 36-36.
  22. Mansoori, B. and A. Fassihani, 1985. Root and crown rot of citrus trees in Kerman and Hormozgan provinces of Iran. Iran. J. Plant Pathol., 21: 61-68.
  23. Mansoori, B. and Z. Banihashemi, 1982. Evaluating cucurbit seedling resistance to Phytophthora drechsleri. Plant Dis., 66: 373-376.
  24. Mansoori, B. and Z. Banihashemi, 1980. Prevalence of homothalic and heterothallic isolates of Phytophthora drechsleri in cucurbit fields. Phytophthora Newslett., 8: 53-53.
  25. Mansoori, B. and Z. Banihashemi, 1980. A method for obtaining similar aged zoospores in Phytophthora derchsleri. Phytophthora Newslett., 8: 54-54.