Craig Coon

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Selected Publications

  1. Caldas, J.V., K.M. Hilton, N. Boonsinchai, G. Mullenix, J.A. England and C.N. Coon, 2022. Maintenance energy requirements in modern broilers fed exogenous enzymes. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 21: 107-118.
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  2. Manangi, M.K. and C.N. Coon, 2008. Phytate phosphorus hydrolysis in broilers in response to dietary phytase, calcium and phosphorus concentrations. Poult. Sci., 87: 1577-1586.
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  3. De Beer, M., J.P. McMurtry, D.M. Brocht and C.N. Coon, 2008. An examination of the role of feeding regimens in regulating metabolism during the broiler breeder grower period. 2. Plasma hormones and metabolites. Poult. Sci., 87: 264-275.
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  4. Manangi, M.K., F.D. Clark and C.N. Coon, 2007. Improved colostomy technique and excrement (urine) collection device for broilers and broiler breeder hens. Poult. Sci., 86: 698-704.
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  5. Manangi, M.K. and C.N. Coon, 2007. The effect of calcium carbonate particle size and solubility on the utilization of phosphorus from phytase for broilers. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 6: 85-90.
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  6. Lu, J.W., J.P. McMurtry and C.N. Coon, 2007. Developmental changes of plasma insulin, glucagon, insulin-like growth factors, thyroid hormones and glucose concentrations in chick embryos and hatched chicks. Poult. Sci., 86: 673-683.
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  7. De Beer, M., R.W. Rosebrough, B.A. Russell, S.M. Poch, M.P. Richards and C.N. Coon, 2007. An examination of the role of feeding regimens in reglating metabolism during the broiler breeder grower period. 1. Hepatic lipid metabolism. Poult. Sci., 86: 1726-1738.
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  8. De Beer, M. and C.N. Coon, 2007. The effect of different feed restriction programs on reproductive performance, efficiency, frame size and uniformity in broiler breeder hens. Poult. Sci., 86: 1927-1939.
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  9. Coon, C.N., S. Seo and M.K. Manangi, 2007. The determination of retainable phosphorus, relative biological availability and relative biological value of phosphorus sources for broilers. Poult. Sci., 86: 857-868.
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  10. Sun, J.M., M.P. Richards, R.W. Rosebrough, C.M. Ashwell, J.P. McMurtry and C.N. Coon, 2006. The relationship of body composition, feed intake and metabolic hormones for broiler breeder females. Poult. Sci., 85: 1173-1184.