Dr. Zhaohui George Li

University of Wisconsin, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from State University of New York, USA

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Dr. Zhaohui George Li is currently working as Professor at University of Wisconsin, USA. He has completed his Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from State University of New York, USA. Previously he was appointed as Visiting Professor at China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China, Visiting Professor, and Visiting Associate Professor at National Cheng Kung University, and Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at Xinjiang University, China. He has published 154 research articles in journals, 7 book chapters, 13 proceedings, 3 thesis, 11 internal reports contributed as author/co-author. He successfully completed number of funded research projects as principal investigator and co-investigator. He also delivered number of invited presentations. He also served as guest editor for Advances in Materials Sciences and Engineering on a special issue Earth Materials and Environmental Applications made of 23 peer-reviewed papers, Editorial board members for Global Journal of Physical Chemistry, The Open Civil Engineering Journal, and the Scientific World Journal.

Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Hazardous Materials
Water Treatment

Selected Publications

  1. Yu, W., L. Deng, P. Yuan, D. Liu and W. Yuan et al., 2015. Surface silylation of natural mesoporous/macroporous diatomite for adsorption of benzene. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 448: 545-552.
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  2. Xing, X., G. Lv, W. Zhu, C. He and L. Liao et al., 2015. The binding energy between the interlayer cations and montmorillonite layers and its influence on Pb2+ adsorption. Applied Clay Sci., (In Press). 10.1016/j.clay.2015.04.017.
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  3. Li, Z., N.M. Fitzgerald, Z. Albert, A. Schnabl and W.T. Jiang, 2015. Contrasting mechanisms of metoprolol uptake on kaolinite and talc. Chem. Eng. J., 272: 48-57.
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  4. Li, Z., H. Hong and G. Lv, 2015. Earth Materials and Environmental Applications. Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng. 10.1155/2015/404561.
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  5. Jean, J.S., C.L. Wang, H.I. Hsiang, Z. Li and H.J. Yang et al., 2015. Experimental investigation of trace element dissolution in formation water in the presence of supercritical CO2 fluid for a potential geological storage site of CO2 in Taiwan. J. Nat. Gas Sci. Eng., 23: 304-314.
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  6. Hu, Y., N.M. Fitzgerald, G. Lv, X. Xing, W.T. Jiang and Z. Li, 2015. Adsorption of atenolol on kaolinite. Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng. 10.1155/2015/897870.
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  7. Zuo, R., G. Du, W. Zhang, L. Liu, Y. Liu, L. Mei and Z. Li, 2014. Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using TiO2 impregnated diatomite. Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng. 10.1155/2014/170148.
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  8. Zhao, Z., J. Yuan, M. Fu, L. Su and Z. Li, 2014. Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution by using oil shale ash. Oil Shale, 31: 161-173.
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  9. Yin, K., H. Hong, G.J. Churchman, Z. Li, W. Han and C. Wang, 2014. Characterisation of the hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite from the weathering of illite in Jiujiang red earth sediments. Soil Res., 52: 554-561.
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  10. Xia, C., G. Lv, L. Mei, K. Song and Z. Li et al., 2014. Removal of chlorpheniramine from water by birnessite. Water Air Soil Pollut., Vol. 225. 10.1007/s11270-014-2131-6.
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  11. Wu, Q.F., T. Zhang, Z. Li, H.L. Hong, K. Yin, J.S. Jean and W.T. Jiang, 2014. Using probing compounds to investigate adsorption mechanism of ciprofloxacin on montmorillonite. Mater. Technol.: Adv. Biomater., 29: B100-B107.
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  12. Wu, L., L. Liao, G. Lv, F. Qin and Z. Li, 2014. Microstructure and process of intercalation of imidazolium ionic liquids into montmorillonite. Chem. Eng. J., 236: 306-313.
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  13. Wang, X.Y., L.F. Mei, X.B. Xing, L.B. Liao, G.C. Lv, Z.H. Li and L.M. Wu, 2014. Mechanism and process of degradation of methylene blue under microwave induced manganese xoides. Applied Catal. B: Environ., 160-161: 211-216.
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  14. Tao, J., K. Song, G. Lv, L. Mei and Z. Li et al., 2014. Mechanism and efficiency of methylene blue degradation by microwave-induced birnessites with different Mn average oxidation states. Mater. Express, 4: 539-544.
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  15. Lv, G., Z. Li, W.T. Jiang, S. Xu and T.E. Larson, 2014. Ionic liquid modification of zeolite and its removal of chromate from water. Green Chem. Lett. Rev., 7: 191-198.
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  16. Lv, G., Z. Li, W.T. Jiang, C. Ackley, N. Fenske and N. Demarco, 2014. Removal of Cr(VI) from water using Fe(II)-modified natural zeolite. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 92: 384-390.
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  17. Lv, G., Z. Li, N. Hoeppner, L. Wu and L. Liao, 2014. Interactions between sulfa drug sulfadiazine and hydrophobic talc surfaces. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 446: 172-178.
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  18. Lv, G., L. Wu, Z. Li, L. Liao and M. Liu, 2014. Binding sites of chlorpheniramine on 1:1 layered kaolinite from aqueous solution. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 424: 16-21.
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  19. Lv, G., L. Wu, L. Liao, W.T. Jiang and Z. Li, 2014. Intercalation and configurations of organic dye acridine orange in a high-charge montmorillonite as influenced by dye loading. Desalination Water Treat., 52: 7323-7331.
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  20. Li, Z., W.T. Jiang, P.H. Chang, G. Lv and S. Xu, 2014. Modification of a Ca-montmorillonite with ionic liquids and its application for chromate removal. J. Hazard. Mater., 270: 169-175.
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  21. Jiang, W.T., P.H. Chang, Y.S. Wang, Y. Tsai, J.S. Jean and Z. Li, 2014. Sorption and desorption of tetracycline on layered manganese dioxide birnessite. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 12: 1695-1704.
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  22. Hong, H., G.J. Churchman, K. Yin, R. Li and Z. Li, 2014. Randomly interstratified illite-vermiculite from weathering of illite in red earth sediments in Xuancheng, Southeastern China. Geoderma, 214: 42-49.
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  23. Han, W., H.L. Hong, K. Yin, G.J. Churchman, Z.H. Li and T. Chen, 2014. Pedogenic alteration of illite in subtropical China. Clay Miner., 49: 379-390.
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  24. Chang, P.H., Z. Li, W.T. Jiang, C.Y. Kuo and J.S. Jean, 2014. Adsorption of tetracycline on montmorillonite: Influence of solution pH, temperature and ionic strength. Desalination Water Treat., (In Press). 10.1080/19443994.2014.924881.
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  25. Chang, P.H., Z. Li, J.S. Jean, W.T. Jiang, Q. Wu, C.Y. Kuo and J. Kraus, 2014. Desorption of tetracycline from montmorillonite by aluminum, calcium and sodium: An indication of intercalation stability. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 11: 633-644.
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  26. Chang, P.H., W.T. Jiang, Z. Li, C.Y. Kuo, J.S. Jean, W.R. Chen and G. Lv, 2014. Mechanism of amitriptyline adsorption on Ca-montmorillonite (SAz-2). J. Hazard. Mater., 277: 44-52.
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  27. Yin, K., H. Hong, G.J. Churchman, R. Li, Z. Li, C. Wang and W. Han, 2013. Hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite genesis in Jiujiang late-Pleistocene red earth sediments and significance to climate. Applied Clay Sci., 74: 20-27.
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  28. Wu, Q., Z. Li, H. Hong, R. Li and W.T. Jiang, 2013. Desorption of ciprofloxacin from clay mineral surfaces. Water Res., 47: 259-268.
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  29. Wu, Q., Z. Li and H. Hong, 2013. Adsorption of the quinolone antibiotic nalidixic acid onto montmorillonite and kaolinite. Applied Clay Sci., 74: 66-73.
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  30. Wang, C., H. Hong, Z. Li, K. Yin and J. Xie et al., 2013. The Eocene-Oligocene climate transition in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China: Evidence from clay mineralogy. Applied Clay Sci., 74: 10-19.
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  31. Wang, C., H. Hong, Z. Li, G. Liang and J. Xie et al., 2013. Climatic and tectonic evolution in the North Qaidam since the Cenozoic: Evidence from sedimentology and mineralogy. J. Earth Sci., 24: 314-327.
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  32. Wan, M., Z. Li, H. Hong and Q. Wu, 2013. Enrofloxacin uptake and retention on different types of clays. J. Asian Earth Sci., 77: 287-294.
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  33. Lv, G., X. Wang, L. Liao, Z. Li and M. He, 2013. Simultaneous removal of low concentrations of ammonium and humic acid from simulated groundwater by vermiculite/palygorskite columns. Applied Clay Sci., 86: 119-124.
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  34. Lv, G., L. Wu, L. Liao, Y. Zhang and Z. Li, 2013. Preparation and characterization of red mud sintered porous materials for water defluoridation. Applied Clay Sci., 74: 95-101.
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  35. Lv, G., C.W. Pearce, A. Gleason, L. Liao, M.P. MacWilliams and Z. Li, 2013. Influence of montmorillonite on antimicrobial activity of tetracycline and ciprofloxacin. J. Asian Earth Sci., 77: 281-286.
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  36. Lv, G., C. Stockwell, J. Niles, S. Minegar, Z. Li and W.T. Jiang, 2013. Uptake and retention of amitriptyline by kaolinite. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 411: 198-203.
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  37. Liu, C.C., S. Kar, J.S. Jean, C.H. Wang and Y.C. Lee et al., 2013. Linking geochemical processes in mud volcanoes with arsenic mobilization driven by organic matter. J. Hazard. Mater., 262: 980-988.
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  38. Liu, C.C., J.P. Maity, J.S. Jean, Z. Li and S. Kar et al., 2013. The geochemical characteristics of the mud liquids in the Wushanting and Hsiaokunshui Mud Volcano region in Southern Taiwan: Implications of humic substances for binding and mobilization of arsenic. J. Geochem. Explor., 128: 62-71.
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  39. Li, Z., Y. Zhang and Y. Li, 2013. Zeolite as slow release fertilizer on spinach yields and quality in a greenhouse test. J. Plant Nutr., 36: 1496-1505.
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  40. Li, Z., C. Stockwell, J. Niles, S. Minegar and H. Hong, 2013. Uptake of sulfadiazine sulfonamide from water by clinoptilolite. Applied Environ. Soil Sci. 10.1155/2013/648697.
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  41. Jiang, W.T., P.H. Chang, Y.S. Wang, Y. Tsai, J.S. Jean, Z. Li and K. Krukowski, 2013. Removal of ciprofloxacin from water by birnessite. J. Hazard. Mater., 250: 362-369.
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  42. Jiang, W.T., C.J. Wang and Z. Li, 2013. Intercalation of ciprofloxacin accompanied by dehydration in rectorite. Applied Clay Sci., 74: 74-80.
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  43. Hong, H., Y. Gu, K. Yin, C. Wang and Z. Li, 2013. Clay record of climate change since the mid-Pleistocene in Jiujiang, South China. Boreas, 42: 173-183.
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  44. Hong, H., C. Wang, K. Zeng, Y. Gu, Y. Wu, K. Yin and Z. Li, 2013. Geochemical constraints on provenance of the mid-Pleistocene red earth sediments in subtropical China. Sedimentary Geol., 290: 97-108.
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  45. Du, G., Q. Xue, H. Ding and Z. Li, 2013. Mechanochemical effect of brucite powder in a wet ultrafine grinding process. Indian J. Eng. Mater. Sci., 20: 7-13.
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  46. Du, G., J. Liao, L. Mei, W. Guo, R. Zuo and Z. Li, 2013. Surface modification of diatomite by titanate and its effects on properties of reinforcing NR/SBR blend. Int. J. Mater. Prod. Technol., 46: 244-254.
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  47. Zhang, X., G. Lv, L. Liao, M. He, Z. Li and M. Wang, 2012. Removal of low concentrations of ammonium and humic acid from simulated groundwater by vermiculite/palygorskite mixture. Water Environ. Res., 84: 682-688.
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  48. Wang, X., G. Lu, Q. Wang, Z. Zhu, Z. Li, F. Mao and L. Wu, 2012. Adsorption of chlorpheniramine from water by rectorite. Chem. Ind. Eng. Prog., 31: 938-942.
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  49. Wang, M., L. Liao, X. Zhang and Z. Li, 2012. Adsorption of low concentration humic acid from water by palygorskite. Applied Clay Sci., 67: 164-168.
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  50. Lv, G., L. Wu, X. Wang, L. Liao, Z. Li and W. He, 2012. Regeneration of caramel saturated activated carbon jointly by microwave and extractive method. Int. J. Chem. Reactor Eng., Vol. 10, No. 1. 10.1515/1542-6580.3117.
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  51. Lv, G., L. Liu, Z. Li, L. Liao and M. Liu, 2012. Probing the interactions between chlorpheniramine and 2:1 phyllosilicates. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 374: 218-225.
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  52. Liu, C.C., J.P. Maity, J.S. Jean, A.H.M.S. Reza and Z. Li et al., 2012. Geochemical characteristics of the mud volcano fluids in Southwestern Taiwan and their possible linkage to elevated arsenic concentration in Chianan plain groundwater. Environ. Earth Sci., 66: 1513-1523.
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  53. Li, Z. and H. Hong, 2012. Influence of types and charges of exchangeable cations on ciprofloxacin sorption by montmorillonite. J. Wuhan Univ. Technol.-Mater. Sci. Edn., 27: 516-522.
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  54. Hong, H., C. Wang, K. Zeng, K. Zhang, K. Yin and Z. Li, 2012. Clay mineralogy of the Zhada sediments: Evidence for climatic and tectonic evolution since ~9 Ma in Zhada, Southwestern Tibet. Clays Clay Miner., 60: 240-253.
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  55. Du, G., Z. Li, L. Liao, R. Hanson, S. Leick, N. Hoeppner and W.T. Jiang, 2012. Cr(VI) retention and transport through Fe(III)-coated natural zeolite. J. Hazard. Mater., 221: 118-123.
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  56. Chang, P.H., Z. Li, J.S. Jean, W.T. Jiang, C.J. Wang and K.H. Lin, 2012. Adsorption of tetracycline on 2:1 layered non-swelling clay mineral illite. Applied Clay Sci., 67: 158-163.
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  57. Wang, M., L. Liao, X. Zhang, Z. Li, Z. Xia and W. Cao, 2011. Adsorption of low-concentration ammonium onto vermiculite from Hebei province, China. Clays Clay Miner., 59: 459-465.
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  58. Wang, C.W., H.L. Hong, B.W. Song, K. Yin, Z.H. Li, K.X. Zhang and J.L. Ji, 2011. The Early-Eocene Climate Optimum (EECO) event in the Qaidam basin, Northwest China: Clay evidence. Clay Miner., 46: 649-661.
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  59. Wang, C.J., Z. Li and W.T. Jiang, 2011. Adsorption of ciprofloxacin on 2:1 dioctahedral clay minerals. Applied Clay Sci., 53: 723-728.
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  60. Lv, G., Z. Li, W.T. Jiang, P.H. Chang, J.S. Jean and K.H. Lin, 2011. Mechanism of acridine orange removal from water by low-charge swelling clays. Chem. Eng. J., 174: 603-611.
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  61. Liu, C.C., J.P. Maity, J.S. Jean, O. Sracek and S. Kar et al., 2011. Biogeochemical interactions among the arsenic, iron, humic substances, and microbes in mud volcanoes in Southern Taiwan. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A: Toxic/Hazard. Subst. Environ. Eng., 46: 1218-1230.
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  62. Li, Z., W.T. Jiang, J.S. Jean, H. Hong, L. Liao and G. Lv, 2011. Combination of hydrous iron oxide precipitation with zeolite filtration to remove arsenic from contaminated water. Desalination, 280: 203-207.
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  63. Li, Z., S.J. Matoska and H. Rohrer, 2011. Effects of solution pH on adsorption of chlorophenols by cross-linked polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP XL) polymers. Environ. Prog. Sustain. Energy, 30: 416-423.
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  64. Li, Z., P.H. Chang, W.T. Jiang, J.S. Jean, H. Hong and L. Liao, 2011. Removal of diphenhydramine from water by swelling clay minerals. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 360: 227-232.
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  65. Li, Z., P.H. Chang, W.T. Jiang, J.S. Jean and H. Hong, 2011. Mechanism of methylene blue removal from water by swelling clays. Chem. Eng. J., 168: 1193-1200.
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  66. Li, Z., P.H. Chang, J.S. Jean, W.T. Jiang and H. Hong, 2011. Mechanism of chlorpheniramine adsorption on Ca-montmorillonite. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 385: 213-218.
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  67. Li, Z., J.S. Jean, W.T. Jiang, P.H. Chang, C.J. Chen and L. Liao, 2011. Removal of arsenic from water using Fe-exchanged natural zeolite. J. Hazard. Mater., 187: 318-323.
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  68. Li, Z., H. Hong, L. Liao, C.J. Ackley and L.A. Schulz et al., 2011. A mechanistic study of ciprofloxacin removal by kaolinite. Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 88: 339-344.
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  69. Li, Z., H. Hong, J.S. Jean, A.J. Koski and C.C. Liu et al., 2011. Characterization on arsenic sorption and mobility of the sediments of Chia-Nan Plain, where Blackfoot disease occurred. Environ. Earth Sci., 64: 823-831.
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  70. Kar, S., J.P. Maity, J.S. Jean, C.C. Liu and B. Nath et al., 2011. Role of organic matter and humic substances in the binding and mobility of arsenic in a Gangetic aquifer. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A: Toxic/Hazard. Subst. Environ. Eng., 46: 1231-1238.
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  71. Wu, Q.F., H.L. Hong and Z.H. Li, 2010. Progress of research on antibiotic contamination. Saf. Environ. Eng., 17: 68-72.
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  72. Wu, Q., Z. Li, H. Hong, K. Yin and L. Tie, 2010. Adsorption and intercalation of ciprofloxacin on montmorillonite. Applied Clay Sci., 50: 204-211.
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  73. Wang, C.J., Z. Li, W.T. Jiang, J.S. Jean and C.C. Liu, 2010. Cation exchange interaction between antibiotic ciprofloxacin and montmorillonite. J. Hazard. Mater., 183: 309-314.
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  74. Li, Z., W.T. Jiang, C.J. Chen and H. Hong, 2010. Influence of chain lengths and loading levels on interlayer configurations of intercalated alkylammonium and their transitions in rectorite. Langmuir, 26: 8289-8294.
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  75. Li, Z., V.M. Kolb, W.T. Jiang and H. Hong, 2010. FTIR and XRD investigations of tetracycline intercalation in smectites. Clays Clay Miner., 58: 462-474.
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  76. Li, Z., P.H. Chang, J.S. Jean, W.T. Jiang and C.J. Wang, 2010. Interaction between tetracycline and smectite in aqueous solution. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 341: 311-319.
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  77. Li, Z., L. Schulz, C. Ackley and N. Fenske, 2010. Adsorption of tetracycline on kaolinite with pH-dependent surface charges. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 351: 254-260.
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  78. Li, Z., C.J. Wang and W.T. Jiang, 2010. Intercalation of methylene blue in a high-charge calcium montmorillonite. Adsorption Sci. Technol., 28: 297-312.
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  79. Li, Z. and Y. Zhang, 2010. Use of surfactant-modified zeolite to carry and slowly release sulfate. Desalination Water Treat., 21: 73-78.
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  80. Hong, H., Y. Gu, R. Li, K. Zhang and Z. Li, 2010. Clay mineralogy and geochemistry and their palaeoclimatic interpretation of the Pleistocene deposits in the Xuancheng section, Southern China. J. Quaternary Sci., 25: 662-674.
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  81. Hong, H., Y. Gu, K. Yin, K. Zhang and Z. Li, 2010. Red soils with white net-like veins and their climate significance in South China. Geoderma, 160: 197-207.
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  82. Hong, H., K. Zhang and Z. Li, 2010. Climatic and tectonic uplift evolution since ~7 Ma in Gyirong basin, Southwestern Tibet Plateau: Clay mineral evidence. Int. J. Earth Sci., 99: 1305-1315.
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  83. Zhang, Y., Y. Li, J. Wei, M. Sun, Y. Tian and Z. Li, 2009. Effects of nitrogen and calcium nutrition on oxalate contents, forms and distribution in spinach. J. Plant Nutr., 32: 2123-2139.
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  84. Zhang, X., H. Hong, Z. Li, J. Guan and L. Schulz, 2009. Removal of azobenzene from water by kaolinite. J. Hazard. Mater., 170: 1064-1069.
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  85. Liu, Z., Y. Li and Z. Li, 2009. Surface water quality and land use in Wisconsin, USA-a GIS approach. J. Integr. Environ. Sci., 6: 69-89.
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  86. Li, Z., 2009. Changes in surface free energy of chromatographic paper after surfactant treatment. J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., 23: 1739-1745.
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  87. Li, Z. and W.T. Jiang, 2009. Interlayer conformations of intercalated dodecyltrimethylammonium in rectorite as determined by FTIR, XRD and TG analyses. Clays Clay Miner., 57: 194-204.
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  88. Li, Z. and W.T. Jiang, 2009. A thermogravimetric investigation of alkylammonium intercalation into rectorite. Thermochimica Acta, 483: 58-65.
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  89. Li, Z. and H. Hong, 2009. Retardation of chromate through packed columns of surfactant-modified zeolite. J. Hazard. Mater., 162: 1487-1493.
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  90. Hong, H., Z. Li, M. Yang, P. Xiao and H. Xue, 2009. Kaolin in the net-like horizon of laterite in Hubei, South China. Clay Miner., 44: 51-66.
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  91. Hong, H., Z. Li and P. Xiao, 2009. Clay mineralogy along the laterite profile in Hubei, South China: Mineral evolution and evidence for eolian origin. Clays Clay Miner., 57: 602-615.
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  92. Chang, P.H., Z. Li, W.T. Jiang and J.S. Jean, 2009. Adsorption and intercalation of tetracycline by swelling clay minerals. Applied Clay Sci., 46: 27-36.
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  93. Chang, P.H., Z. Li, T.L. Yu, S. Munkhbayer and T.H. Kuo et al., 2009. Sorptive removal of tetracycline from water by palygorskite. J. Hazard. Mater., 165: 148-155.
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  94. Chang, P.H., J.S. Jean, W.T. Jiang and Z. Li, 2009. Mechanism of tetracycline sorption on rectorite. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 339: 94-99.
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  95. Li, Z., W.T. Jiang and H. Hong, 2008. An FTIR investigation of hexadecyltrimethylammonium intercalation into rectorite. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 71: 1525-1534.
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  96. Li, Z., S.J. Matoska and H.M. Herr, 2008. Removal of Chlorophenols from Water Using Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone (PVP). In: Trends in Water Resources Research, Prescott, A.B. and T.U. Barkely (Eds.). Chapter 1, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA., ISBN: 978-1-60456-038-1, pp: 1-10.

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  98. Li, Z. and H. Hanlie, 2008. Combination of surfactant solubilization with permanganate oxidation for DNAPL remediation. Water Res., 42: 605-614.
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  99. Hong, H., W.T. Jiang, X. Zhang, L. Tie and Z. Li, 2008. Adsorption of Cr(VI) on STAC-modified rectorite. Applied Clay Sci., 42: 292-299.
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  100. Hong, H., N. Zhang, Z. Li, H. Xue, W. Xia and N. Yu, 2008. Clay mineralogy across the PT boundary of the Xiakou section, China: Evidence of clay provenance and environment. Clays Clay Miner., 56: 131-143.
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  101. Li, Z., R. Beachner, Z. McManama and H. Hanlie, 2007. Sorption of arsenic by surfactant-modified zeolite and kaolinite. Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 105: 291-297.
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  102. Li, Z., H.K. Jones, P. Zhang and R.S. Bowman, 2007. Chromate transport through columns packed with surfactant-modified zeolite/zero valent iron pellets. Chemosphere, 68: 1861-1866.
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  103. Li, Z., 2007. Removal of cationic surfactants from water using clinoptilolite zeolite. Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 170: 2098-2103.
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  104. Li, Z. and L. Gallus, 2007. Adsorption of dodecyl trimethylammonium and hexadecyl trimethylammonium onto kaolinite-competitive adsorption and chain length effect. Applied Clay Sci., 35: 250-257.
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  105. Hong, H., Z. Li, H. Xue, Y. Zhu, K. Zhang and S. Xiang, 2007. Oligocene clay mineralogy of the Linxia Basin: Evidence of paleoclimatic evolution subsequent to the initial-stage uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Clays Clay Miner., 55: 491-503.
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  106. Li, Z., C. Willms, J. Alley, P. Zhang and R.S. Bowman, 2006. A shift in pathway of iron-mediated perchloroethylene reduction in the presence of sorbed surfactant-a column study. Water Res., 40: 3811-3819.
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  108. Li, Z., C.R. Reardon and C.V. Evans, 2005. Desorption of Lead and Cesium from Kaolinite and Illite Using Cationic Surfactants. In: Trends in Agriculture and Soil Pollution: New Research, Livingston, J.V. (Ed.). Chapter 6, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA., ISBN: 1-59454-325-9, pp: 145-164.

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  110. Burt, T.A., Z. Li and R.S. Bowman, 2005. Evaluation of granular surfactant-modified/zeolite zero valent iron pellets as a reactive material for perchloroethylene reduction. J. Environ. Eng., 131: 934-942.
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  113. Li, Z., 2004. Surfactant-enhanced oxidation of trichloroethylene by permanganate-proof of concept. Chemosphere, 54: 419-423.
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  114. Li, Z., 2004. Influence of solution pH and ionic strength on chromate uptake by surfactant-modified zeolite. J. Environ. Eng., 130: 205-208.
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  116. Li, Z., C. Willms, S. Roy and R.S. Bowman, 2003. Desorption of hexadecyltrimethylammonium from charged mineral surfaces. Environ. Geosci., 10: 37-45.
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  117. Li, Z., 2003. Use of surfactant-modified zeolite as fertilizer carriers to control nitrate release. Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 61: 181-188.
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  118. Zhang, P., X. Tao, Z. Li and R.S. Bowman, 2002. Enhanced perchloroethylene reduction in column systems using surfactant-modified zeolite/zero-valent iron pellets. Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: 3597-3603.
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  119. Li, Z., D. Alessi, P. Zhang and R.S. Bowman, 2002. Organo-illite as a low permeability sorbent to retard migration of anionic contaminants. J. Environ. Eng., 128: 583-587.
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  120. Li, Z., D. Alessi and L. Allen, 2002. Influence of quaternary ammonium on sorption of selected metal cations onto clinoptilolite zeolite. J. Environ. Qual., 31: 1106-1114.
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  122. Li, Z. and R.S. Bowman, 2001. Regeneration of surfactant-modified zeolite after saturation with chromate and perchloroethylene. Water Res., 35: 322-326.
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  123. Bowman, R. S., Z. Li, S.J. Roy, T. Burt, T.L. Johnson and R.L. Johnson, 2001. Pilot Test of a Surfactant-Modified Zeolite Permeable Barrier for Groundwater Remediation. In: Physicochemical Groundwater Remediation, Smith, J.A. and S.E. Burns (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780306465697, pp: 161-185.

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