Dr. Ebtehag Ibrahim Mohamed Abou Elenin

Chief Researcher
Department of Animal Nutrition, Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from Ain Shams University, Egypt

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Production
Animal Nutrition
Animal Feeding
Animal Health

Selected Publications

  1. Elaidy, A.A., I.A. Abou Selim, E.I.M. Abou-Elenin, M.S. Abbas and H.M. Sobhy, 2017. Effect of feeding dry moringa oleifera leaves on the performance of suckling buffalo calves. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 11: 32-39.

  2. Suliman, A.I.A., A.M.M. Badr and E.I.M. Abou-Elenin, 2016. Performance of lambs fed on biologically treated silages. Int. J. ChemTech Res., 9: 151-160.

  3. Abou-Elenin, E.I.M., M.M. El-Badawy, Y.H. Hafez and H.A. El-Sanafawy, 2016. Effect of using different levels of dry or germinated fenugreek seeds on productive and reproductive performance of dairy Zaraibi goats. Egypt. J. Nutr. Feeds, 19: 227-242.

  4. Abou-Elenin, E.I.M., H.M. El-Hosseiny, M.M. El-Badawy, Y.H. Hafez and D.F. Teleb, 2016. Comparing the effect of different feeding allowances on performance of Egyptian Zaraibi goats and their kids. J. Anim. Poult. Prod. Mansoura Univ., 7: 303-312.

  5. Abou Elenin, E.I.M., E.R. Abd El-Galil, K.E.I. Etman and H.M. El-Shabrawy, 2016. Improvement of rumen fermentation and performance of growing lambs by adding natural microbial resources. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 10: 202-212.
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  6. Mostafa, M.R.M., E.I.M. Abou Elenin, A.A. Abdou and W.A. Riad, 2015. Effect of thiamin or niacin supplementation into the rations of growth fattening calves on their productive performance. Egypt. J. Nutr. Feeds, 18: 373-382.

  7. Abou-Elenin, E.I.M., E.R. Abd El-Galil, K.E.I. Etman and H.M. El-Shabrawy, 2015. Impact of feeding natural microbial resources on lactating goats performance. Egypt. J. Nutr. Feeds, 18: 87-100.

  8. Etman, K.E., E.I.M. Abou Elenin, T.I. El-Monayer and F.A. El-Sayed, 2014. Using a new protein sources in feeding of ruminants. 1-effect of feeding different levels of guar korma as a source of protein on the productive performance of Egyptian buffaloes. J. Anim. Poult. Prod. Mansoura Univ., 5: 619-634.

  9. El-Shabrawy, H.M., H.M. El-Hosseiny and E.I.M. Abou El Enin, 2012. Role of malic acid, malate salts and yeast culture as feed additives on performance of growing crossbred friesian male calves. Egypt. J. Nutr. Feeds, 15: 471-483.

  10. Abou El Enin, E.I.M., H.M. El-Hosseiny and H.M. El-Shabrawy, 2011. Comparing effects of organic acid (Malate) and yeast culture as feed supplement on dairy cows performance. Nat. Sci., 9: 132-140.

  11. Abd El-Galil, E.R. and E.I.M. El-Enin, 2011. Role of bacterial treatments for upgrading nutritive value of bean straw and native goats performance. J. Am. Sci., 7: 502-510.

  12. El-Bordeny, N.E. and E.I.M. Abou El Enin, 2010. Nutritional evaluation of some crop residuals as a roughage sources for feeding lambs. J. Anim. Poult. Prod. Mansoura Univ., 1: 677-689.

  13. Zeid, A.M.M., A.M.A. Mohi-Eldin, I.M.E. Shakweer, E.I.M. Abou-El Enin and F.A. Ibrahim, 2008. Effect of using natural feed additives on performance of dairy friesian cows. Egypt. J. Anim. Prod. Suppl. Issue, 45: 537-548.

  14. Zeedan, K.I.I., O.M. El-Malky, O.F. Komonna, M.A. Abdel-Latif and E.I.M. Abou El Enin, 2008. Effect of biogen-zinc supplementation on some production, digestion, rumen fermentation and some blood parameters in buffalo. Egypt. J. Anim. Prod. Suppl. Issue, 45: 489-501.

  15. El-Basiony, A.Z., H.M., Metwaly, S.I. Hafez and E.I. Abou El Enin, 1999. Effect of feeding sequences on growing lambs performance. Egypt. J. Nutr. Feeds, 2: 15-24.