Dr. Nouby Mahdy Ghazaly
Head of Mechanical EngineeringSouth Valley University, Egypt
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Noise and Vibration from Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Selected Publications
- Fouad, M.G., N.M. Ghazaly, A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab and K.A. Abd El-Gwwad, 2017. Finite element thermal analysis of a ceramic coated si engine piston considering coating thickness. Am. J. Eng. Res., 6: 109-113.
- Abdellah, M., M. Kamal, M. Alsoufi, N. Ghazaly and G. Abdel-Jaber, 2017. Mechanical properties of lab joint composite structure of glass fiber reinforced polymers. Mater. Sci. Appl., 8: 553-565.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nabhan, A., M. Nouby, A.M. Sami and M.O. Mousa, 2016. Vibration analysis of deep groove ball bearing with outer race defect using ABAQUS. J. Low Freq. Noise Vibr. Active Control, 35: 312-325.
- Nabhan, A., M. Nouby, A.M. Sami and M.O. Mousa, 2016. Multiple defects detection on outer race of gearbox ball bearing using time domain statistical parameters. Int. J. Vehicle Struct. Sys., 8: 167-174.
- Mahmoud, K.R.M., M.M. Makrahy, K.A. El-Gwwad, N.M. Ghazaly and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2016. Effect of wedge inclination angle on self-amplification action of a new adaptive wedge disc brake. Int. J. Vehicle Perform., 2: 166-177.
- Khaled, M., M.G. Nouby, A. Nabhan and G.T. Abd el- Jaber, 2016. Design a remote control system for submersible pumps based on GSM-SMS. Am. J. Eng. Technol. Res., 16: 68-79.
- Ghazaly, N.M., A. El-Nasser, S. Ahmed, A.S. Ali and G.T. Abd el- Jaber, 2016. H∞ control of active suspension system for a quarter car model. Int. J. Vehicle Struct. Sys., 8: 35-40.
- Nabhan, A., M. Nouby, A.M. Sami and M.O.Mousa, 2015. Contact stress distribution of deep groove ball bearing using ABAQUS. J. Egypt. Soc. Tribol., 12: 49-61.
- Nabhan, A., M. Nouby, A.M. Sami and M.O. Mousa, 2015. A novel approach for the effect of the housing height of anti-friction bearings on the generated vibration using dynamic model. J. Egypt. Soc. Tribol., 12: 15-29.
- Makrahy, M.M., K.R.M. Mahmoud, N.M.Ghazaly, El-Gwwad, K.A. Abd, A.M. Ab and El-Tawwab, 2015. Experimental investigation of water spray and inclination angle influence on wedge disc braking force. Int. J. Vehicle Struct. Sys., 7: 81-84.
Direct Link | - Belhocine, A. and N.M. Ghazaly, 2015. Effects of material properties on generation of brake squeal noise using finite element method. Latin Am. J. Solids Struct., 12: 1432-1447.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abd El-Nasser, S.A., S.A. Ahmed, N.M. Ghazaly and G.T. Abd el- Jaber, 2015. PID controller of active suspension system for a Quarter car model. Int. J. Adv. Eng. Technol., 8: 899-909.
Direct Link | - Soliman, A., N. Gazaly and F. Kadry, 2014. Parameters affecting truck ride comfort. SAE Techn. Pap., 10.4271/2014-01-0147.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Moaaz, A.O. and N.M. Ghazaly, 2014. Finite element stress analysis of truck chassis using ansys: Review. Int. J. Adv. Eng. Technol., 7: 1386-1391.
Direct Link | - Moaaz, A.O. and N.M. Ghazaly, 2014. A review of the fatigue analysis of heavy duty truck frames. Am. J. Eng. Res., 3: 1-6.
- Makrahy, M.M., A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, K.A. Abd El-Gwwad and N.M. Ghazaly, 2014. Determination of significant geometric parameters based on taguchi method for improving wedge disc brake. Trans. Control Mech. Sys., 3: 109-113.
- Ghazaly, N.M., M.M. Makrahy, K.A.A.E. Gwwad , K.R. Mahmoud and A.M.A.E. Tawwab, 2014. Experimental evaluation of an empirical model for wedge disc brake using box-behnken design. Int. J. Vehicle Struct. Sys., 6: 58-63.
Direct Link | - Ghazaly, N.M., M. El-Sharkawy and I. Ahmed, 2014. A review of automotive brake squeal mechanisms. J. Mech. Design Vibr., 1: 5-9.
- Ghazaly, N.M., K.R.M. Mahmoud, , M.M. Makrahy, , K.A. Abd El-Gwwad and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2014. Optimization of geometric parameters for adaptive wedge brake performance using central composite design. Int. J. Mech. Mechatron. Eng., 14: 122-131.
Direct Link | - Ghazaly, N.M., A.A. Kamel, and M.O. Mousa, 2014. Influence of misalignment and backlash on spur gear using FEM. Int. J. Mech. Prod. Eng., 2: 66-69.
- Ghazaly, N.M., 2014. Applications of finite element stress analysis of heavy truck chassis: Survey and recent development. J. Mech. Design Vibr., 2: 69-73.
- Ghazaly, N.M. and M.M. Makrahy, 2014. Experimental investigation of drum brake performance for passenger car. Int. J. Mech. Prod. Eng., 2: 70-73.
Direct Link | - Ghazaly, N.M. and A.O. Moaaz, 2014. The future development and analysis of vehicle active suspension system. J. Mech. Civil Eng., 11: 19-25.
- Ghazaly, N.M. and A.O. Moaaz, 2014. Current research trends in sound transmission loss of silencers. IOSR J. Mech. Civil Eng., 11: 22-26.
- El-Sharkawy, M. and N.M. Ghazaly, 2014. Power management strategies for hybrid electric vehicles. Eur. J. Acad. Essays, 1: 63-97.
- Belhocine, A., N.M. Ghazali and O.I. Abdullah, 2014. Dry Contact and Coupled Thermomechanical Analyses of Brake Disc-Pad Using Finite Element Simulation. Int. J. Veh. Struct. Syst., 6: 64-70.
Direct Link | - Belhocine, A., M. Bouchetara, A. Bakar and M. Nouby, 2014. Modeling of thermal contact problem of disc brake system with frictional heat generation. World J. Eng., 11: 373-390.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Belhocine, A., C.D. Cho, M. Nouby, Y.B. Yi and A.R. Abu Bakar, 2014. Thermal analysis of both ventilated and full disc brake rotors with frictional heat generation. J. Appl. Comput. Mech., 8: 5-24.
Direct Link | - Ali, B., N.M. Ghazaly and O.I. Abdullah, 2014. Structural and contact analysis of a 3-dimensional disc-pad model with and without thermal effects. Tribol. Ind., 36: 406-418.
- Abu zeid, M.M., M.A. Attia and N.M. Ghazaly, 2014. Use of fiber glass (FG) in concrete mix to resist fires in installations. Eur. J. Acad. Essays, 1: 51-55.
- Rabia, A.M.M., N.M. Ghazaly, M.M.M. Salem and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2013. Finite element analysis of disc brake vibration considering surface roughness. Minia J. Eng.Technol., 32: 226-235.
- Rabia, A.M.M., N.M. Ghazaly, M.M.M. Salem and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2013. An experimental study of automotive disc brake vibrations. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 2: 194-200.
- Rabia, A.M., N.M. Ghazaly, M.M. Salem and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2013. Experimental studies of automotive disc brake noise and vibration: A review. Int. J. Modern Eng. Res., 3: 199-203.
- Makrahy, M.M., N.M. Ghazaly, K.A. Abd El-Gwwad, K.R. Mahmoud and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2013. Optimization of a new wedge disc brake using taguchi approach. Int. J. Mod. Eng. Res., 3: 3461-3465.
- Makrahy, M.M., N.M. Ghazaly, K. A. Abd El-Gwwad, K.R. Mahmoud and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2013. Optimization of operation parameters on a novel wedge disc brake by taguchi method. Am. J. Vehicle Design 1: 30-35.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Makrahy, M.M., N. M. Ghazaly, K. A. Abd El-Gwwad, K.R. Mahmoud and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2013. A preliminary experimental investigation of a new wedge disc brake. Int. J. Eng.Res. Appl., 3: 735-744.
- Ghazaly, N.M., M.M. Makrahy, K.R. Mahmoud, K. A. Abd El-Gwwad and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2013. Optimization of geometric parameters of a new wedge brake using taguchi approach. Int. J. Mech. Eng., 3: 1-13.
Direct Link | - Ali, B. and N.M. Ghazaly, 2013. Thermal modeling of disc brake rotor in frictional contact. J. Multiscale Mod., 10.1142/S1756973713500133.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nouby, M. and W.F. Faris, 2012. Optimal design of a brake pad for squeal noise reduction using response surface methodology. J. Vehicle Noise Vibr., 8: 125-135.
- Mohammed, R., S. Allam, K.A. Abd El-Gwwad, A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab and M. Nouby, 2012. Modelling and analysis of single expansion chamber using response surface methodology. Int. J. Eng. Res. Appl., 2: 651-658.
- Ghazaly, N.M., S.A. Mohmeed and A.M. Abd-El-Tawwab, 2012. Understanding mode-coupling mechanism of brake squeal using finite element analysis. Int. J. Eng. Res. Appl., 2: 241-250.
- Ghazaly, N.M. and J. Abdo, 2012. A study of the influence of brake pad topography on the generation of brake noise and vibration. Int. J. Vehicle Noise Vibr., 8: 27-35.
- Galushin, S.E., S.A. Mohammed and N.M. Ghazaly, 2012. Design a realistic performance of a passenger train Int. J. Eng. Res. Appl., 2: 1088-1098.
- Nouby, M., J. Abdo, D. Mathivanan and K. Srinivasan, 2011. Evaluation of disc brake materials for squeal reduction. Tribol. Trans., 54: 644-656.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nouby, M., C. Sujatha and K. Srinivasan, 2011. Modelling of automotive disc brake squeal and its reduction using rotor design modifications. Int. J. Vehicle Noise Vibr., 7: 129-148.
- Nouby, M. and K. Srinivasan, 2011. Simulation of the structural modifications of a disc brake system to reduce brake squeal. Proc. Instit. Mech. Eng. Part D: J. Automobile Eng., 225: 653-672.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Mathivanan, D., M. Nouby and R. Vidhya, 2010. Minimization of sink mark defects in injection molding process–Taguchi approach. Int. J. Eng. Sci.Technol., 2: 13-22.
Direct Link | - Abdo, J., M. Nouby, D. Mathivanan and K. Srinivasan, 2010. Reducing disc brake squeal through fem approach and experimental design technique. Int. J. Vehicle Noise Vibr., 6: 230-246.
- Nouby, M., D. Mathivanan and K. Srinivasan, 2009. A combined approach of complex eigenvalue analysis and design of experiments (DOE) to study disc brake squeal. Int. J. Eng. Sci.Technol., 1: 254-271.
- Nouby, M. and K. Srinivasan, 2009. Parametric studies of disc brake squeal using finite element approach. J. Mekanikal, 29: 52-66.
Direct Link | - Nouby, M., K. Ali, A. El-Gawwad, A.T. Osman, Fawzy and M. El-Sayed, 2002. The experimental and theoretical study of the lug dynamic forces. Bull. Faculty Eng. Minia Univ. Minia, Egypt, 20: 93-105.