Dr. Mohamed M. Abou Zaid
ProfessorAl-Azhar University, Egypt
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Marine Biology from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
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Selected Publications
- Abdel Razek, F.A., M.M. Abou Zaid and A.E.H. El Sayed, 2011. Abundance and ecological observations of the black-lip pearl oyester, Pinctada margaritifera (L.) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), in red sea Egyptian waters. Int. J. Zool. Res., 7: 320-329.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Mohamed, E.O., A.M. Hassan and M.M. Abou Zaid, 2010. Distribution and status of seagrass beds around Hurghada area, Red Sea, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquatic Res., 36: 293-304.
- Abou-Zaid, M.M., F.A. Abdel Razek and E.S.A.E. Hamed, 2010. Reproductive strategy of the black lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) in Red Sea, Egyptian Waters. Egypt. J. Aquatic Res., 36: 331-340.
- Temraz, T.A. and M.M. Abou-Zaid, 2005. Distribution of butterfly fishes (Cheatodontidae) along the Egyptian Red Sea coast and its relation to coral health. J. Aquatic Conserv., 15: 59-70.
- Kotb, M.M.A., M.M. Abou-Zaid and M.H. Hanafy, 2002. Overall evaluation of the coral reef status along the Egyptian Red Sea Coast. Biol. Mar. Medit., 8: 15-32.
- Hellal, A.M., M.M. Abou-Zaid, A. El-Sayed, M. El-Samara and M.H. Hasan, 2002. Study on the Holothuroid fauna (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) inhabiting the shallow waters of the Egyptian Red sea. Egypt. J. Aquatic Biol., 6: 23-45.
- Abou-Zeid, M.M., 2002. Impact of human activities on the coral reefs along the red sea coast of hurghada. J. Acad. Soc. Environ. Dev., 3: 93-110.
- Abou-Zeid, M.M., 2002. Distribution of butterfly fishes (Family: Chaetodontidae) along the proper egyptian red sea coast and their relation to coral health. Egypt. J. Aquatic Biol., 6: 47-67.
- Abou-Zaid, M.M., F. Ramzy, H.M. Kamal and E.G. Kamel, 2002. Rotifers as a possible biological control against Biomphalaria alexandrina eggs. Egyptian Red Sea. Egypt. J. Aquatic Biol., 6: 115-132.
- Abou-Zaid, M.M., A.M. Hellal, A. El-Sayed, M. El-Samara and M.H. Hasan, 2002. Studies on the use of some biological molecules as tool in the red sea holothurids taxonomy. Egypt. J. Aquatic Biol., 6: 133-158.
- Abou-Zeid, M.M., M.M. Kotb and M.H. Hanafy, 1999. The impact of corallivore gastropod Coralliphilia violacea, Kiener on coral reefs at El-Hamrawain, Egyptian Red Sea Coast. Egypt. J. Biol., 1: 124-132.
- Abou-Zeid, M.M., A.G. El Daly and M.S. Amer, 1996. The effect of water stress on fat body and haemolymph composition in two tenebrionid beeetles from Egyptian western desert. Al Azhar Bull. Sci., 7: 552-559.
- Zaki, T.Z., M.M. Abou-Zeid, G.I. Ibrahim and M.I. Basuony, 1995. Anatomical and biochemical studies of the digestive mucosa of some fishes. Bull. Egypt. Acad. Sci., 45: 243-261.
- Shehata, S.M. and M.M. Abou Zeid, 1995. Cynox-induced changes on the serum proteins profile of the Nile Catfish Claris lazera. Al-Azhar Bull. Sci., 6: 473-478.
- Ibrahim, G.I., M.M. Abou-Zeid, T.Z. Zaki and M.I. Rady, 1995. Changes induced by Paraquat herbicide in muscle proteins and some hematological parameters of two fishes from Egypt. Al-Azhar Bull. Sci., 6: 637-647.
- Abou-Zeid, M.M., S.A. Zakouk, S.K. El Nabarawy and E.I. El Zawahry, 1995. Changes caused by some pesticides to some haematological and physiological parameters in Nile Catfish Clarias lazera. Al Azhar Bull. Sci., 6: 216-227.
- Abou-Zeid, M.M., O.M. El-Menshawy and S.K. El-Nabarawy, 1995. The changes induced by Bezoquinones on rat serum albumin electrophoretic profile. Al-Azhar Bull. Sci., 6: 631-636.
- Abou-Zeid, M.M., G.I. Ibrahim, T.Z. Zaki and M.I. Rady, 1995. Histological, physiological, and biochemical changes induced by two herbicides in the liver of Chrysichthys auratus (Sluridae) from Egypt. Al Azhar Bull. Sci., 6: 1535-1544.
- Abou-Zeid, M.M., 1995. The serum protein profile: A possible biomarker for exposure to Environmental pollutants. J. Faculty Educ., 20: 503-517.
- Abou Zeid, M.M., 1995. Nematecidal activity of some Red Sea seaweed's. J. Faculty Educ., 20: 491-501.
- Hussein, H.I., A. Karmel, M. Abuu-Zeid, A.K.H. El-Sabae and S.M.A. Uscharin, 1994. The most potent molluscicidal compound tested against land snails. J. Chem. Ecol., 201: 135-140.
CrossRef | - El-Sebae, A.K., M.M. Abou Zeid, F.H. Abdel-Rahman and M.A. Saleh, 1994. Binding of aluminum to human serum transferrin, human serum albumin and rat serum proteins. J. Environ. Sci. Health B, 29: 303-321.
CrossRef | PubMed | - Abdel-Rahman, F., M.M. Abou-Zaid and J. Jones, 1994. Morphological studies comparing the digital image analysis with the conventional microscopic procedure in taxonomy. Res. J., 4: 54-65.
- Saleh, M.A., M. Abou Zied, G. el-Baroty, E. Abdel-Reheim and F. Abdel-Rahman et al., 1993. Gamma aminobutyric acid radioreceptor-assay a possible biomarker for human exposure to certain agrochemicals. J. Environ. Sci. Health B, 28: 687-699.
CrossRef | PubMed | - El-Sebae, A.H., M.A. Abdel-Ghany, D. Shalloway, M.M. Abou-Zeid, J. Blancato and M.A. Saleh, 1993. Aluminum interaction with human brain tau protein phosphorylation by various kinases. J. Environ. Sci. Health B, 28: 763-777.
CrossRef | PubMed | - El-Sebae, A.H., M. Abou Zied and M.A. Saleh, 1993. Status and environmental impact of toxaphene in the third world-A case of african agriculture. Chemosphere, 27: 2063-2072.
Direct Link | - Abou-Zeid, M.M., G. El-Barouty, E. Abdel-Reheim, J. Blancato, C. Dary, A.H. El-Sebae and M.A. Saleh, 1993. Malathion disposition in dermally and orally treated rats and its impact on the blood serum acetylcholine esterase and protein profile. J. Environ. Health Sci. B, 28: 413-430.
CrossRef | PubMed | - Saeed, A.R. and M.M. Abou-Zeid, 1992. Bioaccumulation of cadmium in the major organs of the fresh water fish Tilapia nilotica and its effect on some histological features of the liver. J. Egypt Ger. Soc. Zool., 8: 1-12.
- Fouda, M.M. and M.M. Abou Zied, 1990. Bivalves of the Suez Canal Lakes. Proc. Zool. Soc. A.R. Egypt, 21: 231-240.
- Oliver, P.G. and M.M. Abou-Zeid, 1986. Barbierella (Bivalvia: Lucinacea) A new gene bivalve living in the Red Sea. J. Malacol. Soc., 25: 316-319.