Dr. Sherif Mohamed El-Kadi

Associate Professor
Damietta University, Egypt

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agricultural Microbiology from Mansoura University, Egypt

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Dr. Sherif Mohamed El-Kadi is currently working as Associate professor in Agricultural Microbiology. He obtained his PhD in Agricultural Microbiology from Mansoura University, Egypt. His area of interest related to Microbiology. His area of expertise includes Food Microbiology, Biofertilizers, Soil Microbiology, Biodegradable Polymers, Dairy Microbiology, Fermentation, Entomopathogenic, and Environment Pollution. He has 24 publications in journals as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Molecular Sciences
Food Microbiology
Soil Microbiology

Selected Publications

  1. Hamad, M.N.E., S. El-Kadi and N. Megahed, 2020. Effect of adding some spices on physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological properties of ras cheese. Egypt. J. Food Sci., 0: 0-0.
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  2. Hamad, M., S. El-Kadi and N. Megahed, 2020. Physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological properties of ras cheese treated with certain spices. J. Food Dairy Sci., 11: 23-31.
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  3. H. El-Fadaly, S. El-Kadi, M. Sherif 2019. Microbial spoilage of some meat luncheon samples collected from damietta City, Egypt. J. Agric. Chem. Biotechnol., 8: 197-202.
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  4. El-Fadaly, H., S.El. Kadi and M. El-Rian, 2019. Isolation, characterization and identification of salt tolerant nitrogen fixing bacteria. J. Agric. Chem. Biotechnol., 10: 73-78.
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  5. Elmaaty, T.A., Kh. El-Nagare, S. Raouf, Kh. Abdelfattah, S. El-Kadi and E. Abdelaziz, 2018. One-step green approach for functional printing and finishing of textiles using silver and gold NPs. RSC Adv., 8: 25546-25557.
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  6. Hamad, M.N.F., M.S. Gomaa, S.M. El-Kadi and S.A.I. Al-Esawy, 2017. The effect of starter type on the quality of Tallaga soft white cheese. Egypt. J. Applied. Sci., 32: 146-165.

  7. El-Dengawy, R.A., A.M. Sharaf, S.M. El-Kadi, E.A. Mahmoud and E.S. Baidoon, 2017. frozen storage on the chemical, physical and microbiological quality of imported mackerel (Scomber scombrus). J. Food Dairy Sci. Mansoura Univ., 8: 287-293.
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  8. Hamad, M.N.F., M.M. Ismail, S.M.L. El-Kadi and M.S. Zidan, 2016. Chemical composition, microbial properties and sensory evaluation of bio-yoghurt made from admixture of cow and coconut milk and honey. Int. J. Sci. Res. Sci. Technol., 2: 246-260.
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  9. Hamad, M.N.F., M.M. Ismail, S.M.L. El-Kadi and M.E.A. Shalaby, 2016. Chemical composition, sensory evaluation, starter activity and rheological properties of cow and coconut milk. J. Food Dairy Sci., 7: 295-298.

  10. El-Kadi, S.M. and A.M. El-Morsy, 2016. The effect of water aquaria change on nutrient utilization and microbial activity of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Int. J. Fish. Aquat. Stud., 4: 195-206.
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  11. El-Kadi, S.L., M.M. Ismail, M.F. Hamad and M.S. Zidan, 2016. Chemical and microbial characterizations of bio-yoghurt made using ABT culture, cow milk and coconut milk. EC Microbiol., 5: 109-124.
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  12. El-Fadaly, H.A., S.M. El-Kadi and S.E. El-Kholy, 2016. Microbiological and chemical examinations of water and fish obtained from river Nile of Damietta governorate, Egypt. Chem. Res. J., 1: 132-140.
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  13. El-Fadaly, H.A., S.M. El-Kadi and E.A. El-Gayar, 2016. Microbiological examination for some chocolate cake samples. J. Environ. Sci., 45: 11-27.

  14. El-Dengawy, R.A.H., S.M.M. El-said, S.M.L. El-Kadi and A.A.M. Shalata, 2016. Effect the industrial process and the storage periods on the nutritional value of tomato juice. Indian J. Nutr., 3: 121-125.
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  15. Hassan, R.A., S.M. El-Kadi and I.S. Mostafa, 2015. Effect of some organic acids on some fungal growth and their toxins production. Int. J. Adv. Biol., 2: 1-11.
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  16. Eldeen, U.M.S., A.S. Ezzat and S.M. El-Kadi, 2015. Effect of intercropping practices of globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) with garlic (Allium sativum L.), N-rates and biofertilizers on growth, productivity, land equivalent ratio and microbiological properties in globe artichoke rhizosphere. Egypt. J. Hortic., 42: 450-465.

  17. El-Fadaly, H.M., S. M. El-Kadi, M.N. Hamad and A.A. Habib, 2015. Role of fungal enzymes in the biochemistry of Egyptian Ras cheese during ripening period. Open Access Lib. J., Vol. 2. 10.4236/oalib.1101819.
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  18. El-Fadaly, H.A., S.M. El-Kadi, M.N. Hamad and A.A. Habib, 2015. Role of fungal enzymes in the biochemistry of Egyptian ras cheese during ripening period. Open Access Library J., 2: 1819-1832.

  19. El-Fadaly, H., S.M. El-Kadi; M.N.F. Hamad and A. Habib, 2015. Isolation and identification of Egyptian Ras cheese (Romy) contaminating fungi during ripening period. J. Microbiol. Res., 5: 1-10.
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  20. El-Fadaly, H., M.N.F. Hamad, S.M. El-Kadi and A. Habib, 2015. Effect of clove oil on physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of Egyptian Ras cheese (Romy) during storage. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. Eng., 5: 15-23.
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  21. El-Kadi, S.M., 2014. Studies on the Microbial Production of Citric Acid from Cane Molasses. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3659319792.

  22. El-Kadi, S.M., 2012. Bioplastic Production in Plastic Age: Alcaligenes eutrophus the Bioplastic Maker. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3639335163.

  23. El-Dengawy, R.A., S.M. El-Shehawy, A.E.M. Kassem, S.M. El-Kadi and Z.S. Farag, 2012. Chemical and microbiological evaluation of some fish products samples. J. Agric. Chem. Biotechnol., 8: 247-259.

  24. El-Shabrawy, R.A., A.Y. Ramadan and S.M. El-Kadi, 2010. Use of humic acid and some biofertilizers to reduce nitrogen rates on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in relation to vegetative growth, yield and chemical composition. J. Plant Prod. Mansoura Univ., 1: 1041-1051.
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  25. El-Metwally, M.M., N.M. Ghanim and S.M. El-Kadi, 2010. Local bacterial isolates as entomopathogenic agents against the citrus flower moth, Prays citri Miller (Lepidoptera, Hyponomeutidae) in lime orchards at North Delta region, Egypt. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Egypt, 36: 171-184.

  26. El-Kadi, S.M., 2010. Bioplastic Production from Inexpensive Sources. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3639263725.

  27. El-Sawah, M.M.A., M.M. Kassem, A.E.I. Selim, E.H. Ashour and S.M. El-Kadi, 2008. Production of some biodegradable polymers by some bacterial isolates. J. Agric. Sci., 33: 6053-6064.