Dr. Mourad Talbi

Assistant Professor
Center of Research and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria, Tunisia

Highest Degree
Doctorate in Electronics from Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunisia

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Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Image Watermarks
Image Compression
Speech Synthesis
Signal Processing

Selected Publications

  1. Talbi, M. and M.S. Bouhlel, 2019. Singular values decomposition and lifting wavelet transform for speech signal embedding into digital image. Recent Adv. Electr. Electron. Eng., 2: 138-151.
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  2. Talbi, M. and M.S. Bouhlel, 2018. Secure image watermarking based on LWT and SVD. Int. J. Image Graphics, Vol. 18. 10.1142/S0219467818500213.
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  3. Talbi, M., N. Hamrouni, F. Krout, R. Chtourou and A. Cherif, 2017. Studies of shading effects on the performances of a photovoltaic array. Int. J. Power Syst., Vol. 2. (In Press). .

  4. Talbi, M., 2017. Speech enhancement based on stationary bionic wavelet transform and maximum a posterior estimator of magnitude-squared spectrum. Int. J. Speech Technol., 20: 75-88.
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  5. Talbi, M. and B.F. Sira, 2017. Speech modulation for image watermarking. Int. J. Multimedia Image Proc., Vol. 6. (In Press). .

  6. Talbi, M. and A. Cherif, 2017. A hybrid technique of image denoising using the curvelet transform based denoising method and two-stage image denoising by pca with local pixel grouping. Current Med. Imag. Rev., 10.2174/1573405613666170614082754.
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  7. Ganouni, R., M. Talbi and H. Ezzaouia, 2017. Comparative study of experimental and theoretical model of highly-efficient GaInP/Si tandem solar cells. J. Semicond. Technol. Sci., 17: 878-885.
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  8. Talbi, M., N. Hamrouni, F. Krout, R. Chtourou And A. Cherif, 2016. The use of matlab/simulink for modeling ofphotovoltaic module. Int. J. Energy environ., 10: 162-170.
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  9. Talbi, M., 2014. Electrocardiogram de-noising based on forward wavelet transform translation invariant application in bionic wavelet domain. Sadhana, 39: 921-937.
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  10. Talbi, M. And S. Abid, 2014. Emd-based ecg denoising using source separation, J. Mech. Med. Biol., 10.1142/S0219519415500827.
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  11. Talbi, M., A.B. Aicha, L. Salhi And A. Cherif, 2012. Bionic wavelet based denoising using source separation. Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control., 7: 574-585.

  12. Talbi, M., A. Aouinet And A. Cherif, 2012. ECG analysis based on wavelet transformand modulus maxima. Int. J. Comput. Sci., 9: 427-435.
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  13. Talbi, M., A.B. Aicha, L. Salhi and A. Cherif, 2011. Stationary bionic wavelet transform and teager energy operator for speech enhancement. Int. J. Digital Signal Process., .
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  14. Talbi, M., A. Aouinet, L. Salhi And A. Cherif, 2011. New method of r-wave detection by continuous wavelettransform. Signal Process. Int. J., 5: 165-173.
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  15. Salhi, L., M. Talbi, S. Abid And A. Cherif, 2011. Performance of wavelet analysis and neural networks for pathological voices identification. Int. J. Electron. Tayl. Franc., 98: 1129-1140.
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  16. Hadji, S., M. Talbi, A. Aouinat, N. EllouzeAnd A. Cherif, 2011. A Hybrid electrocardiogram denoising technique based on continuous wavelet transform and forward wavelet transform translation invariant. Int. Rev. Comput.Software., .
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  17. Mourad, T., S. Lotfi, A. Sabeur And C. Adnane, 2010. Recurrent neural network and bionic wavelet transform for speech enhancement. Int. J. Signal Imaging Syst. Eng., 10.1504/IJSISE.2010.035002.
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