Dr. Siham Hasan

De Montfort University, Leicester, England

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Computer Science from De Montfort University, UK

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I am a researcher at De Montfort University with over five years of research experience and a broad publications history. I have over 11 years of expertise in industry and academia and computer science. I had enthusiastic, well-motivated and I enjoyed all aspects of developing my skills. I have self-confidence and self-awareness and manage my work. I am able to work cooperatively in a research group. I love and enjoy sharing my experience with other researchers. I had made tremendous progress while I was doing an MSc Degree at Amman Arab University in Jordan and my PhD at De Montfort University in the UK. Now seeking to use transferable skills within computer science as I am Looking forward to using and developing these skills further as a competent researcher. In 2018, I was officially accepted to be a Member of the International Journal of Development and Sustainability (IJDS). Also, I have been awarded a Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing by the Physical Science Journal.

Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Analog Sensors
Wireless Network
Intelligent Systems
Cloud Computing

Selected Publications

  1. Hasan, S., M.S. Sani, S. Iranmanesh, A.H. Al-Bayatti, S. Khan and Raad, 2023. Enhanced message replication technique for DTN routing protocols. Sensors, Vol. 23. 10.3390/s23020922.
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