Dr. Okechukwu Ethelbert Amah

Lagos Business School, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Business Administration from University of Benin, Nigeria

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Dr. Okechukwu Ethelbert Amah is currently working as Faculty member of Pan Atlantic University, Nigeria. He has completed his Ph.D. in Business Management and Accounting from Pan Atlantic University, Nigeria. His main area of interest focuses on Organizational Behavior, and Human Resources. His area of expertise includes Work Attitude, Work Life Balance, Leader-member exchange, Leadership, Structural Equation Modeling, Employee Engagement, Employee Voice, Feedback Seeking Behavior, and Organizational Culture. He has published 15 research articles in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Organisational Bahviour
Human Resource
Structural Equation Modeling

Selected Publications

  1. Amah, O.E., 2022. Multidimensional organizational politics-employee engagement relationship: The role of political skill. Indian J. Ind. Relat., 57: 481-497.
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  2. Amah, O.E., 2021. Globalization/Liberalization and Poverty Level in Africa: The Role of African Leaders. In: Handbook of Research on Institutional, Economic, and Social Impacts of Globalization and Liberalization, Bayar, Y. (Ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781799844594, Pages: 19.
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  3. Amah, O.E., 2020. Innovative work behaviors: Role of employee engagement & organizational citizenship behaviors. Indian J. Ind. Relat., 56: 356-373.
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  4. Amah, O.E. and K. Oyetuunde, 2020. The effect of servant leadership on employee turnover in SMEs in Nigeria: The role of career growth potential and employee voice. J. Small Bus. Enterp. Dev., 27: 885-904.
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  5. Amah, O.E., 2019. Managing the negative effects of work-to-family and family-to-work conflicts on family satisfaction of working mothers’ in Nigeria: The role of extended family support. Community Work Fam., 24: 257-271.
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  6. Amah, O.E., 2019. Handling Variation in Work Ethics and Values Across Generations in Nigeria. In: Global Applications of Multigenerational Management and Leadership in the Transcultural Era, Christiansen, B. (Ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ISBN13: 9781522599067, Pages: 32.
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  7. Amah, O.E. and K. Oyetunde, 2019. Human resources management practice, job satisfaction and affective organisational commitment relationships: The effects of ethnic similarity and difference. SA J. Ind. psychol., Vol. 45. 10.4102/sajip.v45i0.1701.
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  8. Amah, O.E. and K. Oyetunde, 2019. Determinants of high-performance organizations in Africa: A conceptual framework and research propositions. Int. J. Manage. Econ. Social Sci., 8: 319-333.
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  9. Amah, O.E., 2018. Leadership styles and relational energy: Do all leadership styles generate and transmit equal relational energy? South Afr. J. Bus. Manage., Vol. 49. 10.4102/sajbm.v49i1.231.
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  10. Amah, O.E., 2018. Globalisation and Leadership in Africa: Developments and Challenges for the Future. Springer, Business & Economics, New York, ISBN: 9783319987644, Pages: 123.
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  11. Amah, O.E., 2018. Employee engagement in Nigeria: The role of leaders and boundary variables. SA J. Ind. Psychol., Vol. 44. 10.4102/sajip.v44i0.1514.
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  12. Amah, O.E. and E. Sese, 2018. Relational energy & employee engagement: Role of employee voice & organisational support. Indian J. Ind. Relat., 53: 475-487.
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  13. Amah, O.E., 2017. Organizational citizenship behavior across cultures: Are organizational citizenship behavior scales transferable across cultures? Res. J. Bus. Manage., 11: 56-66.
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  14. Amah, O.E., 2016. Employee engagement and the work-family conflict relationship: The role of personal and organisational resources. South Afr. J. Labour Relat., 40: 118-138.
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  15. Amah, O.E., 2016. Employee engagement and the work-family conflict relationship: The role of personal and organisational resources. S. Afr. J. Labour Relations, 40: 118-138.
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  16. Amah, O.E., 2015. Servant leadership relationship with leader-member exchange: The moderating role of motivation-to-serve and motivation-to-lead. Int. J. Manage. Econ. Social Sci., 4: 108-127.
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  17. Amah, O.E., 2015. Servant leadership relationship with leader-member exchange: The moderating role of motivation-to-serve and motivation-to-lead. Int. J. Manage. Econ. Soc. Sci., 4: 108-127.
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  18. Amah, O.E., 2014. Challenge and hindrance stress relationship with job satisfaction and life satisfaction: The role of motivation-to-work and self-efficacy. Int. J. Humanit. Social Sci., 4: 26-37.
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  19. Amah, O.E., 2012. The role of self-efficacy in the relationship involving challenge and hindrance stressors and job satisfaction. Int. J. Manage. Econ., 1: 37-44.
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  20. Amah, O.E., 2010. Multi-dimensional leader member exchange and work attitude relationship: the role of reciprocity. Asian J. Scientific Res., 3: 39-50.
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  21. Amah, O.E., 2010. Family-work conflict and the availability of work-family friendly policy relationships in married employees: The moderating role of work centrality and career consequence. Res. Pract. Hum. Resour. Manage., 18: 35-46.
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  22. Amah, O.E., 2010. Family-work conflict and the availability of work-family friendly policy in married employees: The moderating role of work centrality and career consequence. Res. Pract. Human Res. Manage., 18: 35-46.
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  23. Amah, O.E., 2009. The direct and interactive roles of work family conflict and work family facilitation in voluntary turnover. Int. J. Hum. Sci., 6: 812-826.
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  24. Amah, O.E., 2009. Job satisfaction and turnover intention relationship: The moderating effect of job role centrality and life satisfaction. Res. Practice Hum. Resource Manage., 17: 24-35.
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  25. Amah, O.E., 2009. Feedback management strategies in good and poor performance: A cross cultural applicability study. Manage. Organiz.: Multidisciplin. J. Bus., 1: 19-41.
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  26. Amah, O.E., 2009. Cross cultural validation of perceived workfamily facilitation scale using participants from Nigeria. Afr. J. Psychol. Study Social Issues, 12: 52-67.
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  27. Amah, O.E., 2008. Perception of justice and organisational support relationship: The interactive role of perception of organisational politics. Covenant J. Bus. Social Sci., 2: 62-74.

  28. Amah, O.E., 2008. Feedback management strategies in perceived good and poor performance: The role of source attributes and recipient's personality disposition. Res. Pract. Hum. Resour. Manage., 16: 39-59.
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  29. Amah, O.E. and A.C. Okafor, 2008. The interactive effect of organizational politics in the justice, rganisational support and job satisfaction relationships. Asian J. Scient. Res., 1: 492-501.
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  30. Amah, O.E. and A.C. Okafor, 2008. Relationships among silence climate, employee silence behaviour and work attitudes: The role of self-esteem and locus of control. Asian J. Scientific Res., 1: 1-11.
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  31. Amah, O.E., 2007. Work stress, work-family conflict and work/life satisfaction relationships: The role of commuting stress. Pet. Training J., 4: 104-112.

  32. Amah, O.E., 2007. Enhancing training effectiveness: Making a case for training needs assessment phase. Pet. Training J., 4: 40-51.

  33. Akerele, A., C. Osamwonyi and O.E. Amah, 2007. Work-family conflict model: Application of Aryee's model in Nigeria. Afr. J. Psychol. Study Social Issues, 10: 1-16.
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