Dr. Chimezie Ekeke
Research ScientistUniversity of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics from University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
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Dr. Ekeke Chimezie is currently working as Lecturer/Senior Curator at Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological sciences, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. His main area of interest focuses on Plant Biosystematics and Taxonomy. His main area of interest related to Plant and Soil Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and Plant Genetics and Breeding, Plant Taxonomy (Cytological, Morphological and Anatomical studies). His main area of expertise includes Plant anatomy, Plant systematic, Plant genetics, Biodiversity studies, Cytology, Plant morphology, Mitotic studies, Phytochemistry, Plant taxonomy, Ecological studies, Phytoremediation, Plant Breeding biology, and Ethnobotany. He has 57 research articles in journals as author/co-author.
Area of Interest:
Selected Publications
- Mensah, S.I., C. Ekeke and N.K. Ibeagi, 2020. Effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) and kinetin on seed germination of Sesbania sesban L. and Sesbania rostrata L. (fabaceae). Asian J. Agric. Hortic. Res., 5: 32-41.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Mensah, S.I., C. Ekeke and M. Udom, 2020. Effect of salinity on the growth characteristics of Solanum aethiopicum L. (solanaceae). Asian Res. J. Agric., 12: 17-22.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C., C.A. Ogazie and C.O. Nichodemus, 2020. Taxonomic study on lindernia all. (linderniaceae) from some parts of south eastern Nigeria. Notulae Sci. Biol., 12: 301-317.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C. and C.A. Ogazie, 2020. Systematic significance of petiole anatomical characteristics in some members of Asteraceae from some parts of Nigeria. Singapore J. Sci. Res., 10: 387-399.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C., G.C. Obute and C.A. Ogazie, 2019. HPLC Evaluation of Phenolic Compounds in Physalis angulata Linn. and Physalis micrantha Linn. (Solanaceae). Eur. J. Med. Plants, 10.9734/EJMP/2019/v29i230151.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C., C.A. Ogazie and I.O. Agbagwa, 2019. Checklist of weeds in university of port harcourt and its environs. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage., 10.4314/jasem.v23i4.2.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, , Chimezie, Ogazie and C. Alozie, 2019. Morphological description and culm anatomy in the identification of kyllinga rottb. (cyperaceae) from some parts of Nigeria. Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., 10.9734/ijpss/2018/v26i430049.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke C., T.T. Manga and S.I. Mensah, 2019. Comparative phytochemical, morphological and anatomical studies of amaranthus hybridus l. and amaranthus spinosus l. (amaranthaceae). Research Journal of Medicinal Plants 13: 53-63.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - EKEKE C., C.A. OGAZIE and I.O. AGBAGWA, 2019. Anatomical and phytochemical studies on benincasa hispida (thunb.) cogn. (cucurbitaceae). Notulae Scientia Biologicae 11: 102-111.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ugiomoh, I.G. and C. Ekeke, 2018. Karyotype analysis in Machaerium lunatum (linn. f.) ducke. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage., 10.4314/jasem.v21i7.24.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C. and J.U. Agogbua, 2018. Morphological and Anatomical Studies on Trichosanthes cucumerina L. (Cucurbitaceae). Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., 10.9734/IJPSS/2018/44982.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Chukwuma, C.C., M.O. Monanu, J.C. Ikewuchi and C. Ekeke, 2018. Variance in protease, dehydrogenase, phosphatase and respiratory activities during phytoremediation of crude oil polluted agricultural soil using Schwenkia americana L. and Spermacoce ocymoides Burm. f. Annu. Res. Rev. Biol., 28: 1-9.
CrossRef | - Chukwuma, C.C., J.C. Ikewuchi, C. Ekeke and M.O. Monanu, 2018. Phytoremediation of crude oil polluted agricultural soil using Schwenkia americana L. and Spermacoce ocymoides Burm. f. Int. J. Biochem. Res. Rev., 23: 1-12.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Agbagwa, O.E. and C.Q. Onyebule, 2018. Microbial population of Staphyloccous aureus from inanimate surfaces in a general hospital environment in Rivers State, Nigeria. J. Applied Sci. Environ. Manage., 22: 124-128.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Okonwu K., C. Ekeke and S. Mensah, 2017. Micromorphological and phytochemical studies on cleome rutidosperma linn. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 11: 1-8.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nwafili, S.A., C. Ekeke and N.P. Ndakor, 2017. Field protocol for induction of triploidy in Clarias gariepinus. J. Aquat. Sci., 10.4314/jas.v31i2a.2.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C., and I.O. Agbagwa, 2017. Survey of foliar trichomes in Combretum loelf. (Combretaceae) in parts of West Africa. JPS 10.5539/jps.v6n2p9.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C., and C. Ogazie, 2017. Effect of bush fire on plant seedlings in the university of Port Harcourt biodiversity conservation center, Nigeria. J. Agric. Ecol. Res. Int., 10.9734/JAERI/2017/31647.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Agogbua, J., and C. Ekeke, 2017. In vitro polyploidization of Zehneria capillacea (Shumach.) C. jeffrey using nodal explants. J. Adv. Biol. Biotechnol., 10.9734/JABB/2017/28686.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Obute, G., C. Ekeke and U. Nwagwu, 2016. Assessing the genotoxic effects of aqueous leaf extract of neem (Azadirachta indica a. juss), cosmetics and alomo bitters (alcoholic drink) using allium test. Biotechnol. J. Int., 16: 1-13.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Mensah, S.I. and C. Ekeke, 2016. Effects of different pretreatments and seed coat on dormancy and germination of seeds of senna Obtusifolia (L.) h.s. irwin & barneby (fabaceae). Int. J. Biol., 10.5539/ijb.v8n2p77.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ikechukwu, M. and E. Chimezie, 2016. Propagation of treculia Africana decne species through promotion of seed germination by some physical and chemical treatments. J. Agric. Ecol. Res. Int., 9: 1-11.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - G.C. Obute, C. Ekeke, D.C. Izuka 2016. Genotoxicity Assessment of Refined Petroleum Products and Popular Local Soft drink (Zobo) in Daily Use in Nigeria Res. J. Mutagen., 6: 22-30.
CrossRef | - Ekeke, C., G.C. Obute and N. Ogwu, 2016. Pollen morphology of some medicinal plants in Asteraceae form Nigeria. Int. J. Curr. Res. Aca. Rev., 4: 165-172.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Chimezie, E. and O.A. Ikechukwu, 2016. Anatomical characteristics of Nigerian variants of Caladium bicolor (aiton) vent. (araceae). Afr. J. Plant Sci., 10: 121-129.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ocheku, E.B., C. Ekeke, P.O. Nwadiaro and S. Christopher, 2015. Phytochemical evaluation of leaves of some medicinal plants from parts of Niger Delta. IOSR J. Pharm. Biol. Sci., 10: 26-31.
Direct Link | - Josephine, A., E. Chimezie and E.O. Bosa, 2015. Morpho-anatomical characters of Zehneria capillacea (schumach) c. jeffrey and Zehneria scabra (l.f.) sond cucurbitaceae. Afr. J. Plant Sci., 9: 457-465.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C., and I.O. Agbagwa, 2015. Breeding and pollination biology of Combretum constrictum (Benth) Laws. (Combretaceae). Tropical Plant Biol., 8: 51-59.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C., J. Agogbua and B.E. Okoli, 2015. Comparative anatomy of tendril and fruit stalk in curcubitaceae juss. from Nigeria. Int. J. Bio. Chem. Sci., 10.4314/ijbcs.v9i4.13.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C. and S.I. Mensah, 2015. Comparative anatomy of midrib and its significance in the taxonomy of the family Asteraceae from Nigeria. J. Plant Sci., 10: 200-205.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C. and I.O. Agbagwa, 2015. Epidermal structures and stomatal ontogeny in Terminalia catappa L. (combretaceae). Int. J. Bot., 11: 1-9.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C. and I.O. Agbagwa, 2015. Epidermal structure and stomatal ontogeny in Terminalia catappa L. (Combretaceae). Int. J. Bot. .
- Ndukwu, B.C., C. Ekeke and J. Agogbua, 2014. Simple Molecular and Biochemical Techniques. In: Field Sampling and Laboratory Techniques in Biology, Ndukwu, B.C., G.O. Agu and A.A. Uwakwe (Eds.). Davidstones Global Resources Ltd., Port Harcourt, Nigeria, pp: 154 -173.
- Ndukwu, B.C., B.E. Ochekwu and C. Ekeke, 2014. Major Biomes of the Earth and Nigeria Vegetation Zones. In: Biology: An Inquiry into the Diversity of Life on Earth, Ndukwu, B.C. and A.I. Hart (Eds.). Davidstones Global Resources Ltd., Port Harcourt, Nigeria, pp: 124-146.
- Ndukwu, B.C., B.E. Ochekwu and C. Ekeke, 2014. Ecological Adaptations and Distribution of Organisms. In: Biology: An Inquiry into the Diversity of Life on Earth, Ndukwu, B.C. and A.I. Hart (Eds.). Davidstones Global Resources Ltd., Port Harcourt, Nigeria, pp: 80-102.
- Ekeke, C., I.O. Agbagwa and B.E. Okoli, 2014. Numerical taxonomy of Combretum loefl. from Southeastern Nigeria. J. Plant Sci., 9: 25-31.
- Ekeke, C. and I.O. Agbagwa, 2014. Ergastic substances (calcium oxalate crystals) in the leaf of Combretum loefl.(Combretaceae) Species in Nigeria. Am. J. Plant Sci., 5: 2389-2401.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Agbagwa, I.O., C. Ekeke and B.C. Ndukwu, 2014. Cytological Techniques. In: Field Sampling and Laboratory Techniques in Biology, Ndukwu, B.C., G.O. Agu and A.A. Uwakwe (Eds.). Davidstones Global Resources Ltd., Port Harcourt, Nigeria, pp: 110-119.
- Agbagwa, I.O., C. Ekeke and B.C. Ndukwu, 2014. Anatomical Techniques. In: Field Sampling and Laboratory Techniques in Biology, Ndukwu, B.C., G.O. Agu and A.A. Uwakwe (Eds.). Davidstones Global Resources Ltd., Port Harcourt, Nigeria, pp: 87-109.
- Agbagwa, I.O. and C. Ekeke, 2014. Palynological Techniques. In: Field Sampling and Laboratory Techniques in Biology, Ndukwu, B.C., G.O. Agu and A.A. Uwakwe (Eds.). Davidstones Global Resources Ltd., Port Harcourt, Nigeria, pp: 144-153.
- Ekeke, C., I.O. Agbagwa and B.E. Okoli, 2013. Numerical taxonomy of Combretum loefl. from southeastern Nigeria. J. Plant Sci., 9: 25-31.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C., I.O. Agbagwa and B.E. Okoli, 2013. Mitotic studies on Combretum loefl. from Nigeria. Am. J. Plant Sci., 4: 508-511.
Direct Link | - Ekeke, C. and K. Okokwu, 2013. Comparative study on fertility status of soils of university of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Res. J. Bot., 8: 24-30.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Ekeke, C. and B.C. Ndukwu, 2013. Taxonomic values of secondary metabolites (Hydrocarbons and Flavonoids) in the genus Euphorbia L. from Niger Delta, Nigeria. Res. J. Bot., 9: 1-8.
CrossRef | - Agbagwa, I.O. and C. Ekeke, 2011. Structure and Phyto-diversity of fresh water swamp forest in Oil-rich Bonny, Rivers State, Nigeria. Res. J. For., 5: 66-77.
- Nyananyo, B.L., C. Ekeke and I. Mensah, 2004. Morphological and phytochemical studies of water hyacinth, Eichhomia crassipes (Mart.) solms (Pontederiaceae). J. Creat. Scient. Stud., 2: 20-30.