Nideou Dassidi

Lecturer / Post Doc Fellowship
National Institute of Science and Technology Abeche

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal and Veterinary Sciences from University of Lome, Togo

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Broiler Feed
Broiler Nutrition

Selected Publications

  1. Lengthang, B., M. Tellah, D. Nideou, M. Assadi, N. Odjigue and Y.M. Logtene, 2023. Guinea fowl farming and its egg production in the western Tandjile department, Chad Int. J. Poult. Sci., 22: 24-30.
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  2. Foreman, A.A. N. Dassidi, N. Oumbortime, O. Onagbessan and K. Tona, 2023. Effect of induced molting on production performance, egg quality, hatching traits and juvenile performance of sasso broiler breeders. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 22: 46-57.
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  3. Dassidi, N., M. Tellah, I.Y. Adoum, A.J. Borso, O. Onagbessan, T. Kokoua and Y.M. Logtene, 2023. Morphological and zootechnical characterization of the local chicken in the urban area of Abéché. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 22: 5-11.
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  4. Dassidi, N., M. Tellah, A.R. Koblah, N.A. Djasrabaye and Y.M. Logtene, 2023. Zootechnical and morphological characteristics of indigenous chicken populations of Koundoul areas. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 22: 183-191.
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