Mr. Regis Dimitri Sokpe Longue

University of Bangui, Central African

Highest Degree
Ph.D. Student in Biochemistry from University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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Régis Dimitri Longué Sokpé is PhD student, at doctoral school "Sciences and Technologies" in University of Ouaga I Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Burkina Faso. He is an Assistant in Biochemistry and Plant Virology at Laboratory of Biological and Agronomic Sciences for Development (LaSBAD), in the Central African Republic. Mr Régis Dimitri Longué Sokpé make his doctorale study on Rice yellew Mottle Virus (RYMV), a most important constrain of rice production in Africa. He is author and co-author of two first repports and four articles published and submited in international reviews. Since 2010, Mr Régis Dimitri Longué Sokpé is team member of the LaSBAD laboratory, involved in several research projects on African cassava mosaic virus. Through these projects, he participated in farmers training for a best disease management as trainer. He contributed to the development of plant diseases control strategies, like rice yellew mottle disease, cassava mosaic disease and cassava brown streak disease in C.A.R. He provides teachings, mainly directed works and practicals at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Bangui in the Central African Republic.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Agricultural Science
Plant Virology
Plant Disease

Selected Publications

  1. Palanga, E., R.D.S. Longue, M. Koala, J.B. Neya and O. Traore et al., 2017. First report of Maize yellow mosaic virus infecting maize in Burkina Faso. New Dis. Rep., 35: 26-26.
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  2. Longue, S.R.D., A. Pinel-Galzi, Zinga I., S. Semballa, D. Fargette, N. Barro and O. Traore, 2017. Genetic Diversity and Molecular Epidemiology of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus in Central African Republic. Int. J. Virol., 10.3923/ijv.2017.
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  3. Longue, R.D.S., I. Zinga, S. Semballa, N. Barro and O. Traore, 2016. Detection and serological characterization of rice yellow mottle virus in central African republic. Agric. Sci., 7: 911-919.
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  4. Longue, S.R.D., A. Pinel-Galzi, S. Semballa, I. Zinga and D. Fargette, 2014. First Report of Rice yellow mottle virus in Rice in Central African Republic. Plant Dis., 98: 162-162.
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