Dr. Wouokoue Taffo

University of Dschang, Cameroon

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Plant Systematic and Ecology from University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Ecological Physiology
Systematic Botany

Selected Publications

  1. Taffo, J.B.W., V.F. Nguetsop, G.M. Anjah, M.C.M. Solefack, W.N. Tacham and S.S.K. Feukeng, 2019. Phenological behaviour of tropical tree species in three altitudinal zones of Bambouto Mountains, West Cameroon. J. Applied Sci., 19: 68-76.
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  2. Pindi, C.K., M.L.A. Avana-Tientcheu, P.M. Mananga, C.M. Muma and J.B.W. Taffo, 2019. Systemes agroforestiers et conservation de la phytodiversite ligneuse dans le paysage agraire du territoire de Tshela/Kongo-Central en Republique Democratique du Congo. Eur. J. Scient. Res., 152: 322-333.
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  3. Wouokoue, T.J.B., V.F. Nguetsop and T. Fonkou, 2018. Equations allometriques mono et multi-specifiques pour l'estimation de la biomasse aerienne des ligneux des savanes des Hautes Terres de l'Ouest-Cameroun. Revue Internationale Geomatique Amenagement Gestion Ressources, 3 : 69-87.

  4. Wouokoue, T.J.B., V.F. Nguetsop and T. Fonkou, 2018. Allometric models to estimate the aboveground biomass of tropical highlands savannahs trees. Cameroon J. Exp. Biol., 12: 49-56.

  5. Momo, S.M.C., A.L. Njouonkou, L.F. Temgoua, D.R. Zangmene, T.J.B. Wouokoue and M. Ntoupka, 2018. Land-use/land-cover change and anthropogenic causes around Koupa Matapit Forest Gallery, West-Cameroon. J. Geogr. Geol., 10: 56-65.

  6. Wouokoue, T.J.B., G.M. Anjah, V.F. Nguetsop and T. Fonkou, 2017. Floristic diversity of the savannah ecosystems in three altitudinal zones of the Bambouto Mountains, West Cameroon. Cameroon J. Biol. Biochem. Sci., 25: 52-59.
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  7. Baudoin, W.T.J., N.V. Francois and F. Théophile, 2017. Floristic diversity of Western Highlands Savannas of Cameroon. Int. J. Curr. Res. Biosci. Plant Biol., 4: 7-13.
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