Dr. Adugna Debela Bote
Associate ProfessorJimma University, Ethiopia
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Crop Eco-Physiology from Wageningen University and Research Centre, Netherlands
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Selected Publications
- Tolessa, E.S., D. Belew, A. Debela and B. Kedi, 2016. Effect of Nitrogen and irrigation on potato varieties in west Ethiopia. Am. J. Plant Nutr. Fertilization Technol., 6: 15-20.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Bote, A.D. and V. Jan, 2016. Branch growth dynamics, photosynthesis, yield and bean size distribution in response to fruit load manipulation in coffee trees. Trees, 30: 1275-1285.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Tadesse, A., H.K. Kim and A. Debela, 2015. Calibration of nitrogen fertilizer for quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) based on in-season estimated yield using a handheld NDVI sensor in the central Rift valley of Ethiopia. Asia Pacific J. Energy Environ., 2: 25-32.
Direct Link | - Yonas, M., W. Garedew and A. Debela, 2014. Variability and association of quantitative characters among Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) collection in South Western Ethiopia. J. Biol. Sci., 14: 336-342.
CrossRef | - Yonas, M., W. Garedew and A. Debela, 2014. Multivariate analysis among okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) collection in South Western Ethiopia. J. Plant Sci., 9: 43-50.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Feyera, A., M. Muktar and D. Adugna, 2014. Effects of diferent rates of NPK and blended fertilizers on nutrient uptake and use efficiency of teff [Eragrostis tef (Zuccagni) Trotter] in Dedessa district, Southwestern Ethiopia. Biol. Agric. Healthcare 4: 254-258.
- Asefa, F., A. Debela and M. Mohammed, 2014. Evaluation of Teff [Eragrostis tef (Zuccagni) Trotter] responses to different rates of NPK along with Zn and B in Didessa district, Southwestern Ethiopia. World Applied Sci. J., 32: 2245-2249.
Direct Link | - Akassa, B., D. Belew and A. Debela, 2014. Yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seed tuber as influenced by inter and intra row spacing at Bako, Western Ethiopia. J. Biol. Sci., 14: 431-435.
CrossRef | - Akassa, B., D. Belew and A. Debela, 2014. Effect of inter and intra row spacing on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seed and ware tuber seedling emergence and establishment at Bako, Western Ethiopia. J. Agron., 13: 127-130.
- Yohannes, K.W., D. Belew and A. Debela, 2013. Effect of farmyard manure and nitrogen fertilizer rates on growth, yield and yield components of onion (Allium cepa L.) at Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia. Asian J. Plant Sci., 12: 228-234.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Teshome, K., A. Debela and W. Garedew, 2013. Effect of drying temperature and duration on biochemical composition and quality of black tea (Camellia sinensis L.) O. Kuntze at Wush Wush, South Western Ethiopia. Asian J. Plant Sci., 12: 235-240.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Kassaye, T., D. Adugna and L. Getahun, 2013. Evaluating seedling establishment of tomato (Lycoperscum esculentummil L.) varieties as influenced by NaCl stress. Int. J. Curr. Agric. Sci., 3: 10-14.
- Kebebew, Z., W. Garedew and A. Debela, 2011. Understanding homegarden in household food security strategy: Case study around jimma, Southwestern Ethiopia. Res. J. Applied Sci., 6: 38-43.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Girma, K., T. Kassaye and D. Adugna, 2011. Evaluating tomato responses:A means of screening varieties to saline soil. Int. J. Curr. Agric. Res., 3: 1-11.
- Bote, A.D. and P.C. Struik, 2011. Effects of shade on growth, production and quality of coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) in Ethiopia. J. Hortic. For., 3: 336-341.
Direct Link | - Adugna, D., G. Daba, D. Bane and K. Tolessa, 2011. Identification of major causes of postharvest losses among selected fruits in Jimma zone for proffering veritable solutions. Int. J. Curr. Res., 3: 40-43.
- Mitchell, C., D. Belew, A. Debela, D. Muleta and S. Fikreyesus, 2010. The farmer and her husband: Engendering the curriculum in a faculty of agriculture in an Ethiopian university. Agenda J., 24: 66-77.