Dr. Mammo Mengesha Erdaw

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from University of New England, Armidale, Australia

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Production
Animal Husbandry
Dairy Processing
Animal Nutrition

Selected Publications

  1. Erdaw, M.M., R.A. Perez-Maldonado and P.A. Iji, 2019. Protease and phytase supplementation of broiler diets in which soybean meal is partially or completely replaced by raw full-fat soybean. SA. J. An. Sci., 49: 455-467.
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  2. Erdaw, M.M., R.A. Perez-Maldonado and P.A. Iji, 2018. Supplementation of broiler diets with high levels of microbial protease and phytase enables partial replacement of commercial soybean meal with raw, full-fat soybean. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr., 102: 755-768.
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  3. Goraga, Z.S., E. Tekletsadik, S. Abyi, M. Mengesha and G.J.M.M. Lima, 2017. Characterization of pork consumers and preference for quality traits in Ethiopia. World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 12: 79-86.
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  4. Goraga, Z., A. Bekele, T. Degefa, M. Alwi, M. Mengesha and G.J.M.M. Lima, 2017. Live pigs marketing and buyers characteristics in Ethiopia. Acad. Res. J. Agric. Sci. Res., 5: 244-254.

  5. Erdaw, M.M., S. Wu and A.P. Iji, 2017. Growth and physiological responses of broiler chickens to diets containing raw, full-fat soybean and supplemented with a high-impact microbial protease. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 30: 1303-1313.
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  6. Erdaw, M.M., M.M. Bhuiyan and P.A. Iji, 2017. Response of broiler chicks to non-steam- or steam-pelleted diets containing raw, full-fat soybean meal. J. Applied Poult. Res., 26: 260-272.
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  7. Erdaw, M.M., A.R. Perez-Maldonado, M. Bhuiyan and P.A. Iji, 2017. Partial replacement of commercial soybean meal with raw, full-fat soybean meal supplemented with varying levels of protease in diets of broiler chickens. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci., 47: 61-71.
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  8. Erdaw, M.M., A.R. Perez-Maldonado and P.A. Iji, 2017. Physiological and health-related response of broiler chickens fed diets containing raw, full-fat soybean meal supplemented with microbial protease. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nut., 10.1111/jpn.12785.
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  9. Erdaw, M.M., A.R. Perez-Maldonado and P.A. Iji, 2017. Apparent and standardized ileal nutrient digestibility of broiler diets containing varying levels of raw, full-fat soybean meal and microbial protease. J. Anim. Sci. Technol., 59: 23-23.
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  10. Zemelak S.G., M. Mengesha, M.E. Gebregzabher and J.M. Gustavo, 2016. Production system, feeding and slurry management of swine in Ethiopia, Global J. Agric. Agric. Sci., 4: 304-313.

  11. Erdaw, M.M., R.A. Perez-Maldonado, M. Bhuiyan and P.A. Iji, 2016. Physicochemical properties and enzymatic in vitro nutrient digestibility of full-fat soybean meal. J. Food. Agric. Environ., 14: 85-91.

  12. Erdaw, M.M., M.M. Bhuiyan and P.A. Iji, 2016. Enhancing the nutritional value of soybeans for poultry through supplementation with new-generation feed enzymes. World's Poult. Sci. J., 72: 307-322.
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  13. Zemelak S.G., M. Mengesha, M. Marcelo and J.M.M. Gustavo, 2015. Swine production in Ethiopia: I. Socio-economic characteristics of producers and motivational drivers. Global J. Agric. Agric. Sci., 3: 279-287.

  14. Mengesha, M., 2013. Biophysical and the socio-economics of chicken production. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 8: 1828-1836.
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  15. Mengesha, M., 2012. The issue of feed-food competition and chicken production for the demands of foods of animal origin. Asian J. Poul. Sci., 6: 31-43.
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  16. Mengesha, M., 2012. Indigenous chicken production and the innate characteristics. Asian J. Poultry Sci., 6: 56-64.
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  17. Mengesha, M., 2012. Feed resources and chicken production in Ethiopia. World's Poult. Sci. J., 68: 491-502.
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  18. Mengesha, M., 2012. Chicken production scenarios and the headway options for improvement in Ethiopia. World's Poultry Sci. J., 68: 299-305.
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  19. Mengesha, M. and W. Tsega, 2012. Indigenous sheep production in Ethiopia: A review. Iran. J. Anim. Sci., 2: 311-318.
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  20. Mengesha, M., B. Tamir and T. Dessie, 2011. Village chicken constraints and traditional management practices in Jamma District, South Wollo, Ethiopia. J. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., Vol. 23. .
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  21. Mengesha, M., 2011. Climate change and the preference of rearing poultry for the demands of protein foods. Asian J. Poult. Sci., 5: 135-143.
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  22. Mengesha, M. and W. Tsega, 2011. Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of indigenous chickens in Ethiopia: A review. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 6: 5398-5404.

  23. Mengesha, M. and S. Abda, 2010. Performance and carcass characteristics of broilers fed selected energy source feeds. Res. J. Poult. Sci., 3: 54-57.
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  24. Goraga,Z., M. Adamu, S. Ali, A. Guteta, M. Mengesha, G.J.M.M. Lima, 2007. Swine production, productivity and breeding practices in Ethiopia. J. Int. Invent. J. Agric. Soil Sci.(IIJAS), 5: 26-34.
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