Dr. Yeshambel Mekuriaw Chekol

Dr. Yeshambel Mekuriaw Chekol

Department of Animal Science, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from Haramaya University, Ethiopia

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Agriculture Research
Animal Feeding
Animal Agriculture
Animal Feed Industry

Selected Publications

  1. Walie, M., F. Tegegne, Y. Mekuriaw, A. Tsunekawa and N. Kobayashi et al., 2022. Nutritional value and in vitro volatile fatty acid production of forage grasses cultivated using farmyard manure and Desmodium Intortum intercropping in the upper blue nile basin, Ethiopia. Adv. Agric., 2022: 1-12.
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  2. Walie, M., F. Tegegne, Y. Mekuriaw, A. Tsunekawa and N. Kobayashi et al., 2022. Effects of farmyard manure and Desmodium intercropping on forage grass growth, yield, and soil properties in different agro-ecologies of upper blue nile basin, Ethiopia, Cogent Food Agric., 8: 1-20.
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  3. Teshager, D., Y. Mekuriaw and N. Beyero, 2022. Protein supplement potential of Dodonaea angustifolia leaves by replacing atella on nutrient utilization and performance of farta sheep fed natural pasture hay basal diet. Vet. Med. Sci, 8: 2230-2240.
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  4. Hunegnaw, B., Y. Mekuriaw, B. Asmare and S. Mekuriaw, 2022. Morphoagronomical and nutritive performance of Brachiaria grasses affected by soil type and fertilizer application grown under rainfed condition in Ethiopia. Adv. Agric., 2022: 1-11.
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