Dr. Omwoyo Wesley Nyaigoti

Maasai Mara University, Kenya

Highest Degree
PostDoc Fellow in Nanochemistry from Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

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Area of Interest:

Environmental Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry

Selected Publications

  1. Owuor, J.J., F. Oloo, M. Ongas, C. Kirimi, W.N. Omwoyo and J.W. Gathirwa, 2017. Development and validation of a GC-MS method for the quantitation of nanoformulated primaquine in whole blood and plasma of mouse model. J. Nanotoxicol. Nanomed., 2: 44-58.

  2. Owuor, J.J., F. Oloo, J.K. Ngetich, M. Kivunzya, W.N. Omwoyo and J.W. Gathirwa, 2017. Comparison of freeze and spray drying to obtain primaquine-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles. J. Nanotoxicol. Nanomed., 2: 31-50.

  3. Owuor, J.J., F. Oloo, D. Ouma, W.N. Omwoyo and J.W. Gathirwa, 2017. Optimization and characterization of primaquine loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) for liver schinonticide targeting by freeze drying. MOJ Drug Des Delivery Ther., 4: 21-29.

  4. Omwoyo, W.N., O. Sween, S. Kibet and F. Oloo, 2017. Effects of micronutrients on the nutritional status of clonal tea replanted in areas where old tea was uprooted. J. Tea Sci. Res., 7: 20-27.

  5. Omwoyo, W.N., 2017. Influence of nitrogenous fertilizer rates, plucking intervals and geograghical location of production on sected micronutrient levels of the black tea. J. Tea Sci. Res., 7: 1-10.

  6. Omwoyo, W.N., P. Melariri, J.W. Gathirwa, F. Oloo and G.M. Mahanga et al., 2016. Development, characterization and antimalarial efficacy of dihydroartemisinin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnol. Biol. Med., 12: 801-809.
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  7. Omwoyo, W.N., M.F. Silas, O. Nathan and F. Oloo, 2016. Removal of chromium and cadmium ions from water using graphene oxide and sodium graphene oxide nanocomposites. Int. J. Sci. Eng. Invent., 2: 54-58.
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  8. Omwoyo, W.N. and S. Ligawa, 2016. Influence of seasons on selected water quality parameters within the aquatic ecosystem in South Nyanza Sugarcane zone. Br. J. Applied Res., 1: 30-34.
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  9. Kwamboka, B., W. Omwoyo and N. Oyaro, 2016. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of ZnS nanoparticles. Indian J. Nanosci., 4: 1-6.
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  10. Wambu, E., W.N. Omwoyo and T. Akenga, 2015. Excessive copper (II) and zinc(II) levels in drinkable water sources in areas along the Lake Victoria Shorelines in Siaya County, Kenya. Bull. Environ. Contamin. Toxicol., 96: 96-101.
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  11. Omwoyo, W.N., F. Oloo, G.M. Maroa and J.W. Gathirwa, 2015. Investigations into manufacturing processes for a liposomal parenteral formulation to solubilize poorly soluble drug substances. Indian J. Nanosci., 4: 1-14.

  12. Vivian, O.P., O. Nathan, A. Osano, L. Mesopirr and W.N. Omwoyo, 2014. Assessment of the physicochemical properties of selected commercial soaps manufactured and sold in Kenya. Open J. Appl. Sci., 4: 433-440.
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  13. Omwoyo, W.N., P.O. Owuor, D.M. Ongeri and D.M. Kamau, 2014. Effect of location of production, plucking intervals and nirogenous fertilizer rates on the micronutrient content of clonal black teas. Int. J. Tea Sci., 10: 25-33.

  14. Omwoyo, W.N., P.O. Owuor and D.M. Ongeri, 2014. Effect of genotypes in different environments on micronutrient content of black tea. J. Tea Sci. Res., 4: 17-26.
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  15. Omwoyo, W.N., F. Oloo, J. Gathirwa, B. Ogutu, L. Kalombo and P. Melariri, 2014. Preparation, characterization and optimization of Primaquine loaded solid lipid nanoparticles. Int. J. Nanomed., 4: 178-197.

  16. Makena, B.P., O. Nathan, A. Osano and W.N. Omwoyo, 2014. Determination of the levels of selected heavy metals in medicinal plants from Narok county, Kenya and variations in their levels due to hot water infusion. Int. Res. J. Environ. Sci., 3: 5-10.
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  17. Omwoyo, W.N., P.O. Owuor, D.M.K. Ongeri, D. Kamau, B.O. Kwach, P. Mboya and M.O. Otieno, 2013. Survey of micronutrients levels in East African black teas and tea infusions. Asian J. Biol. Life Sci., 2: 42-49.

  18. Omwoyo, W.N., P.O. Owuor, D.M. Ongeri and D.M. Kamau, 2013. Effect of genotypes in different tea-growing locations in Kenya on some micronutrients content of black tea. Int. J. Tea Sci., 9: 6-13.

  19. Omwoyo, W.N., G.O. Achieng and D. Ongeri, 2013. Effects of anthropogenic activities to the levels of copper and lead in Kisumu city soils. Sky J. Environ. Sci., 2: 62-67.

  20. Omwoyo, W.N., 2012. Alleviating Hidden Hunger using Black Tea. Academic Publishing Company, German.

  21. Omwoma, S., W.N. Omwoyo, J.O. Alwala, D.M. Ongeri, L.C. Sylus and J.O. Lalah, 2012. Nutrient reduction in runoff water from sugarcane farms by sedimentation method. Environmentalist, 32: 494-502.
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  22. Omwoma, S., W.N. Omwoyo, J.O. Lalah, D.M.K. Ongeri and P.O. Owuor, 2011. Impact of Agronomic Inputs in Sugarcane Farming on River Kuywa Surface Water Quality Traversing Sugarcane zones in Western Kenya. Kabarak University Publication, Kabarak, Kenya.