Ms. Claris Shoko

Lecturer and Researcher
Great Zimbabwe University

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Statistics from University of the Free State, South Africa

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Area of Interest:

Applied Statistics
Design of Experiment
Statistical Modeling

Selected Publications

  1. Mishra, P., K.M. Alakkari, A. Lama, S. Ray and M. Singh, 2023. Modeling and forecasting of sugarcane production in South Asian countries. Curr. Appl. Sci. Technol. Vol. 23. 10.55003/cast.2022.01.23.00.
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  2. Shoko, C., D. Chikobvu and P.O. Bessong, 2020. Effects of antiretroviral therapy on CD4+ cell count, HIV viral load and death in a South African cohort: A modelling study. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 23: 542-551.
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  3. Shoko, C., D. Chikobvu and P.O. Bessong, 2020. A Markov model for the effects of virological failure on HIV/AIDS progression in tuberculosis co-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in a rural clinic in northern South Africa. S. Afr. Med. J., 10.7196/SAMJ.2020.v110i4.13934.
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  4. Shoko, C., D. Chikobvu and P.O. Bessong, 2019. A comparison of the time homogeneous and time non-homogeneous markov models for monitoring HIV/AIDS disease progression: Results from patients on ART. Biomed. Res., 30: 786-795.
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  5. Shoko, C. and D. Chikobvu, 2019. A superiority of viral load over CD4 cell count when predicting mortality in HIV patients on therapy. BMC Infect. Dis., Vol. 19, No. 1. 10.1186/s12879-019-3781-1.
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  6. Shoko, C., D. Chikobvu and P.O. Bessong, 2018. A Markov model to estimate mortality due to HIV/AIDS using viral load levels-based states and CD4 cell counts: A principal component analysis approach. Infect. Dis. Ther., 7: 457-471.
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  7. Shoko, C. and D. Chikobvu, 2018. Time-homogeneous Markov process for HIV/AIDS progression under a combination treatment therapy: Cohort study, South Africa. Theor. Biol. Med. Modell., Vol. 15, No. 1. 10.1186/s12976-017-0075-4.
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  8. Shoko, C. and D. Chikobvu, 2018. Determinants of viral load rebound on HIV/AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy: Results from South Africa. Theor. Biol. Med. Modell., Vol. 15, No. 1. 10.1186/s12976-018-0082-0.
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  9. Chikobvu, D. and C. Shoko, 2018. A Markov model to estimate mortality due to HIV/AIDS using CD4 cell counts based states and viral load: A principal component analysis approach. Biomed. Res., 29: 3090-3098.
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  10. Shoko, M., S.I. Mkwamba, D. Tsingo and C. Shoko, 2009. Production methods and farming systems of sugarcane under the fast track land reform programme in a semi-arid region in Zimbabwe. Sugar Cane Int., 27: 6-11.
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