Dr. Fernando Barragan Medero

University of La Laguna, Spain

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Social Sciences from University of La Laguna, Spain

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Area of Interest:

Social Sciences
Sexuality Education
Violence and Interculturality
Values Education and Law

Selected Publications

  1. Pérez-Jorge, D., F. Barragán-Medero, J.M. Herrera-Hernández and S. Falcón-Chueca, 2019. Health programme evaluation and the improvement of quality of care: An orthogeriatrics programme case study. EURASIA J. Math. Sci. Technol. Educ., Vol. 15. 10.29333/ejmste/108330.
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  2. Pérez-Jorge, D., F. Barragán-Medero, J. Gutiérrez-Barroso and F. Castro-León, 2018. A synchronous tool for innovation and improvement of university communication, counseling and tutoring: The whatsapp experience. EURASIA J. Math. Sci. Technol., 14: 2737-2743.
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  3. Gutiérrez-Barroso, J., F. Barragán-Medero and D. Pérez-Jorge, 2018. Suicide in Europe countries: A multivariate approach analysis. Global J. Health Sci., 10: 12-21.
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  4. Pérez-Jorge, D., F.B. Medero and E. Molina-Fernández, 2017. A study of educational programmes that promote attitude change and values education in Spain. Asian Soc. Sci., 13: 112-130.
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  5. Molina-Fernández, E., F.B. Medero, D. Pérez-Jorge and F. Oda-Ángel, 2017. Cultural empowerment and language: Teaching Spanish to the socially disadvantaged amazigh population through the alehop programme. Asian Soc. Sci., 13: 43-54.
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  6. Medero, F.B., 2016. Elderly women in the family: The ethics of care. Exlibris Soc. Gerontology J., 12: 25-31.
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  7. Barragán, F., J. Gómez, A. Llorens and P.D. Herrera, 2016. Gender violence and prisoners: Action research and pedagogy. New Educ. Rev., 43: 125-136.
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