Dr. Umberta Tinivella

Senior Scientist
National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, Italy

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Applied Geophysics from University of Trieste, Italy

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Dr. Umberta Tinivella obtained her PhD in Applied Geophysics from University of Trieste, Italy in 2006. Currently she is working as Senior Researcher in Geophysics Department, OGS(Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), Italy. In past she worked as Assistant Research at Ecole olitecnique Federale de Losanne (EPFL), Switzerland. She is member of many scientific societies.She also Participated to EU-COST project: Impact of Fluid circulation in old oceanic Lithosphere on the seismicity of transfOrm-type plate boundaries: New solutions for early seismic monitoring of major European Seismogenic zones (FLOWS), Management Committee of the EU-COST project: PERGAMON -Permafrost and gas hydrate related methane release in Arctic and impact on climate change: European cooperation for long-term monitoring. She is also member of organization of scientific meeting. She also supervised graduate and post doctoral students. She received the Best Poster Presentation at the Near Surface Conference. She is the author of many technical reports and papers on gas hydrate topic and she received several invitation to present her work. Moreover, she is active on dissemination of her research.

Area of Interest:

Earth Science and Geography
Gas Hydrate
Advanced Seismic Processing

Selected Publications

  1. Tinivella, U. and M. Giustiniani, 2013. Variations in BSR depth due to gas hydrate stability versus pore pressure. Global Planetary Change, 100: 119-128.
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  2. Tinivella, U. and M. Giustiniani, 2013. Numerical simulation of coupled waves in borehole drilling through a BSR. Marine Petroleum Geol., 44: 34-40.
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  3. Catalano, R., V. Valenti, C. Albanese, F. Accaino and A. Sulli et al., 2013. Sicily's fold-thrust belt and slab roll-back: The SI. RI. PRO. seismic crustal transect. J. Geol. Soc., 170: 451-464.
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  4. Loreto, M.F. and U. Tinivella, 2012. Gas hydrate versus geological features: The South Shetland case study. Marine Petroleum Geol., 36: 164-171.
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  5. Barison, E., G. Brancatelli, R. Nicolich, F. Accaino, M. Giustiniani and U. Tinivella, 2011. Wave equation datuming applied to marine OBS data and to land high resolution seismic profiling. J. Applied Geophys., 73: 267-277.
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  6. Accaino, F., R. Catalano, L. Di Marzo, M. Giustiniani and U. Tinivella et al., 2011. A crustal seismic profile across Sicily. Tectonophysics, 508: 52-61.
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  7. Vargas-Cordero, I., U. Tinivella, F. Accaino, M.F. Loreto and F. Fanucci, 2010. Thermal state and concentration of gas hydrate and free gas of Coyhaique, Chilean Margin (44° 30' S). Marine Petroleum Geol., 27: 1148-1156.
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  8. Loreto, M.F., U. Tinivella, F. Accaino and M. Giustiniani, 2010. Offshore Antarctic peninsula gas hydrate reservoir characterization by geophysical data analysis. Energies, 4: 39-56.
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  9. Giustiniani, M., U. Tinivella and F. Accaino, 2010. P and S reflection and P refraction: An integration for characterising shallow subsurface. J. Applied Geophys., 71: 149-156.
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  10. 5Cordero, I.D.L.C.V., U. Tinivella, F. Accaino, M.F. Loreto, F. Fanucci and C. Reichert, 2010. Analyses of bottom simulating reflections offshore Arauco and Coyhaique (Chile). Geo-Marine Lett., 30: 271-281.
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  11. Tinivella, U., M.F. Loreto and F. Accaino, 2009. Regional versus detailed velocity analysis to quantify hydrate and free gas in marine sediments: The South Shetland Margin case study. Geol. Soc. Lond. Special Publications, 319: 103-119.
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  12. Neagu, R.C., U. Tinivella, V. Volpi, M. Rebesco and A. Camerlenghi, 2009. Estimation of biogenic silica contents in marine sediments using seismic and well log data: Sediment drift 7, Antarctica. Int. J. Earth Sci., 98: 839-848.
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  13. Giustiniani, M., F. Accaino, S. Picotti and U. Tinivella, 2009. 3D seismic data for shallow aquifers characterisation. J. Applied Geophys., 68: 394-403.
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  14. Vedova, B.D., C. Vecellio, S. Bellani and U. Tinivella, 2008. Thermal modelling of the Larderello geothermal field (Tuscany, Italy). Int. J. Earth Sci., 97: 317-332.
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  15. Tinivella, U., F. Accaino and B.D. Vedova, 2008. Gas hydrates and active mud volcanism on the South Shetland continental margin, Antarctic Peninsula. Geo-Marine Lett., 28: 97-106.
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  16. Loreto, M.F., U. Tinivella and C.R. Ranero, 2007. Evidence for fluid circulation, overpressure and tectonic style along the Southern Chilean margin. Tectonophysics, 429: 183-200.
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  17. Accaino, F., A. Bratus, S. Conti, D. Fontana and U. Tinivella, 2007. Fluid seepage in mud volcanoes of the northern Apennines: An integrated geophysical and geological study. J. Applied Geophys., 63: 90-101.
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  18. Bohm, G., F. Accaino, G. Rossi and U. Tinivella, 2006. Tomographic joint inversion of first arrivals in a real case fromSaudi Arabia. Geophysical Prospecting, 54: 721-730.
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  19. Tinivella, U., F. Accaino, G. Rossi and R. Nicolich, 2005. Petrophysical analysis of CROP-18 crustal seismic data. Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana., 3: 205-211.
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  20. Accaino, F., U. Tinivella, G. Rossi and R. Nicolich, 2005. Imaging of CROP-18 deep seismic crustal data. Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana, 3: 195-204.
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  21. Accaino, F., U. Tinivella, G. Rossi and R. Nicolich, 2005. Geofluid evidence from analysis of deep crustal seismic data (Southern Tuscany, Italy). J. Volcanol. Geothermal Res., 148: 46-59.
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  22. Poletto, F., M. Malusa, F. Miranda and U. Tinivella, 2004. Seismic-while-drilling by using dual sensors in drill strings. Geophysics, 69: 1261-1271.
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  23. Tinivella, U., 2003. Numerical simulation of coupled waves in borehole. J. Comput. Acoustics, 11: 563-576.
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  24. Tinivella, U. and F. Poletto, 2003. Propagation of extensional and torsional waves in a real drill string. J. Seismic Exploration, 12: 151-168.

  25. Tinivella, U., 2002. The seismic response to overpressure versus gas hydrate and free gas concentration. J. Seismic Exploration, 11: 283-305. 2002. The seismic response to overpressure versus gas hydrate and free gas concentration. J. Seismic Exploration, 11: 283-305.

  26. Tinivella, U. and J.M. Carcione, 2001. Estimation of gas-hydrate concentration and free-gas saturation from log and seismic data. Leading Edge, 20: 200-203.
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  27. Coren, F., V. Volpi and U. Tinivella, 2001. Gas hydrate physical properties imaging by multi-attribute analysis-Blake Ridge BSR case history. Marine Geol., 178: 197-210.
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  28. Carcione, J.M. and U. Tinivella, 2001. The seismic response to overpressure: A modelling study based on laboratory, well and seismic data. Geophysical Prospecting, 49: 523-539.
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  29. Tinivella, U. and F. Accaino, 2000. Compressional velocity structure and Poisson's ratio in marine sediments with gas hydrate and free gas by inversion of reflected and refracted seismic data (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Marine Geol., 164: 13-27.
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  30. Carcione, J.M. and U. Tinivella, 2000. Bottom-simulating reflectors: Seismic velocities and AVO effects. Geophysics, 65: 54-67.-67.
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  31. Tinivella, U., 1999. A method for estimating gas hydrate and free gas concentrations in marine sediments. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 40: 19-30.
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  32. Tinivella, U., 1998. Semi-automatic picking in real seismic data. First Break, 16: 47-51.
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