Dr. Ney Carter Do Carmo Borges

State University of Campinas, Brazil

Highest Degree
Doctorate in Medicine from State University of Medicine of Para, Brazil

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Area of Interest:

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Selected Publications

  1. Kasmas, S.H., M.C. Izar, C.N. Franca, S.C. Ramos and F.T. Moreira et al., 2012. Differences in synthesis and absorption of cholesterol of two effective lipid-lowering therapies. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res., 45: 1095-1101.
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  2. Feio, C.A., M.C. Izar, S.S. Ihara, S.H. Kasmas and C.M. Martins et al., 2012. Euterpe oleracea (acai) modifies sterol metabolism and attenuates experimentally-induced atherosclerosis. J. Atherosclerosis Thromb., 19: 237-245.
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  3. Borges, N.C., R.E. Barrientos-Astigarraga, C.E. Sverdloff, J.L. Donato and P. Moreno et al., 2012. A fast, sensitive and simple method for mirtazapine quantification in human plasma by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Application to a comparative bioavailability study. Biomed Chromatogr., 26: 1399-1407.
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  4. Ramos, S.C., F.A. Fonseca, S.H. Kasmas, F.T. Moreira and T. Helfenstein et al., 2011. The role of soluble fiber intake in patients under highly effective lipid-lowering therapy. Nutr. J., Vol. 10. .
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  5. Borges, N.C.D.C., R.B. Astigarraga, C.E. Sverdloff, B.C. Borges, T.R. Paiva, P.R. Galvinas and R.A. Moreno, 2011. Budesonide quantification by HPLC coupled to atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) tandem mass spectrometry. Application to a comparative systemic bioavailability of two budesonide formulations in healthy volunteers. J. Chromatography B, 879: 236-242.
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  6. Borges, N.C., V.M. Rezende, J.M. Santana, R.P. Moreira and R.F. Moreira et al., 2011. Chlorpromazine quantification in human plasma by UPLC-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Application to a comparative pharmacokinetic study. J. Chromatography B, 879: 3728-3734.
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  7. Rigato, H.M., B.C. Borges, C.E. Sverdloff, R.A. Moreno, E. Orpineli and N. Carter Borges, 2010. Bioavailability of two oral suspension and two oral tablet formulations of nimesulide 100 mg in healthy Brazilian adult subjects. J. Bioequivalence Bioavailability, 48: 233-242.
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  8. Moreno, R.A., D. Oliveira‐Silva, C.E. Sverdloff, B.C. Borges, P.A. Rebelo Galvinas, R.B. Astigarraga and N.C. Borges, 2010. Determination of chlorpheniramine in human plasma by HPLC‐ESI‐MS/MS: Application to a dexchlorpheniramine comparative bioavailability study. Biom. Chromatography, 24: 774-781.
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  9. Moreno, R.A., C.E. Sverdloff, R.A. de Oliveira and N.C. Borges, 2010. Determination of phenobarbital in human plasma by a specific liquid chromatography method: Application to a bioequivalence study. Quim. Nova, 33: 124-129.
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  10. Moreira, R.F., M.C. Salvadori, C.P. Azevedo, D. Oliveira‐Silva and D.C. Borges et al., 2010. Development and validation of a rapid and sensitive LC‐ESI‐MS/MS method for ondansetron quantification in human plasma and its application in comparative bioavailability study. Biom. Chromatography, 24: 1220-1227.
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  11. Salvadori, M.C., R.F. Moreira, B.C. Borges, M.H. Andraus, C.P. Azevedo, R.A. Moreno and N.C. Borges, 2009. Simultaneous determination of losartan and hydrochlorothiazide in human plasma by LC/MS/MS with electrospray ionization and its application to pharmacokinetics. Clin. Exp. Hypertension, 31: 415-427.
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  12. Rigato, H.M., R.A. Moreno, E.Z. Orpinelli, B.C. Borges, C.E. Sverdloff, J. Pedrazzoli and N.C. Borges, 2009. A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of diclofenac in human plasma: Application to a comparative bioavailability study. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 47: 132-140.
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  13. Moreno, R.A., C.E. Sverdloff, R.A. Oliveira, S.E. Oliveira and D.C. Borges et al., 2009. Comparative bioavailability and pharmacodynamic aspects of cyclobenzaprine and caffeine in healthy subjects and the effect on drowsiness intensity. J. Bioequiv Availab, 1: 86-92.
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  14. Moreira, R.F., H.M. Rigato, B.C. Borges, C.E. Sverdloff, R.A. Oliveira, R.A. Moreno and N.C. Borges, 2009. Effect of hyperlipemic food on the comparative bioavailability of two bupropion formulations after administration of a single oral dose of 150 mg in healthy human volunteers. J. Bioequiv Availab, 1: 103-111.
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  15. Borges, N.C., A. Mazuqueli, R.A. Moreno, R.B. Astigarraga and C.E. Sverdloff et al., 2009. Cyproterone acetate quantification in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure photoionization tandem mass spectrometry. Arzneimittelforschung, 59: 335-344.
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  16. Borges, N.C.D.C., H.M. Rigato, P.R. de Oliveira, D.R. Nogueira, R.A. Moreno and S.L. Dalmora, 2008. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of propranolol in human plasma and its application to a bioequivalence study. J. Liquid Chromatography Related Technol., 31: 2927-2941.
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  17. Moreno, R.A., L. Boldrina, A. Guermani, J. Mazucheli, C. Sverdloff and N.C.C. Borges, 2007. Comparative bioavailability study of two phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium tablet formulations in healthy volunteers. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 45: 669-676.
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  18. Borges, N.C.C. and R.A. Moreno, 2007. Comparative relative bioavailability of two glimepiride formulations in healthy volunteers after a single dose administration of 4mg. Arq Bras Endocrinol. Metabol., 51: 950-955.

  19. Borges, N.C., A. Guermani, J.A. Mazucheli, G.D. Mendes and R.A. Moreno, 2007. Digoxin bioequivalence study: Determination in human plasma by microparticle enzyme immunoassay. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 45: 366-372.
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  20. Rigato, H.M., G.D. Mendes, R.E.B. Astigarraga and N.C.C. Borges, 2006. Moreno, Ronilson. Meloxicam determination in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) used in bioequivalence studies in Brazilian generic formulations. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 44: 489-498.

  21. Mendes, G.D., N.C. do Carmo Borges, L.E. Cavedal, C. Sverdloff, J.H. Modolo and G. De Nucci, 2006. Comparative bioavailability of two ramipril formulations after single-dose administration in healthy volunteers. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 44: 93-98.
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  22. Guimaraes, E.P., R.A. Moreno and N.C.C. Borges, 2006. Comparative bioavailability of two anlodipine formulations in healthy volunteers after a single dose. Revista Interface SBPPC, 2: 27-29.

  23. Borges, N.C.C., M.A.G. Heleno and R.A. Moreno, 2006. Comparative bioavailability of two captopril formulations in healthy volunteers after a single dose administration. RBM-Revista Brasileira de Med., 63: 518-522.

  24. Mendes, G.D., N.C. do Carmo Borges, A. dos Santos Pereira, F.D. Mendes, R.E. Barrientos-Astigarraga and G. De Nucci, 2005. A bioequivalence study of citalopram based on quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 43: 389-398.

  25. Do Carmo Borges, N.C., G. Duarte Mendes, D. de Oliveira Silva, V. Marcondes Rezende, R.E. Barrientos-Astigarraga and G. De Nucci, 2005. Quantification of carvedilol in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry: Application to bioequivalence study. J. Chromatography B, 822: 253-262.
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  26. Borges, N.C.D.C., G.D. Mendes, R.E. Barrientos-Astigarraga, P. Galvinas, C.H. Oliveira and G. De Nucci, 2005. Verapamil quantification in human plasma by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry: An application for bioequivalence study. J. Chromatography B, 827: 165-172.
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  27. Borges, N.C.D.C., G.D. Mendes, R.E. Barrientos-Astigarraga, E. Zappi, F.D. Mendes and G. De Nucci, 2005. Comparative bioavailability study with two gemfibrozil tablet formulations in healthy volunteers. Arzneimittelforschung, 55: 382-386.
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  28. Borges, N.C.D.C., G.D. Mendes, A. Borges, S.E.D. Oliveira, R.E. Barrientos‐Astigarraga and G.D. Nucci, 2004. Ticlopidine quantification in human plasma by high‐performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Application to bioequivalence study. J. Mass Spectrometry, 39: 1562-1569.
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