Dr. Ong Meng Chuan

Associate Professor
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Environmental Ecotoxicology from University of Southern Brittany, France

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Dr. Ong Meng Chuan is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. He holds a doctoral degree in Marine Pollution specifically in metals pollution from the University of South Brittany, France. His research focuses on the metal content in sediment samples which can act as geo–marker for pollution studies. Apart from the sediment samples, his research also included biota samples of fishes, crustaceans, bivalves, molluscs and plants such as seaweed and seagrass. From these biota samples, the suitability of using these organisms as bioindicator can be identified which best reflect the environmental quality. Hence, risk assessment towards human health by consuming these organisms can be estimated. He is currently actively gathering all the Malaysian marine aquatic environment data to be stored in the GIS database. With this database, these data can easily refer by other researchers for their studies.

Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Oceanography Instrumentation
Environmental Ecotoxicology
Geological Oceanography

Selected Publications

  1. Shalom, J., N. Mazlan, M. Jannah, S.N Saud and O.M. Chuan, 2022. Microplastics in marine benthic filter feeder: A review on the occurrence, routes of ingestion, method of extraction and effects to the ecosystem. J. Sustainability Sci. Manage., 17: 179-199.
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  2. Pradit, S., P. Noppradit, K. Sengloyluan, T. Nitiratsuwan, O.M. Chuan and P. Towatana, 2022. Low occurrence of microplastic contamination in anchovies, a transboundary species, in Thai waters. Sci. Asia, 48: 459-466.
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  3. Abd Aziz, N., A. Ghazali, N.I. Ahmad, A.S. Ahmad and M.C. Ong, 2022. Determination of arsenic and mercury in longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) collected from Terengganu waters: Risk assessment of dietary exposure. Fish Aquat. Sci., 25: 167-174.
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  4. Pradit, S., P. Noppradit, B.P. Goh, K. Sornplang, M.C. Ong and P. Towatana, 2021. Occurrence of microplastics and trace metals in fish and shrimp from Songkhla Lake, Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res., 19: 1085-1106.
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  5. Ong, M.C., H.J. Pan, N.A.M. Shazili, D. Menier, V. Dupont, S. Révillon and A. Connell, 2021. Heavy metals concentration in sediments of south brittany waters, France: An ecological risk assessment approach. Open J. Mar. Sci., 11: 55-68.
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  6. Loh, S.H., N. Yahaya, S.M. Ishak, W.M.A.W.M. Khalik, N.S.C. Abdullah, H.Y. Aboul-Enein and M.C. Ong 2021. Recent trends in adsorbent-based microextraction of micropollutants in environmental waters. Curr. Pollut. Rep., 7: 89-103.
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  7. Hing, Y.T., T. Evonne, P.J. Han, T.L. Sheng, M.H. Ramli, A.A. Sabuti and O.M. Chuan, 2021. Assessment of heavy metal concentration in marine sediments in Terengganu waters. UMT J. Undergrad. Res., 3: 1-12.
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  8. Chuan, O.M., A. Ghazali, R.M.D. Amin, K. Bhubalan and L.J. Nie, 2021. Positive and negative effects of COVID-19 pandemic on aquatic environment: A review. Sains Malaysiana, 50: 1187-1198.
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  9. Amelia, T.S.M., W.M.A.W.M. Khalik, M.C. Ong, Y.T. Shao, H.J. Pan and K. Bhubalan, 2021. Marine microplastics as vectors of major ocean pollutants and its hazards to the marine ecosystem and humans. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., Vol. 8. 10.1186/s40645-020-00405-4.
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  10. Abd Aziz, N., A.S. Ahmad, A. Ghazali, N.I. Ahmad, A. Ali and M.C. Ong, 2021. Comparison of proximate composition of raw and cooked intramuscle tissue of Thunnus tonggol from Terengganu, Malaysia. Pertanika J. Sci. Technol., 29: 629-639.
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  11. Zaini, N.M., H.W. Lee, K.N. Mohamed, A.A. Sabuti, S. Suratman and M.C. Ong, 2020. Datasets on spatial and temporal distribution of heavy metals concentration in recent sediment at merang river system, Terengganu, Malaysia. Data Brief, Vol. 31. 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105900.
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  12. Poong, J.H., L.S. Tee, E. Tan, T.H. Yip and M.H. Ramli, 2020. Level of heavy metals in bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium sp.) in straits of Malacca, Malaysia. Malaysian J. Anal. Sci., 24: 546-557.
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  13. Joseph, B., G. Adiana, M.C. Ong, N.A.M. Shazili and H. Shaari, 2020. Scrutinizing the anthropogenic metals in the Brunei Bay sediment cores off the Malaysian waters. Environ. Earth Sci., Vol. 79. 10.1007/s12665-020-09203-z.
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  14. Alia, T.K.A.T.N., L.S. Hing, S.F. Sim, S. Pradit, A. Ahmad, M.C. Ong, 2020. Comparative study of raw and cooked farmed sea bass (Lates calcarifer) in relation to metal content and its estimated human health risk. Mar. Pollut. Bull., Vol. 153. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111009.
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  15. Ahmad, A.S., S. Suratman, N.A.M. Shazili, O.M. Chuan, M.F.A. Rahim, 2020. Determination of heavy metal concentrations in sediment of Kemaman River Estuary, Terengganu. Malays. J. Anal. Sci., 24: 125-133.
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  16. Abdul Aziz, N., A. Ghazali, K.B. Yunus, Z.F. Annual, A. Ahmad and O.M. Chuan, 2020. Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) consumption frequency in Terengganu, Malaysia. Open J. Mar. Sci., 10: 141-148.
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  17. Ong, M.C., W.M.I.W. Jamil and B. Joseph, 2016. Vertical profile of heavy metals concentration in core sediments of Sungai Muar, Johor, Malaysia. Middle-East J. Scient. Res., 24: 1457-1464.
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  18. Ong, M.C., F.M. Fok and J.C. Yong, 2016. Determination of total organic carbon concentration in surficial sediments of Sungai Pinang, Penang, Malaysia. Malaysian J. Anal. Sci., 20: 1318-1328.
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  19. Fok, F.M., M.C. Ong and C.L. Lim, 2016. Determination of total organic carbon concentration in surficial sediments of Sungai Juru and Sungai Tengah, Penang, Malaysia. Middle-East J. Scient. Res., 24: 1470-1476.
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  20. Ong, M.C., Y.F. Tan, X.Y. Khoo and J.C. Yong, 2015. Heavy metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentration in mud crab (Scylla serrata) from UMT Mangrove, Terengganu, Malaysia. Adv. Environ. Biol., 9: 66-73.
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  21. Ong, M.C., W.Y. Chai, S.L. Gan and B. Joseph, 2015. Concentration of heavy metals in green-lipped mussel (Perna veridis) from Muar Estuary, Johor. Adv. Environ. Biol., 9: 74-81.
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  22. Ong, M.C., F.M. Fok, K. Sultan and B. Joseph, 2015. Distribution of heavy metals and rare earth elements in the surface sediments of Penang River Estuary, Malaysia. Open J. Mar. Sci., 6: 79-92.
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  23. Ong, M.C., B. Joseph, N.A.M. Shazili, A. Ghazali and M.N. Mohamad, 2015. Heavy metals concentration in surficial sediments of Bidong Island, South China Sea off the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Asian J. Earth Sci., 8: 74-82.
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  24. Ong, M.C., J.C. Yong, X.Y. Khoo, Y.F. Tan and B. Joseph, 2014. Selected heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in commercial fishes caught from UMT enclosed Lagoon, Terengganu, Malaysia. Adv. Environ. Biol., 8: 91-98.
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  25. Ong, M.C., N.A.M. Shazili, D. Menier and A.W.M. Effendy, 2013. Levels of trace elements in tissue of Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas from Quiberon Bay, Brittany, France. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 8: 378-387.
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  26. Ong, M.C., D. Menier, N.A.M. Shazili and B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, 2013. Geochemical characteristics of heavy metals concentration in sediments of Quiberon Bay waters, South Brittany, France. Oriental J. Chem., 29: 39-45.
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  27. Antonina, A.N., N.A.M. Shazili, B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, M.C. Ong, Y. Rosnan and F.N. Sharifah, 2013. Geochemistry of the Rare Earth Elements (REE) distribution in Terengganu coastal waters: A study case from Redang Island marine sediment. Open J. Mar. Sci., 3: 154-159.
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  28. Ong, M.C., D. Menier, N.A.M. Shazili and V. Dupont, 2012. Geochemistry of metallic trace elements in surficial sediments of the Gulf of Morbihan, Brittany, France. J. Applied Sci., 12: 2215-2224.
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  29. Ong, M.C., B.Y. Kamaruzzaman and M.N. Azhar, 2012. Sediment characteristic studies in the surface sediment from Kemaman Mangrove Forest, Terengganu, Malaysia. Oriental J. Chem., 28: 1639-1644.
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  30. Yunus, K., N.M. Yusuf, N.A.M. Shazili, O.M. Chuan and S. Saad et al., 2011. Heavy Metal Concentration in the Surface Sediment of Tanjung Lumpur Mangrove Forest, Kuantan, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 40: 89-92.
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  31. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., N.T. Shuhada, B. Akbar, S. Shahbudin and K.C.A. Jalal et al., 2011. Spatial concentrations of lead and copper in bottom sediments of langkawi coastal Area, Malaysia. Res. J. Environ. Sci., 5: 179-186.
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  32. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., K.Y.S. Willison and M.C. Ong, 2011. Determination of estuarine sedimentation rates using 230Thexcess and 230Thexcess/232Th ratio methods in the paka estuary, Malaysia. Trends Applied Sci. Res., 6: 102-107.
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  33. Zaleha, K., B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, B.A. John and M.C. Ong, 2010. Cd, Cu and Pb concentration levels in horseshoe crab nesting grounds of pahang coast, Malaysia. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 790-794.
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  34. Yunus, K., S.W. Ahmad, O.M. Chuan and J. Bidai, 2010. Spatial Distribution of Lead and Copper in the Bottom Sediments of Pahang River Estuary, Pahang, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 39: 543-547.
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  35. Waznah, A.S., B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, M.C. Ong, S.Z. Rina and S.M. Zahir, 2010. Spatial and Temporal Bottom Sediment Characteristics of Pahang River-Estuary, Pahang, Malaysia. Orient. J. Chem., 26: 39-44.
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  36. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., M.C. Ong, S.Z. Rina and B. Joseph, 2010. Levels of some heavy metals in fishes from Pahang River Estuary, Pahang, Malaysia. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 157-161.
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  37. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., M.C. Ong and S.Z. Rina, 2010. Concentration of Zn, Cu and Pb in some selected marine fishes of the pahang coastal waters, Malaysia. Am. J. Applied Sci., 7: 309-314.
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  38. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., A.S. Waznah, M.S.M. Zahir, M.C. Ong and S. Shahbudin et al., 2010. Distribution of chromium, manganese and cobalt in the bottom sediment of pahang river-estuary, Pahang, Malaysia. J. Applied Sci., 10: 3122-3126.
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  39. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y. and M.C. Ong, 2010. The Determination of 210Pb in the Sediments: Sedimentation Rates from the Terengganu Coastal Waters, Malaysia. Curr. World Environ., 5: 9-14.
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  40. Ong, M.C., B.Y. Kamaruzzaman and B. Joseph, 2009. Geochemical studies of Setiu Lagoon, Terengganu, Malaysia. Malaysian J. Sci., 28: 217-222.
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  41. Ong, M.C. and B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, 2009. An assessment of metals (Pb and Cu) contamination in bottom sediment from south china sea coastal waters, Malaysia. Am. J. Applied Sci., 6: 1418-1423.
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  42. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., M.C. Ong, K.C.A. Jalal, S. Shabuddin and O. Mohd-Nor, 2009. Accumulation of lead and copper in Rhizophora Apiculata from Setiu Mangrove forest, Terengganu, Malaysia. J. Environ. Biol., 30: 821-824.
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  43. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., B.S. Hasrizal, B.I.M. Nizam, M.C. Ong, K.C.A. Jalal and S. Shahbuddin, 2009. Geochemical proxy of sediment cores from terengganu coastal water, Malaysia. Oriental J. Chem., 25: 9-14.
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  44. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., A.S. Waznah, M.C. Ong, S. Shahbudin and K.C.A. Jalal, 2009. Variability of organic carbon content in bottom sediment of pahang river estuary, Pahang, Malaysia. J. Applied Sciences, 9: 4253-4257.
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  45. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y. and M.C. Ong, 2009. The sediment geochemical proxy of some chemical elements in sediments of Kemaman river estuary, Terengganu, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 38: 631-636.
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  46. Hasrizal, S., B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, I. Sakri, M.C. Ong and M.S.N. Azhar, 2009. Seasonal distribution of organic carbon in the surface sediments of the Terengganu Nearshore coastal area. Am. J. Environ. Sci., 5: 111-115.
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  47. Kamaruzzman, B.Y., M.C. Ong, H. Ridzwan and K.C.A. Jalal, 2008. Seasonal bed sediment characteristics of the kuala sepetang river, Perak. Sains Malaysiana, 37: 143-147.
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  48. Kamaruzzaman, Y., M.C. Ong, K.Y.S. Willison, H. Ridzwan and K.C.A. Jalal, 2008. Horizontal variability of organic carbon in kerteh mangrove forests, Malaysia. J. Biosci., 19: 15-20.
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  49. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., N.A.M. Shazili, K.Y.S. Willison, M.C. Ong, H.A.G. Norhizam and S. Shahbudin, 2008. A role of the Northeast monsoon seasons in the dilution of Cu and Pb concentrations in sediments off Pahang, South China Sea. Malaysia Mar. Ecosyst., 2: 31-39.

  50. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., M.C. Ong, M.S.N. Azhar, S. Shahbudin and K.C.A. Jalal, 2008. Geochemistry of sediment in the major estuarine mangrove forest of terengganu region, Malaysia. Am. J. Applied Sci., 5: 1707-1712.
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  51. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., M.C. Ong, K. Zaleha and S. Shahbudin, 2008. Levels of heavy metals in green-lipped mussel Perna veridis (Linnaeus) from Muar Estuary, Johore, Malaysia. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 11: 2249-2253.
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  52. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., M.C. Ong and K.C.A. Jalal, 2008. Levels of copper, zinc and lead in fishes of mengabang Telipot River, terengganu, Malaysia. J. Boil. Sci., 8: 1181-1186.
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  53. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y. and M.C. Ong, 2008. Distribution of some geochemical elements in the surface sediment of Kerteh Mangrove Forest, Terengganu, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 37: 337-340.
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  54. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y. and M.C. Ong, 2008. Recent sedimentation rate and sediment ages determination of kemaman-chukai mangrove forest, Terengganu, Malaysia. Am. J. Agric. Biol. Sci., 3: 522-525.
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  55. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., M.C. Ong and A.H. Khali, 2007. Mercury concentration of four dominant species in the bebar peat swampy forest river, Malaysia. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 1103-1107.
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  56. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., K. Zaleha, M.C. Ong and K.Y.S. Wilson, 2007. Copper and zinc in three dominant brackish water fish species from Paka Estuary, Terengganu, Malaysia. Malaysian J. Sci., 26: 65-70.
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  57. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., A. Antotina, Z. Airiza, S. Syalindran and M.C. Ong, 2007. The geochemical profile of Mn, Co, Cu and Fe in Kerteh mangrove forest, Terengganu. Malaysian J. Anal. Sci., 11: 336-339.
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  58. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y. and M.C. Ong, 2007. Spatial distribution of organic carbon in estuarine mangrove forests in Terengganu, Malaysia. Chem. Res. Commun., 21: 34-37.

  59. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., K.Y.S. Willison and M.C. Ong, 2006. The concentration of Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Lead and Thorium in Sediments of Paka Estuary, Terengganu, Malaysia. Pertanika J. Sci. Technol., 14: 53-61.
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  60. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., A.W.M. Effendy, K.Y.S. Willison, B.S. Hasrizal and M.C. Ong, 2006. Determination of sedimentation rate in Terengganu coastal water, East-Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Ultra Chem., 2: 1-6.

  61. Chuan, O.M., K. Yunus, N.A.M. Shazili and R. Yaacob, 2006. Distribution and normalization of lead, copper and zinc in terengganu mangrove surface sediment, Malaysia. Malaysia J. Sustain. Sci. Manage., 1: 74-84.

  62. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., M.C. Ong and K.Y.S. Willison, 2005. The distribution of cobalt, copper, lead and zinc in the surface sediment of Rompin Mangrove Forest, Pahang, Malaysia. Oriental J. Chem., 21: 395-400.

  63. Kamaruzzaman, B.Y., K.Y.S. Willison and M.C. Ong, 2005. The determination of sedimentation rate by using 230Thexcess and 230Thexcess/232Thtotal ratio methods in Paka Mangrove Forest, Terengganu. Malaysian J. Anal. Sci., 9: 106-110.

  64. Kamaruzzaman, Y., M.C. Ong and K.Y.S. Willison, 2004. Trace metal concentration in the surface sediments of Paka mangrove forest, Terengganu, Malaysia. Malaysian J. Sci., 23: 55-60.
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