Dr. Nur Izura Udzir

Associate Professor
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of York, United Kingdom

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Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Data Analysis
Computer Programming
Wireless Network
Computer Security

Selected Publications

  1. Salji, M.R., N.I. Udzir, M.I.H. Ninggal, N.F.M. Sani and H. Ibrahim, 2016. Role performance trust-based access control for protecting sensitive attributes. Int. J. Secur. Appl., 10: 153-172.

  2. Salji, M.R., N.I. Udzir, N.F.M. Sani and H. Ibrahim, 2016. Performance and divisional trust and purpose-based access control for privacy preservation. Adv. Sci. Lett., .

  3. Isa, M.A.M., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir, J.L.A. Manan, A. Josang and A. Dehghantanha, 2016. A formal calculus for international relations computation and evaluation. J. Curr. Res. Sci. (JCRS), 4: 177-194.

  4. Hajamydeen, A.I., N.I. Udzir, R. Mahmod and A.A.A. Ghani, 2016. An unsupervised heterogeneous log-based framework for anomaly detection. Turk. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci., 24: 1117-1134.
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  5. Hajamydeen, A.I. and N.I. Udzir, 2016. A refined filter for UHAD to improve anomaly detection. Secur. Commun. Networks, 9: 2434-2447.
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  6. Zakaria, N.H., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir and Z.A. Zukarnain, 2015. Enhancing advanced encryption standard (AES) S-box generation using affine transformation. J. Theor. Applied Inf. Technol., 72: 18-22.
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  7. Yasin, W., H. Ibrahim, N.I. Udzir and N.A.W.A. Hamid, 2015. Cooperative web proxy caching for media objects based on peer-to-peer systems. Int. J. Innovative Comput., Inf. Control, 11: 1-14.

  8. Jegede, A., N.I. Udzir, A. Abdullah and R. Mahmod, 2015. Face recognition and template protection with shielding function. Int. J. Security Applic., 9: 149-164.
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  9. Halboob, W., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir and M.T. Abdullah, 2015. Privacy policies for computer forensics. Comput. Fraud Secur., 8: 9-13.

  10. Farjamfar, A., M.T. Abdullah, R. Mahmod and N.I. Udzir, 2015. Multimedia files signature analysis in blackberry Z10. J. Applied Sci., 15: 668-674.
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  11. Al-Wattar, A.H.S., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. Review of DNA and pseudo DNA cryptography. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 4: 65-76.

  12. Al-Wattar, A.H.S., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. Generating a new S-box inspired by biological DNA. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Appl., 4: 32-42.

  13. Al-Wattar, A.H.S., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. A new DNA-based approach of generating key-dependent shift rows transformation. Int. J. Net. Secur. Appl., 7: 79-89.

  14. Al-Wattar, A.H.S., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. A new DNA-Based S-Box. Int. J. Eng. Technol., Vol. 15. .

  15. Al-Wattar, A.H., R. Mahmod, Z.A. Zukarnain and N.I. Udzir, 2015. A new DNA based approach of generating key-dependent mixcolumns transformation. Int. J. Comput. Net. Commun., 7: 93-102.

  16. Adinehnia, R., N.I. Udzir, L.S. Affendey, I. Ishak and Z.M. Hanapi, 2015. User-independent and self-optimizing intrusion detection framework for large database systems. WSEAS Trans. Inf. Sci. Appl., 12: 269-276.

  17. Yasin, W., H. Ibrahim, N.I. Udzir and N.A.W.A. Hamid, 2014. Intelligent cooperative web caching policies for media objects based on decision tree supervised machine learning algorithms. J. Inf. Commun. Technol., .

  18. Roslan, N.A., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir and Z.A. Zukarnain, 2014. Primitive structural method for high capacity text steganography. J. Theor. Applied Inf. Technol., 66: 373-383.
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  19. Halboob, W., R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir, M.T. Abdullah and A. Deghantanha, 2014. An ordered selective imaging and distributed analysis computer forensics model. J. Applied Sci., 14: 2704-2712.

  20. Halboob, W., K.S. Alghathbar, R. Mahmod, N.I. Udzir, M.T. Abdullah and A. Deghantanha, 2014. An Efficient Computer Forensics Selective Imaging Model. In: Future Information Technology, Park, J.J., I. Stojmenovic, M. Choi and F. Xhafa (Eds.). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp: 277-284.

  21. Farjamfar, A., M.T. Abdullah, R. Mahmod and N.I. Udzir, 2014. A review on mobile device's digital forensic process models. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 8: 358-366.
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  22. Asmawi, A., L.S. Affendey, N.I. Udzir and R. Mahmod, 2014. Enhance security in XML Databases: XLog file for severity-aware trust-based access control. Int. J. Comput. Inf. Syst. Control Eng., 8: 759-761.

  23. Yew, T.J., K. Samsudin, N.I. Udzir and S.J. Hashim, 2013. Rootkit guard (RG)-an architecture for rootkit resistant file-system implementation based on TPM. Pertanika J. Sci. Technol., 21: 507-520.

  24. Mahboubian, M. and N.I. Udzir, 2013. A naturally inspired statistical intrusion detection model. Int. J. Comput. Theor. Eng., 5: 578-581.
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  25. Aziz, N.A., S. Setapa and N.I. Udzir, 2013. Mutual remote attestation in IPSec based VPN. Int. J. Cryptol. Res., 4: 55-67.

  26. Udzir, N.I., A. Dehghantanha, M.T. Abdullah and Z.H. Abdullah, 2012. Educating users to mitigate social engineering and privacy risks in social networking services. Int. J. Eng. Technol., Vol. 9. .

  27. Mahboubian, M., N.I. Udzir, S. Subramaniam and N.A.W.A. Hamid, 2012. An AIS inspired alert reduction model. Int. J. Cyber-Security Digital Forensics, 1: 130-139.
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  28. Jamil, N., R. Mahmod, M.R. Z’aba, N.I. Udzir and Z.A. Zukarnain, 2012. STITCH-256: A dedicated cryptographic hash function. J. Applied Sci., 12: 1526-1536.
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  29. Roslan, N.A., R. Mahmod and N.I. Udzir, 2011. Sharp-edges method in arabic text steganography. J. Theor. Applied Inf. Technol. (JATIT), 33: 32-41.

  30. Muda, Z., W. Yassin, M.N. Sulaiman and N.I. Udzir, 2011. A K-means and naive bayes learning approach for better intrusion detection. Inform. Technol. J., 10: 648-655.
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  31. Jamil, N., R. Mahmod, M.R. Z`aba, N.I. Udzir and Z.A. Zukarnain, 2011. An observation of cryptographic properties of 256 one-dimensional cellular automata rules. Commun. Comput. Inf. Sci., 251: 409-420.
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  32. Asif-Iqbal, H., N.I. Udzir, R. Mahmod and A.A.A. Ghani, 2011. Filtering events using clustering in heterogeneous security logs. Inform. Technol. J., 10: 798-806.
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  33. Abdullah, Z.H., N.I. Udzir, R. Mahmod and K. Samsuddin, 2011. Towards a dynamic file integrity monitor through a security classification. Int. J. New Comput. Architectures Appl., 1: 789-802.

  34. Udzir, N.I., H. Ibrahim and S. Demesie, 2010. Finer Garbage Collection in Lindacap. Int. J. Inf. Technol. Web Eng., 5: 1-26.
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  35. Udzir, N.I., A.M. Wood and J.L. Jacob, 2007. Coordination with multicapabilities. Sci. Comput. Program., 64: 205-222.
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