Ms. Amy Foong Oi Mean

Senior Lecturer
Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia

Highest Degree
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, USA

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Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Theories Of Learning
Applied Mathematics
Knowledge Representation

Selected Publications

  1. Foong, O.M. and N.S.B.M. Razali, 2011. Signage recognition framework for visually impaired people. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communication and Management ICCCM, May 2-4, 2011, IACSIT Press, Singapore, pp: 488-492.
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  2. Foong, O.M. and A. Oxley, 2011. A hybrid PSO model in extractive text summarizer. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Informatics (ISCI 2011), March 20-23, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, pp: 130-134.
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  3. Sulaiman, S., S.N.S.M. Saei, F.O. Mean and H.H. Hasbullah, 2010. Understanding domain expert's perspectives and expectations in assistive technology. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Technology 2010 (ITSim), Jun 15-17, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp: 1164-1167.
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  4. Mean, F.O., A. Oxley and S. Suziah, 2010. Challenges and trends of automatic text summarization. Int. J. Inf. Telecommun. Technol., 1: 34-39.
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  5. Mean, F.O. and M.M.I. Nordin, 2010. Decision support system for alarm rationalization using risk assessment matrix. Int. J. Compu. Appl., 4: 8-13.
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  6. Ali, A.A., P.D.D. Dominic, O.M. Foong and G. Kannabiran, 2010. A new hybrid model for supplier selection. Int. J. Bus. Inf. Syst., 5: 230-247.
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  7. Mean, F.O., T.J. Low and S. Wibowo, 2009. Hand gesture recognition: Sign to voice system (S2V). Int. J. Electr. Comput. Syst. Eng., 3: 198-202.
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  8. Foong, O.M., T.J. Low and W.W. La, 2009. S2V: Voice to sign language translation system for malaysian deaf people. Proceedings of the IVIC 2009: Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, November 11-13, 2009, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp: 868-876.

  9. Foong, O.M., T.J. Low and W.W. La, 2009. S2V: Voice to Sign Language Translation System for Malaysian Deaf People, IVIC 2009. In: Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice, Zaman, H.B., P. Robinson, M. Petrou, P. Olivier, H. Schroder and T.K. Shih (Eds.)., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-05035-0, pp: 868-876.

  10. Foong, O.M., S. Sulaiman, D.R. Rambli and N.S.B. Abdullah, 2009. ALAP: Alarm prioritization system for oil refinery. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2009, October, 20-22, 2009, San Francisco, USA -.

  11. Saputra, D., D.R.A. Rambli and O.M. Foong, 2008. Sequential pattern mining using PrefixSpan with pseudoprojection and separator database. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, August 26-29, 2008, Kuala Lumpur, pp: 1242-1248.
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  12. Foong, O.M., T.J. Low and S. Wibowo, 2008. Hand gesture recognition: Sign to voice system (S2V). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Technology, August-29- September-2, 2008, World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, pp: 32-36.

  13. Dhany, S., D.R.A. Rambli and F. Oi Mean, 2008. mining sequential patterns using I-PrefixSpan. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 2: 49-54.

  14. Saputra, D., D.R.A. Rambli and O.M. Foong, 2007. An efficient general tree-like data structures framework for mining sequential patterns using MEMISP. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on IT in Asia 2007, July, 10-12, 2007, Kucing Sarawak -.

  15. Low, T.J., O.M. Foong and A.S. Sulaiman, 2007. MuStServ: A lightweight multimedia streaming server. Proceedings of the Conference on Information Technology Research and Application (CITRA) 2007, April 4-5, 2007, Creating Innovation and Academia-Industry Synergy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -.
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