Dr. Amir Bin Khalid

Senior Lecturer
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Automotive Engineering from The University of Tokushima, Japan

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Area of Interest:

Physical Science Engineering
Alternative Fuel
Flame Propagation
Mechanical Engineering
Diesel Combustion

Selected Publications

  1. Manshoor, B., N.F. Rosidee and K. Amir, 2012. An effect of fractal flow conditioner thickness on turbulent swirling flow. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, November 20-21, 2012, Malaysia -.

  2. Manshoor, B., N. Ihsak and A. Khalid, 2012. Experimental study of the metal foam flow conditioner for orifice plate flowmeters. World Acad. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6: 1307-1310.
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  3. Manshoor, B., M. Jaat and A. Khalid, 2012. CFD analysis of incompressible turbulent swirling flow through circle grids space filling plate. World Acad. Sci. Engin. Technol., 71: 123-127.
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  4. Khalid, A., S.A. Osman, M.N.M. Jaat, N. Mustaffa, S.M. Basharie and B. Manshoor, 2012. Performance and emissions characteristics of diesel engine fuelled by biodiesel derived from palm oil. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, November 20-21, 2012, Malaysia -.

  5. Khalid, A., 2012. Effect of ambient temperature and oxygen concentration on ignition and combustion process of diesel spray. Proceedings of the International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability, June 12, 2012, Malaysia -.

  6. Khalid, A. and B. Manshoor, 2012. Effect of high swirl velocity on mixture formation and combustion process of diesel spray. Applied Mech. Mat., 229-231: 695-699.
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  7. Khalid, A. and B. Manshoor, 2012. Effect of high injection pressure on mixture formation, burning process and combustion characteristics in diesel combustion. World Acad. Sci. Engin. Technol., 71: 73-77.
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  8. Khalid, A. and B. Manshoor, 2012. Analysis of mixture formation and flame development of diesel combustion using a rapid compression machine and optical visualization technique. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, November 20-21, 2012, Malaysia -.

  9. Bukhari, M. and A. Khalid, 2012. Numerical investigation of the circle grids fractal flow conditioner for orifice plate flowmeters. Applied Mech. Mat., 229-231: 700-704.
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  10. Amirnordin, S.H., N. Ihsanulhadi, A.J. Alimin and A. Khalid, 2012. Effects of palm oil biodiesel blends on the emissions of oil burner. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, November 20-21, 2012, Malaysia -.

  11. Khalid, A., K. Hayashi, Y. Kidoguchi and T. Yatsufusa, 2011. Effect of air entrainment and oxygen concentration on endothermic and heat recovery process of diesel ignition. Proceedings of the International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubrications Meeting, August 30-September 2, 2011, Kyoto Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan -.

  12. Cai, G.H., H.H. Jamal, H. Zailina, A. Faridah, E. Bloom, E. Larsson and D. Norback, 2011. Fungal DNA, allergens, mycotoxins and associations with asthmatic symptoms among pupils in schools from Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Pediatric Allergy Immunol., 22: 290-297.
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