Dr. Fatma Zuhrotun Nisa

Research Scientist
Department of Health Nutrition, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Food Sciences from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Food Science and Technology
Food Technology
Clinical Nutrition
Food Safety

Selected Publications

  1. Farida, M. Purba and F.Z. Nisa, 2018. Effect of different fish cooking method on plasma lipid levels healthy young adults in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Int. Food Res. J., 25: 1474-1482.

  2. Amalina, R., F.Z. Nisa and L. Latifah, 2018. Effect of humor on nutrition intake children and adolescent in ‘Mabarrot’ dormitory Yogyakarta Indonesia. Int. J. Humanities Social Stud., 6: 1-4.
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  3. Risti, D., V. Aprilia and F.Z. Nisa, 2017. [Physical properties, fiber content and acceptability of nugget with utilization of glucomannan from porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) to substitute chicken]. Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia, 5: 9-16.
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  4. Nisa, F.Z., M. Astuti, S.M. Haryana and A. Murdiati, 2017. Correlation between antioxidant activity, total flavonoid and green color index, bitterness value of Carica papaya leaves. Int. J. Sci. Technol., 5: 113-117.

  5. Nisa, F.Z., M. Astuti, A. Murdiati and S.M. Haryana, 2017. Anti proliferation and apoptosis induction of aqueous leaf extraxt of Carica papaya L. on human breast cancer cells MCF-7. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 20: 36-41.

  6. Luglio, H.F., F.Z. Nisa, M.H.S. Titis Penggalih, S. Helmyati and L. Arsanti et al., 2017. Socioeconomic Determinants of Obesity among Women Living In Indonesian Remote Islands, Raas and Sapudi. Pak. J. Nutr., 16: 279-284.
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  7. Permana, P.E.B., Sumarni and F.Z. Nisa, 2015. [Factors related to street food consumer preferences of Gadjah Mada University students]. Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia, 3: 131-138.
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  8. Sudargo, T., F.Z. Nisa, S. Helmiyati, R.J. Kusuma, T. Arjuna and R.D. Septiana, 2013. Tempeh with iron fortification to overcome iron deficiency anemia. Pak. J. Nutr., 12: 815-820.
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  9. Kholidah, D., E.P. Prawirohartono and F.Z. Nisa, 2013. [Effect of F100 supplementation using substitute tempeh flour on protein status of undernourished pediatric patients]. Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 10: 92-100.
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  10. Fatma, Z.N., H.B. Wahyu and Waluyo, 2013. The effect of peptide (Asp-Glu) synthetic base on sterilized fermented soymilk on lipid profile of Sprague Dawley rats. Int. Food Res. J., 20: 3047-3052.
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