Dr. Wasmen Manalu

Assistant Professor
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Physiology from University of Missouri, USA

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Physiology
Animal Production
Veterinary Medicine
Aquatic Science

Selected Publications

  1. Tarigan, R., N. Kusumorini and W. Manalu, 2016. Effectivity of immunoglobulin Y anti lipase as a pancreatic lipase inhibitor for prevention of obesity. Pak. J. Nutr., 15: 752-759.
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  2. Manampiring, N., C. Sumantri, H. Maheshwari and W. Manalu, 2016. Expression of growth hormone gene in the pituitary of piglets born to gilts injected with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin prior to mating. Int. J. Sci.: Basic Applied Res., 30: 446-455.
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  3. Kasiyati, W. Manalu, Sumiati and D.R. Ekastuti, 2016. Efficacy of curcumin and monochromatic light in improving liver functions of sexually mature magelang ducks. J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric., 41: 153-160.
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  4. Kasiyati, Sumiati, D.R. Ekastuti and W. Manalu, 2016. Roles of curcumin and monochromatic light in optimizing liver function to support egg yolk biosynthesis in Magelang ducks. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 15: 414-424.
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  5. Aswani, T., W. Manalu, A. Suprayogi and M. Rahminiwati, 2016. The preventive and curative effects of Gotu Kola and turmeric extracts on liver function damage induced by paracetamol in rats. IOSR J. Pharm., 6: 20-29.

  6. Andriyanto, F. Agustin, D.N. Aripin, P. Nugraheni and G.H. Suryanata et al., 2016. Improved productivity and health performances of broiler chickens administered with Jamu ginger, curcuma and turmeric. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 15: 487-492.
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  7. Sunarno, W. Manalu, N. Kusumorini and D.R. Agungpriyono, 2015. Improvement of function in the aging rat hippocampus by administration of alanine-glutamine dipeptide as a precursor of the antioxidant glutathione. Pak. J. Nutr., 14: 749-757.
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  8. Rayer, D.J.J., H. Maheshwari, Muladno and W. Manalu, 2015. Production of superior pigs by injecting the sows with gonadotropin prior to mating. Anim. Prod., 17: 8-15.
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  9. Mu'nisa, A., W. Manalu, T. Wresdiyati and N. Kusumorini, 2015. The effect of clove leaf methanol extract on the profiles of superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde in the liver of rabbits under hypercholesterolemia condition. Transl. Biomed., Vol. 6. 10.21767/2172-0479.100012.
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  10. Iromo H, M. Zairin J., M.A. Suprayudi and W. Manalu, 2015. The optimum dose of thyroxine hormone supplementation in broodstock mud crab (Scylla serrata) to accelerate ovarian maturation. J. Aquacult. Res. Dev., Vol. 6. 10.4172/2155-9546.1000317.
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  11. Eddy, L., R. Affandi, N. Kusumorini, Y. Sani and W. Manalu, 2015. The pearl sac formation in male and female Pinctada maxima host oysters implanted with allograft Saibo. HAYATI J. Biosci., 22: 122-129.
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  12. Dima, A.O.M., D.D. Solihin, W. Manalu and A. Boediono, 2015. Multiple paternity detection of olive ridley turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea populations by microsatellite marker as a genetic conservation strategy at Taman Buru Bena, Timor Island. Int. J. Sci.: Basic Applied Res., 22: 403-413.
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  13. Darmawan, A., T. Atmowidi, W. Manalu and B. Suryobroto, 2015. Pontoscolex corethrurus (Muller, 1857) (Oligochaeta Glossoscolecidae) in forest transformation system in Bungku Village, Jambi, Indonesia. Biodivers. J., 6: 505-512.
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  14. Anggara, A.W., D.D. Solihin, W. Manalu and Irzaman, 2015. Audible vocalization of the ricefield rat (Rattus argentiventer Robinson and Kloss, 1916) at artificial condition in laboratory. Int. J. Sci.: Basic Applied Res., 19: 368-382.
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  15. Tamzil, M.H., R.R. Noor, P.S. Hardjosworo, W. Manalu and C. Sumantri, 2014. Hematological response of chickens with different heat shock protein 70 genotypes to acute heat stress. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 13: 14-20.
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  16. Saraswati, T.R., W. Manalu, D.R. Ekastuti and N. Kusumorini, 2014. Effect of turmeric powder to estriol and progesterone hormone profile of laying hens during one cycle of ovulation. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 13: 504-509.
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  17. Iromo, H., M. Zairin, M.A. Suprayudi and W. Manalu, 2014. Thyroxine distribution in the hemolymph, hepatopancreas, ovary, sponge and larvae of female mud crabs (Scylla serrata) during ovarian maturation. J. Crustacean Biol., 34: 760-763.
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  18. Iromo, H., M. Zairin Jr., M.A. Suprayudi and W. Manalu, 2014. Effectivity of thyroxine hormone suplementation in the ovarian maturation of females mud crab (Scylla serrata). Pak. J. Biotechnol., 11: 79-86.
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  19. Hermana, W., T. Toharmat, Sumiati and W. Manalu, 2014. Performances and egg quality of quail offered feed containing sterol from katuk (Sauropus androgynus) and mulberry (Morus alba) leaf meal. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 13: 168-172.
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  20. Tamzil, M.H., R.R. Noor, P.S. Hardjosworo, W. Manalu and C. Sumantri, 2013. Acute heat stress responses of three lines of chickens with different heat shock protein (HSP)-70 genotypes. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 12: 264-272.
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  21. Suherman, D., B.P. Purwanto, W. Manalu and I.G. Permana, 2013. Artificial neural networks simulation to define critical temperature of Fries Holland based on physiological responses. Indonesian J. Anim. Vet. Sci., 18: 70-80.
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  22. Saraswati, T.R., W. Manalu, D.R. Ekastuti and N. Kusumorini, 2013. The role of turmeric powder in lipid metabolism and the effect on the quality of the first quail's egg. J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric., 38: 123-130.
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  23. Saraswati, T.R., W. Manalu, D.R. Ekastuti and N. Kusumorini, 2013. Increased egg production of Japanese quail (Cortunix japonica) by improving liver function through turmeric powder supplementation. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 12: 601-614.
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  24. Panjaitan, R.G.P., E. Handharyani, Chairul and W. Manalu, 2013. Hepatoprotective activity of Eurycoma longifolia Jack. roots. Indian J. Tradit. Knowledge, 12: 225-230.
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  25. Darmakusuma, D., W. Manalu, F.U. Datta, A. Suprayogi, N. Kusumorini and A.T. Karyawati, 2013. Anti-photoaging potentials of ethanolic extracts of Curcuma aeruginosa and Plantago major. Int. J. Med. Plants Altern. Med., 1: 110-117.
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  26. Andriyanto, M.D. Darulfallah, R. Arif, G.M. Nugraha, A. Winarto and W. Manalu, 2012. Improvement of lamb preweaning performance by combination of superovulation of ewes prior to mating and Temulawak extract plus administration during pregnancy. Anim. Prod., 14: 167-172.
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  27. Dewi, S.H.C., E. Gunardi, R. Priyanto and W. Manalu, 2011. Sucrose supplementation, insulin injection and resting period prior to slaughtering on meat physical characteristics in sheep exposed to stressful transportation. J. Agric. Sci. Technol. A, 1: 1162-1165.
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  28. Andriyanto and W. Manalu, 2011. Increasing goat productivity through the improvement of endogenous secretion of pregnant hormones using follicle stimulating hormone. Anim. Prod., 13: 89-93.
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  29. Tasripin, D.S., M. Makin, W. Manalu and U.H. Tanuwiria, 2010. Effect of curcumma, Zn-proteinate and Cu-proteinate supplements on milk production of subclinical mastitis Fries Holland cows. Anim. Prod., 12: 16-20.
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  30. Saerang, J.L.P., W. Manalu, I.R.H. Soesanto, A. Mardiastuti, 2010. Physical and chemical characteristics of maleo egg in Bogani Nani Wartabone Park. Anim. Prod., 12: 34-38.
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  31. Wibudi, A., B. Kiranadi, W. Manalu and S. Suyono, 2008. The traditional plant, Andrographis paniculata (Sambiloto), exhibits insulin-releasing actions in vitro. Acta Med. Indonesiana, 40: 63-68.
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  32. Suprayogi, A., U. Meulen, T. Ungerer and W. Manalu, 2001. Population of secretory cells and synthetic activities in mammary gland of lactating sheep after consuming Sauropus androynus (L.) Merr. leaves. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 10: 1-3.

  33. Sumaryadi, M.Y. and W. Manalu, 2001. The profiles of weekly progesterone and estradiol concentrations during pregnancy in ewes: Their correlations with mammary growth indices at parturition. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 10: 4-8.

  34. Sumaryadi, M.Y. and W. Manalu, 2000. The profiles of weekly progesterone and estradiol concentrations during pregnancy in ewes: Their correlations with lamb birth weight. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 9: 59-64.

  35. Manalu, W., M.Y. Sumaryadi, Sudjatmogo and A.S. Satyaningtijas, 2000. The effect of superovulation of Javanese thin-tail ewes prior to mating on lamb birth weight and preweaning growth. Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 13: 292-299.
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  36. Manalu, W., M.Y. Sumaryadi, Sudjatmogo and A.S. Satyaningtijas, 2000. Mammary gland indices at the end of lactation in the superovulated Javanese thin-tail ewes. Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 13: 440-445.
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  37. Manalu, W., M.Y. Sumaryadi, Sudjatmogo and A.S. Satyaningtijas, 2000. Effect of superovulation prior to mating on milk production performance during lactation in ewes. J. Dairy Sci., 83: 477-483.
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  38. Sumaryadi, M.Y. and W. Manalu, 1999. Prediction of litter size based on hormones and blood metabolites concentrations during pregnancy in Javanese thin-tail ewes. Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 12: 682-688.
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  39. Manalu, W., M.Y. Sumaryadi and A.S. Satyaningtijas, 1999. Mammary gland differential growth during pregnancy in superovulated Javanese thin-tail ewes. Small Rumin. Res., 33: 279-284.
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  40. Manalu, W., 1999. Correlations of serum progesterone concentration with uterine and fetal weights at weeks 7 and 15 of pregnancy in Javanese thin-tail ewes. Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 12: 854-861.
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  41. Manalu, W. and M.Y. Sumaryadi, 1999. Correlations between lamb birth weight and the concentrations of hormones and metabolites in the maternal serum during pregnancy. J. Agric. Sci., 133: 227-234.
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  42. Frimawaty, E. and W. Manalu, 1999. Milk yield and lactose synthetase activity in the mammary glands of superovulated ewes. Small Rumin. Res., 33: 271-278.
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  43. Manalu, W., M.Y. Sumaryadi and A.S. Satyaningtijas, 1998. Effect of superovulation on maternal serum progesterone concentration, uterine and fetal weights at weeks 7 and 15 of pregnancy in Javanese Thin-Tail ewes. Small Rumin. Res., 30: 171-176.
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  44. Manalu, W. and M.Y. Sumaryadi, 1998. Maternal serum progesterone concentration during pregnancy and lamb birth weight at parturition in Javanese Thin-Tail ewes with different litter sizes. Small Rumin. Res., 30: 163-169.
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  45. Manalu, W. and M.Y. Sumaryadi, 1998. Maternal serum progesterone concentration during gestation and mammary gland growth and development at parturition in Javanese thin-tail ewes carrying a single or multiple fetuses. Small Rumin. Res., 27: 131-136.
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  46. Manalu, W. and M.Y. Sumaryadi, 1998. Mammary gland indices at the end of lactation in Japanese thin-tail ewes with different litter sizes. Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 11: 648-654.
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  47. Manalu, W. and M.Y. Sumaryadi, 1998. Correlations of litter size and maternal serum progesterone concentration during pregnancy with mammary gland growth and development indices at parturition in Javanese thin-tail sheep. Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 11: 300-306.
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  48. Manalu, W., M.Y. Sumaryadi and N. Kusumorini, 1997. Maternal serum concentrations of total triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine and cortisol in different status of pregnancy during late pregnancy in Ettawah-cross does. Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 10: 385-390.
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  49. Manalu, W., M.Y. Sumaryadi and N. Kusumorini, 1997. Effect of fetal number on the concentrations of circulating maternal serum progesterone and estradiol of does during late pregnancy. Small Ruminant Res., 23: 117-124.
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  50. Manalu, W., 1997. Responses of heat-stressed lactating cows to short-term recombinant bovine somatotropin treatment: 3. Changes in metabolic and stress hormones and body lipid metabolism. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 8: 1-5.

  51. Manalu, W., 1996. Responses of heat-stressed lactating cows to short-term recombinant bovine somatotropin treatment: 1. Changes in thermoregulatory functions and production performances. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 7: 29-35.

  52. Manalu, W., 1996. Responses of heat-stressed lactating cows short-term recombinant bovine somatotropin treatment: 2. Temporal oscillation of plasma somatotropin and insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 7: 51-55.

  53. Manalu, W., 1996. Naturally simulated heat stress in lactating dairy cows: Heat production, heat losses and thermoregulatory functions. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 7: 1-4.

  54. Manalu, W. and M.Y. Sumaryadi, 1996. Relationship of serum triiodothyronine, cortisol, beta-hydroxy butyric acid and blood urea nitrogen concentrations with milk production in lactating Javanese thin-tail ewes. Indonesian J. Nutr. Feed Sci., 1: 5-8.

  55. Manalu, W., 1995. Naturally simulated heat stress in lactating dairy cows: Plasma concentrations of tetraiodothyronine, triiodothyronine, cortisol and prolactin. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 6: 1-5.

  56. Manalu, W., 1995. Naturally simulated heat stress in lactating dairy cows: Feed intake, water intake, milk production and milk composition. Indonesian J. Trop. Agric., 6: 3-6.

  57. Manalu, W., H.D. Johnson, R. Li, B.A. Becker and R.J. Collier, 1991. Assessment of thermal status of somatotropin-injected lactating Holstein cows maintained under controlled-laboratory thermoneutral, hot and cold environments. J. Nutri., 121: 2006-2019.
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  58. Johnson, H.D., R. Li, W. Manula, K.J. Spencer-Johnson, B.A. Becker, R.J. Collier and C.A. Baile, 1991. Effects of somatotropin on milk yield and physiological responses during summer farm and hot laboratory conditions. J. Dairy Sci., 74: 1250-1262.
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  59. Piliang, W.G. and W. Manalu, 1988. Effect of different levels of zinc supplementation in rice bran diets on zinc status and on the performance of laying hens. Buletin Ilmu Makanan Ternak, 8: 1-5.