Dr. Hadi Kuncoro

Research Scientist
Mulawarman University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Natural Products Chemistry from Padjadjaran Univerisity, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Natural Product

Selected Publications

  1. Rijai, L., H. Kuncoro and M. Amir, 2017. Chemical profile by LC-MS/MS and some bioactivities from leafs of kolowe (Chydenanthus excelsus): A wild and rare plant from Indonesia. J. Pharm. Sci. Res., 9: 111-118.
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  2. Kuncoro, H., K. Farabi, E. Julaeha, L. Rijai, Y. Shiono and U. Supratman, 2017. Flavonols from the leaves Lygodium microphyllum (Lygodiaceae). J. Kimia, Vol. 11.No. 1. .
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  3. Rijai, L., H. Kuncoro, R. Rumampuk, U. Supratman, H.H. Bahti and W. Tylor, 2016. A pure isolated from fruit seeds of kolowe (Chydenanthus excelsus) the identified as single peak by HPLC analytic column they are two saponin compounds of isomered. Der Pharma Chemica, 8: 301-314.
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  4. Rijai, L., H. Kuncoro and H. Herman, 2015. Forest betel (P. acre Blume) a wild plant from east Kalimantan, Indonesia potentially as resources of drug compounds for cancer. J. Pharm. Sci. Res., 7: 401-404.
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  5. Rahma, N., K. Dewi, H. Kuncoro and L. Rijai, 2015. Potensi sitotoksik ekstrak air daun sirih hitam (Piper sp.). Potensi Sitotoksik Ekstrak Air Daun Sirih Hitam (Piper sp.) Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan. 2015. Vol 1. No 1. .
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  6. Rahayu, I., H. Kuncoro and A. Ibrahim, 2013. Efek hemostatis ekstrak metanol daun sisik naga (Drymoglossum Piloselloides Presl.) pada tikus jantan (Rattus norvegicus L.). J. Trop. Pharm. Chem., Vol 2. No. 3. .

  7. Ibrahim, A. and H. Kuncoro, 2012. Identifikasi metabolit sekunder dan aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun sungkai (Peronema canescens JACK.) terhadap beberapa bakteri patogen. J. Trop. Pharm. Chem., Vol 2. No. 1. .

  8. Kuncoro, H., K. Bidang, I. Bahan, A. Hayati, F. Farmasi, Samarinda, 2011. Efek pemberian α-mangostin dari garcinia tetranda pierre terhadap morfologi p.falciparum. J. Trop. Phar. Chem., Vol 1. No. 2. 10.25026/jtpc.v1i2.16.
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  9. Kuncoro, H., D. Noor, E. Sugijanto, K. Bidang and I.B. Farmasi, 2011. Mini Review jamur endofit, biodiversitas, potensi dan prospek penggunaannya sebagai sumber bahan obat baru. J. Trop. Pharm. Chem. 2011. Vol 1. No. 3. .

  10. Kuncoro, H., A. Widyawaruyanti, T. Ersam, K. Bidang and I.Bi. Farmasi, 2010. Mekanisme aksi α-mangostin dari garcinia tetranda pierre terhadap p.falciparum secara in vitro. J. Trop. Pharm. Chem., Vol 1. No. 1. 10.25026/jtpc.v1i1.6.
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