Dr. Yayat Rochayat Suradinata

Associate Professor
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agriculture Science from Padjadjaran Univerisity, Indonesia

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YAYAT ROCHAYAT Suradinata was born in Bogor March 15, 1951. She graduated from Bachelor degree of the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) in 1976. She completed the Postgraduate Program at Unpad in 1994. In 2002 she got her PhD in Agricultural Sciences from Padjadjaran University. From 1977 to 1986 she worked in the Directorate of SMK (Vocational School) in Jakarta. Since August 1st, 1986 she has become a lecturer in horticulture laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Padjadjaran. The publication of her scientific works were Paclobutrazol Application and Shading Levels Effect to the Growth and Quality of Begonia (Begonia rex-cultorum) Cultivar Marmaduke, Effects of Row intercropping System of Corn and Potato and Row Spacing of Corn on the Growth and Yields of Atlantic Potato Cultivar Planted in Medium Altitude, Effect of combination of Media concentration Plant and Leaf Fertilizer on the Growth Dendrobium Orchid Plant sp. at this stage of acclimatization, Application of benzyl amino purine (BAP) to improve the freshness of chrysanthemum flower, Response quality and durability save red chili (Capsicumannuum L.) with the use of the type of packaging material and fruit tingkatkematangan, Final Report Application 1 - Methylcyclopropene (1 - MCP) to extend the freshness of the chrysanthemum (Dendrathema grandiflora cv White Fiji and Yellow Fiji, Engineering ornamental plants with the application of growth regulators (Paklobutrazol, Benzyl Amino Purine, and 1 - Methylcyclopropene), Effect of paclobutrazol and 1 - methylcyclopropene (1 - MCP) Application on Rose (Rosa hybrid L.), Effect of Planting Combinations media composition and concentration of cytokines on the growth of aglaonema, Response growth and quality of the three cultivars aglaonema against media competition grows rice husk, cocopeat, and zeolites as well as plant growth regulator cytokinin, Influence of Shade and concentration of organic fertilizers liquid plant growth Phalaenopsis hybrid cultivar results Sayukudion x Taida Snow Effect paklobutrazol concentration and time of application of the batik roses (Rosa hibryda L.), Response batik roses (Rosa hibryda L.) with the use of a concentration of 1 - methylcyclopropene (1 - MCP ) on several levels florescence, The effect of nitrogen sources and types of medium subcultur on brassolaeliocattleya (bic) amy Wakasugi shoots growth, Response of growth, yield and quality of pakchoy (brassica campestrisL., chinensis group) to zeolite and organic fertilizer application at ultisol Jatinangor, Effect of cytokinins and paklobutrazol the yield and content of potato seed virus G2 in plain films of nutrient medium in the system technique. The impact of climate change on rice production center area of the city near the beach in Indonesia.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Agricultural Research
Plant Physiology
Climate Change

Selected Publications

  1. Wiratmo, J., Y. Yuwariyah, Ruminta and Y.R. Suradinata, 2016. The Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production Center at Area of the city near the beach in Indonesia. Int. J. Sci. Res., 5: 2136-2140.
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  2. Suradinata, Y.R. and J.S. Hamdani, 2015. Effect of paclobutrazol and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) application on rose (Rosa hybrida L.). Asian J. Agric. Res., 9: 69-76.
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  3. Hamdani, J.S. and Y.R. Suradinata, 2015. Effects of row intercropping system of corn and potato and row spacing of corn on the growth and yields of Atlantic potato cultivar planted in medium altitude. Asian J. Agric. Res., 9: 104-112.
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  4. Suradinata, Y.R., R. Rahman and J.S. Hamdan, 2013. Paclobutrazol application and shading levels effect to the growth and quality of Begonia (Begonia rex-cultorum) cultivar Marmaduke. Asian J. Agric. Rural Dev., 3: 566-575.
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