Mr. Bohari

Tadulako University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
M.Sc. in Public Health Nutrition from Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

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Bohari is a lecturer in the Department of Nutririon public health Nutrition at the Tadulako University. He is a member of Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia (PERGIZI PANGAN INDONESIA) region Central Sulawesi and also member of Indonesian Nutrition Association (PERSAGI) region Central Sulawesi. The focus of research is the issue of malnutrition and degenerative diseases especially diabetes mellitus. He was also active in national and international seminars to follow the field of nutrition and health, and presented research papers in the form of posters and oral. Seminars were accosted by Bohari i.e. International Conference Cardiovascular Disease CVD-IA “Intergrated Approach From Basic, Clinical Science, Public Health and Bioethics” Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta-2016, International Symposium and Workshop Medical & Health Profession di Universitas Tadulako-2016, Presentation-The 47th Asia Pasific Academic Consorcium for Public Health Conference Bandung Indonesia, The 12th Asian Congress of Nutririon, ACN2015, Yokohama, Japan-2015, Short Course-Food and Nutrition Intervention (FNI), SEAMEO-RECFON Universitas Indonesia, 2016.

Area of Interest:

Public Health
Nutrition Assessment
Diabetes Mellitus

Selected Publications

  1. Serag, A.M., A.M. Higazy, M. Basir, H. Mappiratu and J. Nilawati et al., 2017. Production methods, economics and effects of Spirulina food supplementation on malnourished children. Int. J. Scient. Eng. Res., 8: 1111-1115.
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  2. Rahman, N., N.U. Dewi, S.I. Fitrasyah, Bohari, V. Oktaviani and M. Rifai, 2017. Factors related to exclusive breastfeeding among mothers in the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mal. J. Nutr., 23: 175-189.
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  3. Rahman, N., N.U. Dewi and Bohari, 2017. Breakfast Morning Habit, Nutritional Intake, And Nutritional Status of Student Sdn Inpres 3 Tondo, Palu City. Preventive J. Public Health, 8: 14-20.

  4. Rahman, N., M.R. Napirah, D. Nadila and Bohari, 2017. Determinants of stunting among children in urban families in Palu, Indonesia. Pak. J. Nutr., 16: 750-756.
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  5. Bohari, N. Rahman and Indriany, 2017. Intake of nutrients, stunting and anemia in the elementary school children in tradisional gold mining Poboya, Palu. Preventif: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 8: 84-88.
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  6. Basir-Cyio, M., Mahfudz, T. Inoue, A. Anshary and T. Kawakami et al., 2017. Impact of the traditional gold mine management on public health and agricultural land: A Study of traditional gold mining in Poboya, Sausu and Dongi-Dongi Village, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. J. Food Agric. Environ., 15: 115-122.
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  7. Bohari, 2015. Preventive model simulation of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Data Analysis of Riskesdas Sulsel 2013). Indonesian Nutr. Stud. J., 3: 1-8.