Dr. Widya Alwarritzi

Research Assistant
Kyushu University, Japan

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from Kyushu University, Japan

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Agricultural Economics
Rural Development
Agricultural Biology
Farm Management

Selected Publications

  1. Khoy, R., T. Nanseki, Y. Chomei, X.B. Ea, W. Marte and W. Alwarritzi, 2017. Analysis of demands for farming technologies and appropriate tvansfer methods of rice farmers in Ibague, Tolima, Colombia. J. Faculty Agric. Kyushu Univ., 62: 245-253.
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  2. Alwarritzi, W., T. Nanseki, Y. Chomei, X.B. Ea, W. Makte and R. Khoy, 2017. Farmers' Perceptions on agricultural technical service and its determinants in Colombia: A case study of fedearroz service in ibague province. J. Faculty Agric. Kyushu Univ., 62: 237-244.
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  3. Alwarritzi, W., T. Nanseki and Y. Chomei, 2016. The effect of oil palm expansion on food security in Indonesia. J. Econ. Sustainable Dev., 7: 43-50.
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  4. Alwarritzi, W., T. Nanseki and Y. Chomei, 2015. Impact of oil palm expansion on farmers' crop income and poverty reduction in Indonesia: An application of propensity score matching. J. Agric. Sci., 8: 119-131.
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  5. Alwarritzi, W., T. Nanseki and Y. Chomei, 2015. Factors determining household level farmers’ decisions to expand oil palm farmland in Indonesia. J. Faculty Agric. Kyushu Univ., 60: 563-568.
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  6. Alwarritzi, W., T. Nanseki and Y. Chomei, 2015. Analysis of the factors influencing the technical efficiency among oil palm smallholder farmers in Indonesia. Procedia Environ. Sci., 28: 630-638.
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