Mr. Rochijan

Lecture Assistant
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Science and Technology from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Dairy Science
Animal Production
Animal Nutrition
Animal and Environmental Science

Selected Publications

  1. Astuti, A., R. Rochijan, B.P. Widyobroto, Lies Mira and Yusiati, 2022. Evaluating of Nutrient Composition and Pellet Durability Index on Pellet Supplement with Different Proportion of Protected Soybean Meal (P-SBM) and Selenium (Se). In: Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production, Astuti, A., R. Rochijan, B.P. Widyobroto, L. Mira, and Yusiati (Eds.), Atlantis Press, Paris, ISBN: 978-94-6239-542-8, pp: 103-107.
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  2. Astuti, A., R. Rochijan, B.P. Widyobroto and C.T. Noviandi, 2021. Nutrient status, hematological and blood metabolite profile of mid-lactating dairy cows during wet and dry seasons raised under Indonesian tropical environmental conditions. J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol., Vol. 10. 10.31893/jabb.22007.
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  3. Suranindya, Y.Y., Rochijan, B.P. Widyobroto and S.D. Astuti, 2020. Impact of extended lactation on fatty acid profile and milk composition of dual purpose tropical goat. Pak. J. of Bio. Sci., 23: 113-118.
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  4. Astuti, A., R. Rochijan and B.P. Widyobroto, 2020. Effect of dietary rumen undegraded protein (RUP) level on nutrient intake and digestion of lactating dairy cows. Buletin Peternak, 44: 228-232.
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  5. Widyobroto, B.P., Rochijan, C.T. Noviandi and A. Astuti, 2019. Microenvironment identification and the feed availability for dairy cows during dry and wet seasons in the main dairy areas of Yogyakarta – Indonesia. J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol., 7: 86-91.
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  6. Guntoro, B., Q.N. Hoang, A.Q. A’yun and Rochijan, 2019. Dynamic responses of livestock farmers to smart farming. The 1st Animal Science and Food Technology Conference (AnSTC) 2019, August 6-8, 2019, IOP Publishing, Bristol, United Kingdom, pp: 012042-012042.
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  7. Astuti, A., Rochijan, B.P. Widyobroto and C.T. Noviandi, 2019. Nutrient intake of lactating dairy cows during the wet and dry seasons in Sleman, Yogyakarta. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, September 23-25, 2019 IOP Publishing, Bristol, United Kingdom, pp: 012067-012067.
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  8. Widyobroto, B.P., Rochijan, F. Satrio and L.M. Yusiati, 2018. Effect of different rumen undegraded protein level on feed consumption, nutrient digestion, body weight and body condition score in early lactating dairy cattle. OnLine J. Bio. Sci., 18: 247-253.
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  9. Widyobroto, B.P., Rochijan, C.T. Noviandi and A. Astuti, 2018. Dairy cows productivity and socio-economic profile of dairy smallholder's communities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., Vol. 119. 10.1088/1755-1315/119/1/012060.
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  10. Suranindyah, Y.Y., Rochijan, Adiarto, B.P. Widyobroto, S.D. Astuti and T.W. Murti, 2018. Effect of feeding high proportion concentrates containing tofu waste on nutrient consumption, milk production, body condition score and postpartum mating period of dairy goats in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pak. J. Nut., 17: 702-708.
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  11. Suranindyah, Y.Y., D.H.A. Khairy, N.M. Firdaus and Rochijan, 2018. Milk production and composition of etawah crossbred, sapera and saperong dairy goats in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 13: 1-6.
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  12. Rochijan, R., B. Widyobroto, C. Noviandi, and A. Astuti, 2018. The feed availability for dairy cows during dry and wet seasons in the main dairy areas of Yogyakarta-Indonesia. The 10th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (in Advances in Animal Biosciences), September 2-6, 2018 Cambridge University, France, pp: 740-740.
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  13. Pertiwiningrum, A., D.J. Hapsari, P. Ratnaningrum, A. Kurniawati and R.N. Dwi, 2018. Effects of adding chicken blood meal and fishmeal to sludge biogas as white oyster mushroom media. Pak. J. Boil. Sci., 21: 29-37.
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  14. Pertiwiningrum, A., J.S.P. Silaban, A. Prasetya and Rochijan, 2017. Implementation of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digester to produce household-scale biogas. J. Appl. Sci., 17: 392-399.

  15. Pertiwiningrum, A., F.D. Anggraini, N.A. Fitrianto and R. Rochijan, 2017. Isolation and identification of bacterial protease enzyme of leather waste. J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric., 42: 33-41.
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  16. Pertiwiningrum, A., E.C. Budyanto, M. Hidayat, Rochijan, Y. Soeherman and M.F. Habibi, 2017. Making organic fertilizer using sludge from biogas production as carrier agent of trichoderma harzianum. J. Biol. Sci., 17: 21-27.
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  17. Pertiwiningrum, A., E. Susilowati, R. Rochijan, N.A. Fitriyanto, Y. Soeherman and M.F. Habibi, 2017. Potential test on utilization of cow’s rumen fluid to increase biogas production rate and methane concentration in biogas. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 11: 82-87.
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  18. Nurtini, S., R. Rochijan, B. Guntoro, B.P. Widyobroto, I. Indratiningsih and N. Umami, 2017. The performance of milk production, total milk revenue and reproduction indicators on dairy smallholders in Yogyakarta and East Java, Indonesia. Buletin Peternakan, 41: 212-218.
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  19. Kusumastuti, T.A., Rochijan, B. Guntoro, B.P. Widyobroto and A. Pertiwiningrum, 2017. Research articleintangible costs resulting from inefficient feeding and waterusage in smallholder dairy farm in indonesia. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 12: 211-217.

  20. Widyobroto, B.P., R. Rochijan, I. Ismaya, A. Adiarto and Y.Y. Suranindyah, 2016. The impact of balanced energy and protein supplementation to milk production and quality in early lactating dairy cows. J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric., 41: 83-90.
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  21. Rochijan, B.P. Widyobroto and Ismaya, 2016. The impact of high rumen undegraded protein (HRUP) supplementation to blood urea nitrogen and reproduction performance in early lactation dairy cows. Int. J. Dairy Sci., 11: 28-34.
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  22. Rochijan, B.P. Widyobroto and Ismaya, 2016. Effect of high rumen undegraded protein (HRUP) supplementation on estrous response and progesterone hormone profile in dairy cows raised under indonesia tropical environmental conditions. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 10: 175-181.
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  23. Guntoro, B., B.P. Widyobroto, N. Umami, Indratiningsih, S. Nurtini, A. Pertiwiningrum and Rochijan, 2016. Marketing and institutional characteristics of dairy industry in Indonesia. Int. J. Environ. Agric. Res., 2: 106-114.
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  24. Rochijan, B. Rustamadji And Kustono, 2014. Produksi dan komposisi susu sapi perah peranakan friesian holstein yang disuplementasi 3% susu bubuk afkir pada masa awal laktasi. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sinergi Pangan, Pakan dan Energi Terbarukan “Sinergi Riset dan Aplikasi Teknologi Biokonversi untuk Mendukung Kedaulatan Pangan, Pak. Energi Indonesia, .
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