Dr. Asep Anang

Senior Lecturer
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Quantitative Genetics from Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Livestock Research
Animal Husbandry
Animal Breeding
Animal Genetic

Selected Publications

  1. Asmara, I.Y., A. Anang, T. Widjastuti and E. Sujana, 2017. In-situ conservation strategy to safeguard sentul chickens in the future. Kn E Life Sci., 2: 110-117.
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  2. Anang, A., I. Setiawan, H. Indrijani and L. Lan, 2017. Mathematical models of growth and feed intake in rambon ducks. Int. J. Poul. Sci., 16: 457-461.
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  3. Anang, A., H. Indrijani and E. Sujana, 2017. Mathematical model of growth of two purelines of Padjadjaran female quail aged 0 to 6 weeks. J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric., 42: 66-71.
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  4. Dudi, C. Sumantri, H. Martojo and A. Anang, 2011. Keragaan sifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif kerbau lokal di propinsi banten (Performance of qualitative and quantitative traits of local buffaloes at banten province). Indonesian J. Anim. Sci., 11: 61-67.

  5. Anang, A., H. Indrijani and D. Tasripin, 2010. Analyses of fixed effects for genetic evaluation of dairy cattle using test day records in Indonesia. Indonesian J. Anim. Vet. Sci., 15: 138-146.
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  6. Indrijani, H. and A. Anang, 2009. Fixed regression test day model as a solution in predicting the genetic value of dairy cattle. Indonesian J. Anim. Vet. Sci., 14: 216-221.

  7. Anang, A., N. Mielenz and L. Schüler, 2002. Monthly model for genetic evaluation of laying hens II. Random regression. Br. Poul. Sci., 43: 384-390.
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  8. Anang, A., N. Mielenz and L. Schüler, 2001. Monthly model for genetic evaluation of laying hens I. Fixed regression. British Poul. Sci., 42: 191-196.
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  9. Anang, A., N. Mielenz and L. Schüler, 2000. Genetic and phenotypic parameters for monthly egg production in white leghorn hens. J. Anim. Breed. Genet., 6: 407-415.
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