Ms. Yosehi Mekiuw

Musamus Merauke University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Masters in Agricultural Engineering from Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Science

Selected Publications

  1. Supriyadi, S., P. Purwanto, A. Sarijan, Y. Mekiuw, R. Ustiatik and R.R. Prahesti, 2017. The assessment of soil quality at paddy fields in Merauke, Indonesia. Bulgarian J. Agric. Sci., 23: 443-448.
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  2. Mekiuw, Y., 2017. Study of banana plantation technology based on the local wisdom method of tribe marind. J. Basic Applied Scient. Res., 7: 27-31.
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  3. Mekiuw, Y., 2017. Studi neraca air waduk lapangan (long storage) di desa Semangga Jaya kabupaten Merauke. [Study of water balance reservoir (long storage) in Semangga Jaya village of Merauke regency]. Agricola, 3: 72-90 (In Indonesian).