Dr. Ir. Mia Setiawati

Research Scientist
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Aquatic Sciences from Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Aquatic Sciences

Selected Publications

  1. Setiawati, M., S. Dairun, M.A. Suprayudi and N.B.P. Utomo, 2017. [Utilization of cinnamon leaf and shrimp flour as an enhancer of catfish meat quality]. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 20: 1-9, (In Indonesian).
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  2. Setiawati, M., D. Jusadi, S. Laheng, M.A. Suprayudi and A. Vinasyiam, 2016. The enhancement of growth performance and feed efficiency of Asian catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus fed on Cinnamomum burmannii leaf powder and extract as nutritional supplementation. AACL Bioflux, 9: 1301-1309.
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  3. Setiawati, M., D. Jusadi, F. Rolin and A. Vinasyiam, 2016. [Evaluation of cinnamon Cinnamomun burmannii extract supplementation in diet on flesh fat content of catfish Pangasianodon hypopthalmus]. J. Akuakultur Indonesia, 15: 132-138, (In Indonesian).
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  4. Setiawati, M., D. Jusadi and R. Diana, 2016. [Digestibility and growth performance of catfish Pangasius hypopthalmus fed cinnamon leaf powder and extract Cinnamomum burmannii]. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 21: 219-223, (In Indonesian).
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  5. Laheng, S., M. Setiawati, D. Jusadi and M.A. Suprayudi, 2016. [Applications of the addition of extract and cinnamon leaf flour in the diet on the quality of meat of catfish]. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 19: 36-43, (In Indonesian).
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  6. Setiawati, M., A. Sakinah and D. Jusadi, 2015. [Evaluation of growth and meat performance of Pangasianodon hypopthalmus which fed with Cinnamomum burmanni leaves enriched diet]. Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia, 14: 171-178, (In Indonesian).
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  7. Setiawati, M., D. Jusadi, S. Marlinda and D. Syafruddin, 2014. [Effect of addition Cinnamomun burmanni leaf in the diet on the growth performance and nutrient composition of Pangasius hypopthalmus]. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 19: 80-84, (In Indonesian).
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  8. Suprayudi, M.A., W. Dimahesa, D. Jusadi, M. Setiawati and J. Ekasari, 2011. [Liquid rumen crude enzyme supplementation in the plant protein based diet on growth performance of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)]. Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 11: 177-183, (In Indonesian).
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