Dr. Juneman Abraham
Associate ProfessorBina Nusantara University,Indonesia
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Psychology from Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
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Dr. Juneman Abraham is Lecturer Specialist in Social & Community Psychology at the Psychology Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia ( https://www.topuniversities.com/universities/bina-nusantara-university-binus ). He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the Universitas Indonesia in 2018, followed by his training in Scientometrics from the Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands, in 2019. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2019); founding member of the Indonesian Forensic Sciences Association in 2010 and Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians in 2014; and the former Secretary-General of Asian Psychological Association (2014-2016). He is a National Assessor of Psychology Competency (since 2019), Executive Committee Member of the Indonesian Psychological Association (since 2007), Indonesian Open Science Committee Member (since 2017), Certified Ethics Teacher of UNESCO (ETTC, 2017), as well Executive Committee Member of Center for Scientific Publication Studies-Indonesian Journal Volunteer (since 2019). He also serves as Editorial Board Member of Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal, Global Health Management Journal, and Journal of Nusantara Studies. In addition, he is an active reviewer for the Journal of Social and Political Psychology, International Journal of e-Collaboration, Psychological Research on Urban Society, Lingua Cultura, Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, Indonesian Journal of Educational Assessment, and Jurnal Antikorupsi INTEGRITAS. Overall, he has published more than 50 refereed journal articles, 5 books / book chapter, and 15 refereed conference proceedings. Amongst the awards he had received included One of the Top Reviewers for Cross-Field (2018) & for Multidisciplinary (2017) from Publons (Web of Science Group) and Rector’s Award for The Best Teaching Performance from BINUS University (2017). His principal research interests focus on the Psychology of Corruption, Psychoinformatics, National Cultural Orientation, and Psychology of Public Policy. From the year 2014 till now, he has completed 5 research projects as Principal Investigator funded by research grants from the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI). Amongst his consultancy projects included those that involved the Family of Hope Program in Indonesia: Evaluation Research of Its Impact on Very Poor Households in Seven Provinces (Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, 2012), Formulation of Post-Disaster Social-Psychological Recovery Guidelines (National Board for Disaster Management, 2009), Revitalization of Indonesian City Parks (OREO Mondelez Indonesia, 2018), Academic Integrity Platform (RISTEKDIKTI, 2019), National Journal Accreditation Assessment, National Research Grant Review (ISO/IEC 17024:2012 certified reviewer, since 2018), and National Student Creativity Program Review (RISTEKDIKTI, 2018-2019). Ask him anything at http://juneman.me and http://ask.fm/juneman
Area of Interest:
Selected Publications
- Hakim, L.N., G.A. Santoso, B. Takwin, Y. Sunitiyoso and J. Abraham, 2021. Group decision quality, conscientiousness and competition. Cogent Psychol., 10.1080/23311908.2021.1872907.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Zhang Q., J. Abraham and Hui-Zhen. Fu, 2020. Collaboration and its influence on retraction based on retracted publications during 1978–2017. Scientometrics 125: 213-232.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nugraha, M.A., N.P. Banglali, J. Abraham, M.M. Ali and E.W. Andangsari, 2020. Insights on media literacy and social engineering vulnerability predictors: lifelong learning gravity. Cypriot J. Educ.al Sci., 15: 955-975.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Hakim L.N., S. Susiana, F.N. Arifa, A.M. Fahham, M. Teja and J. Abraham, 2020. Psychological correlates of anti-sexual harassment: dataset of indonesia's generation z. Data in Brief 31: 105944-105944.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J., D.L. Septian, T. Prayoga and Y.S. Ruman, 2020. Predictive Factors of Attitude Towards Online Disruptive Advertising. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, United States, Pages: 369,.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J., 2020. National culture as a correlate of research output and impact. F1000Res., 10.12688/f1000research.18283.3.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham J., M.A. Kurniadi, E.W. Andangsari, M.M. Ali, R.H. Manurung and H.L.H.S. Warnars, 2020. Prediction of guilt and shame proneness based on disruption to psychological contract: a new light for corruption prevention. Heliyon 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04275 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04275.
CrossRef | - Abraham, J., D.U. Sutiksno, N. Kurniasih and A. Warokka, 2019. Acceptance and penetration of bitcoin: the role of psychological distance and national culture. SAGE Open, 10.1177/2158244019865813.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J., and A.G. Pea, 2018. Can proneness to moral emotions detect corruption? The mediating role of ethical judgment based on unified ethics. Kasetsart J. Social Sci., 10.1016/j.kjss.2018.07.013.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J., T. Prayoga and B. Takwin, 2018. Political psychology of Indonesian political figure: A case study of a political entrepreneur who is not hesitant in paving a new way. Int. J. Res. Stud. Psychol., 7: 35-58.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Prayoga, T. and J. Abraham, 2017. A psychological model explaining why we love or hate statistics. Kasetsart J. Social Sci., 38: 1-8.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Azizah, A., J. Abraham and B. Dhowi, 2017. Pathway to entrepreneurship university: An autoethnography of entrepreneurial research experience. J. Educ. Learn., 11: 319-331.
Direct Link | - Azizah, A. and J. Abraham, 2017. Content analysis and exploratory factor analysis of relationship goals among young adults: Converging data from Instagram and offline surveys. Int. J. Adv. Comput. Res., 8: 11-34.
- Abraham, J., M.Y. Sari, A. Azizah and W. Ispurwanto, 2017. Guilt and shame proneness: The role of work meaning and perceived unethicality of no harm no foul behavior among private sector employees. J. Psychol. Educ. Res., 25: 90-114.
Direct Link | - Abraham, J., B. Takwin and J. Suleeman, 2017. Counterfeit self: A confirmatory factor analysis among Indonesians. Kasetsart J. Social Sci., (In Press). 10.1016/j.kjss.2017.07.011.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and T. Prayoga, 2017. Indonesian students' representation on psychology and social change: Challenge for curriculum progression. Open J. Social Sci., 5: 122-135.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Teoriman, A., J. Abraham and J.A.A. Rumeser, 2016. Intercultural sensitivity among private university students in Jakarta, Indonesia. Int. J. Interdisciplin. Cult. Stud., 11: 29-41.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Prayoga, T., A. Rufaedah and J. Abraham, 2016. Deeper look in professionals' happiness and its relation to ethics. Abnormal Behav. Psychol., Vol. 2. 10.4172/2472-0496.1000122.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Prayoga, T. and J. Abraham, 2016. Social-psychological-health predictors of fondness of Arkenstone among Indonesians. Abnormal Behav. Psychol., Vol. 2. 10.4172/2472-0496.1000116.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Prayoga, T. and J. Abraham, 2016. Behavioral intention to use IoT health device: The role of perceived usefulness, facilitated appropriation, big five personality traits and cultural value orientation. Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng., 6: 1751-1765.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and A. Falah, 2016. Is virtual marriage acceptable? A psychological study investigating the role of ambiguity tolerance and intimacy illusion in online dating among adolescents and early adults. J. Psychol. Educ. Res., 24: 117-143.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Sharron and J. Abraham, 2015. The role of curiosity in making up digital content promoting cultural heritage. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 184: 259-265.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rizkytha, I.Z. and J. Abraham, 2015. Attitudes toward risk, social dominance orientation and perceived scarcity of the opposite sex on Indonesian woman migrant. workers. Int. J. Res. Stud. Psychol., 4: 17-25.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Prayoga, T., A.C. Noviardi, C. Winata, G. Saputra and V. Angelina et al., 2015. Social psychological interventions to reduce the number of violence against women in Indonesia. Mediterr. J. Social Sci., 6: 285-295.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Noerhardiyanty, Y. and J. Abraham, 2015. Social comparison as a predictor of shame proneness dimensions. Sosiohumanika: J. Pendidikan Sains Sosial Kemanusiaan, 8: 231-240.
Direct Link | - Hartoyo, V. and J. Abraham, 2015. The role of cultural value orientations and sexual desire in predicting cybersex behavior in unmarried young adults. Anima: Indonesian Psychol. J., 30: 75-87.
Direct Link | - Angelina, V. and J. Abraham, 2015. Predictive analysis of hip-hop dancers' motivation for choreographing from choreography components (body-thinking-space-time). Anima: Indonesian Psychol. J., 31: 1-13.
Direct Link | - Abraham, J., M.M. Pane and R.P. Chairiyani, 2015. An investigation on cynicism and environmental self-efficacy as predictors of pro-environmental behavior. Psychology, 6: 234-242.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J., 2015. Psychological factors motivating the intention to utilize mass public transport vehicles. Anima: Indonesian Psychol. J., 30: 117-126.
Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and W. Rahardjo, 2015. Psychopathy, sexual values dimensions and premarital sexual behaviour among urban unmarried adolescents. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 165: 2-11.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and S. Sharron, 2015. Attitude toward game, emotional awareness and thinking style among high school students. Adv. Sci. Lett., 21: 1845-1849.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and R.P.N. Berline, 2015. An investigation on organizational charlatan behaviour and moral identity as predictors of shame: Importance for education. J. Educ. Learn., 9: 135-144.
- Abraham, J. and M.S. Wirayudha, 2015. Personality traits, sedentariness and personal dilemma as the dynamic predictors of intention to use public transportation in greater Jakarta. Makara Hubs-Asia, 9: 125-143.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and M.A. Puteri, 2015. Sexual self-schema, perceptions of breast talk and physical self-concept in breast cancer survivor. Int. J. Public Health Sci., 4: 131-139.
Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and M. Trimutiasari, 2015. Sociopsychotechnological predictors of individual's social loafing in virtual team. Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng., 5: 1500-1510.
Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and A.F. Maulida, 2015. No harm no foul behavior and consumption motivation among Indonesian students. Anima: Indonesian Psychol. J., 30: 163-177.
Direct Link | - Pradipto, Y.D. and J. Abraham, 2014. Psychoanthropology of power contestation: Mangunan alternative education versus the National curriculum of the Indonesian Government. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 132: 186-195.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Kurniadi, M., F. Fresty, K. Kwan, S. Sharron and J. Abraham, 2014. Are we still giving our money to beggars? Prosocial intention in between of religion, emotion, corruption and government policy advocacy. Mediterr. J. Social Sci., 5: 1817-1826.
Direct Link | - Khaerina, S.S. and J. Abraham, 2014. Sexual disorders and right-wing authoritarianism in Indonesian boarding school. Int. J. Res. Stud. Psychol., 3: 99-109.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Anindya, S., V. Leolita and J. Abraham, 2014. The role of psychology in enhancing public policy: Studies on political apathy and attachment to the city in Indonesia. Int. J. Res. Stud. Psychol., 3: 99-114.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J., D.P. Utami and I.R. Faza, 2014. The role of perceived uncertainty, ego identity and perceived behavioral control in predicting patient's attitude toward medical surgery. MAKARA J. Health Res., 18: 103-112.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and M.M. Pane, 2014. Corruptive tendencies, conscientiousness and collectivism. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 153: 132-147.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and A. Rufaedah, 2014. Theologization of psychology and Psychologization of religion: How do psychology and religion supposedly contribute to prevent and overcome social conflicts? Procedia Environ. Sci., 20: 516-525.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rahardjo, W., Juneman and Y. Setiani, 2013. Computer anxiety, academic stress and academic procrastination on college students. J. Educ. Learn., 7: 147-152.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Juneman and W. Rahardjo, 2013. Influence of sexual values on perceived risk of interfaith marriage among unmarried urban students in Jakarta. Humaniora, 25: 3-13.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Juneman and M.M. Pane, 2013. Apathy towards environmental issues, narcissism and competitive view of the world. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 101: 44-52.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and A.W. Dameyasani, 2013. Impulsive buying, cultural values dimensions and symbolic meaning of money: A study on college students in Indonesia's capital city and its surrounding. Int. J. Res. Stud. Psychol., 2: 35-52.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Abraham, J. and A. Rufaedah, 2013. Pro-environment being and ecological attachments. J. ASIAN Behav. Stud., 3: 55-62.
- Juneman, E.A. Meinarno and W. Rahardjo, 2012. Symbolic meaning of money, self-esteem and identification with Pancasila values. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 65: 106-115.
CrossRef | Direct Link |