Dr. Akrom Akrom

Head of Department
Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Medical from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Clinical Studies
Health Education

Selected Publications

  1. Tomi, T., A. Akrom and A. Jatiningrum, 2017. Gambaran medication error pada fase prescribing dan administrasi pada pengobatan stroke di Igd rumah sakit X di Yogyakarta. Pharmaciana, 7: 25-32.
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  2. Hidayati, T., Akrom, Indrayanti and Sagiran, 2017. Evaluation of the black cumin seed oil role (BCSO) on a decline in eNOS expression and plasma no levels: Initial studies kemopreventive BCSO for lung cancer. Int. J. Biosci., Biochem. Bioinf., 7: 162-168.
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  3. Darmawan, E. and D.R. Fajar, 2017. Nigella sativa (black seeds) oil adjuvant therapy decrease on sgot activity in patients at risk of metabolic syndrome receiving standard therapy. Adv. Sci. Lett., 23: 12478-12481.
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  4. Akrom, A. and M. Mustofa, 2017. Black cumin seed oil increases phagocytic activity and secretion of IL-12 by macrophages. Biomed. Res., 28: 5241-5246.
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  5. Akrom, A. and E. Darmawan, 2017. Tolerability and safety of black cumin seed oil (Bcso) administration for 20 days in healthy subjects. Biomed. Res., 28: 4196-4201.
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  6. Saputri, Z.G., A. Akrom and E. Darmawan, 2016. Tingkat kepatuhan antihipertensi dan pengontrolan tekanan darah pasien rawat jalan rs pku muhammadiyah bantul, yogyakarta yang mendapatkan brief counseling-5a dan sms motivasional. J. Pharm. Sci. Community, 13: 67-72.
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  7. Saputri, G. Z., A. Akrom and E. Darmawan, 2016. Counseling and motivational short text messages increase adherence and behavioral changes in patient with hypertension. J. Kedokteran Kesehatan Indonesia, 7: 87-94.
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  8. Akrom, A. and N. Prasetyawan, 2016. Tablet kunyah ekstrak etanol herba pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.), Urban) menurunkan kadar kreatinin tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus L.) galur wistar yang diberi diet lemak tinggi. Pharmaciana, 6: 122-130.
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  9. Akrom, A., E. Darmawan and L. Yuhelvia, 2015. Black cumin seed oilas hepatoprotector in decreasing SGPT and SGOT activity and increasing p53 gene expression in sprague dawley rats induced by alloxan. Int. J. Public Health Sci., 4: 159-163.
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  10. Akrom, A., A. Widjaya and T. Armansyah, 2015. [Ethanolic extract of black cumin (nigella sativa) seed increases macrophage phagocytic activity of swiss mice infected with lysteria monocytogenes] J. Kedokteran Hewan, 9: 94-100.

  11. Akrom, A. and F. Fatimah, 2015. [The effects of hexane extracts from black cumin seeds to the phagocytic activity of macrophages sd (sprague dawley) strain female rats by dmba (7,12dimetilbenz(α)antrasen) induced in vitro]. Pharmaciana, 5: 69-76.

  12. Akrom, A., P.D. Harjanti and A. Armansyah, 2014. [Hypoglicemia effect of sweet potatos (ipomoea batatasp) rootethanolic extract in alloxan induced swiss mice]. Pharmaçiana, 4: 65-75.
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  13. Akrom, A., H. Marstyawan and M. Mustofa, 2014. P0051 Immunomodulator effect of black cumin seed oil (BCO) in the inhibition of breast cancer carcinogenesis in Dimenthylbenzantracene (DMBA)-induced SD rats. Eur. J. Cancer, Vol. 50. 10.1016/j.ejca.2014.03.095.
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  14. Alfian, R., A. Akrom and E. Darmawan, 2001. [Pharmacist counseling improve behavioralof ambulatory hypertensive patients at internaldisease polyclinic pku bantul hospital, Indonesia]. Media Farmasi, 11: 73-80.