Mr. Totok Kartono Waluyo

Research Scientist
Forest Product Research and Development Center, Indonesia

Highest Degree
M.Sc. in Forest Product Technology from Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Forest Product
Wood Science
Wood Chemistry

Selected Publications

  1. Supartini, R. Maharani and T.K. Waluyo 2021. Screening of Three Species of Pasak Bumi (Bitter Charm) for Potential Toxicities as Active Drugs. Adv. Biol. Sci. Res. 10.2991/absr.k.210408.055.
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  2. Supartini, R. Maharani, A. Fernandes and T.K. Waluyo 2020. Herbal Tea of Yellow Bitter Charm (Eurycoma longifolia Jack.) Leaves and its Potential Analysis for Commercial Herbs Drink. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 10.1088/1755-1315/415/1/012022.
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  3. Pasaribu, G.T., T.K. Waluyo, G. Pari and N. Hastuti 2020. The Effectiveness of Glucomannan and Nano Activated-Carbon as Hypercholesterol-lowering Agents. Ina.J.For.Res 7: 155-164.
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  4. Pasaribu, G., T.K. Waluyo and I. Winarni 2020. Phytochemical Content, Toxicity and Antioxidant Activities of Native Medicinal Plants from North Sumatra. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 10.1088/1755-1315/591/1/012026.
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  5. Pasaribu, G. and T.K. Waluyo 2020. Ethnomedicine, Phytochemical, and Toxicity Activity of Several Alleged Medicinal Plants from Sebangau National Park, Central Borneo. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 10.1088/1755-1315/415/1/012007.
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  6. Waluyo, T.K. and S. Wibowo 2018. Dracorhodin: A Potential Marker Compound for Detecting the Presence of Dragons Blood Resin from Daemonorops Originated from Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 1665-1671.
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  7. Waluyo, T.K. and G. Pasaribu, 2017. Screening of anticancer activities from agarwood’s methanol extract (Gyrinops verstegii [gilg.] Domke). Int. J. Pharma. Bio. Sci., 8: 67-72.
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  8. Sari, R.K., N.J. Wistara, A. Wijayanto and T.K. Waluyo, 2017. Characterization of cat’s eye dammar for revision of indonesia national standard. J. Ilmu dan Teknol. Kayu Trop., 11: 73-81.
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  9. Pasaribu, G., T.K. Waluyo, N. Hastuti, G. Pari and E. Sahara, 2016. The effect of natrium bisulfite addition and ethanol dehydration to the quality of porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) Flour. J. Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 34: 241-248.
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  10. Gusti, R.E.P. and T.K. Waluyo, 2016. Illipe nut's fat as lipstick raw material. J. For. Prod. Res., 34: 297-307.

  11. Waluyo, T.K. and G. Pasaribu, 2015. (Antifungal, antibacterial and wound healing activity of dragon's blood extracts). J. For. Prod. Res., 33: 377-385.
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  12. Pasaribu, G.T., T.K. Waluyo and G. Pari, 2015. Analysis of chemical compounds distinguisher for agarwood qualities. Indonesian J. For. Res., 2: 1-7.
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  13. Pasaribu, G., T.K. Waluyo and G. Pari, 2015. Variability of agarwood chemical compound on super and kemedangan class. J. Forest Prod. Res.., 33: 247-252.

  14. Andianto, I. Wahyudi, T.K. Waluyo, R. Dungani, A. Hadiyane and M.F. Hernandi, 2015. Wood anatomical from Indonesian genus Cinnamomum (Lauraceae) and their identification key. Asian J. Plant Sci., 14: 11-19.
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  15. Winarni, I., K. Koda, T.K. Waluyo, G. Pari and Y. Uraki, 2014. Enzymatic saccharification of soda pulp from sago starch waste using sago lignin-based amphipathic derivatives. J. Wood Chem. Technol., 34: 157-168.
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  16. Hendra, J., T.K. Waluyo and A. Sokanandi, 2014. (Characterization and utilization of smoke liquid from bintaro shell (Carbera manghas Linn.) as a natural rubber coagulant). J. For. Prod. Res., 32: 27-35.
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  17. Waluyo,T.K. and G. Pasaribu, 2013. Antioxidant and anticoagulation activities of dragon's blood. J. For. Prod. Res.., 31: 306-315.

  18. Waluyo, T.K., 2013. Comparative study on physico-chemical properties of 5 dragon’s blood species. J. For. Prod. Res., 31: 141-150.

  19. Pasaribu, G., T.K. Waluyo and G. Pari, 2013. Analisys of chemical compound in some of agarwood quality by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. J. For. Prod. Res., 31: 181-185.

  20. Waluyo, T.K. and F. Anwar, 2012. Chemical component identification of four agarwood grade : Kacangan a. teri B. kamedangan a and kamedangan B. J. For. Prod. Res., 30: 291-300.
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