Dr. Rudy Agung Nugroho
Professor and ResearcherDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Mulawarman University, Samarinda East Borneo, Indonesia
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Environment and Agriculture from Curtin University, Perth Western Australia
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Selected Publications
- Nugroho, R.A., E.H. Hardi, Y.P. Sari, R. Aryani and R. Rudianto, 2019. Growth performance and blood profiles of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) fed leaves extract of Myrmecodia tuberose. Nusantara Biosci., 11: 89-96.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nugroho, R.A., D. Utami, R. Aryani, F.M. Nur, Y.P. Sari and H. Manurung, 2019. In vivo wound healing activity of ethanolic extract of Terminalia catappa L. leaves in mice (Mus musculus). J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Vol. 1277, No. 1. 10.1088/1742-6596/1277/1/012031.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nugroho, R.A., 2019. Hydrolyzed chicken feather meal as protein source for red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) aquafeeds. Pak. J. Zool., 51: 1489-1496.
- Hardi, E.H., R.A. Nugroho, A. Isnansetyo, M. Agriandini, I.W. Kusuma and A.S. Sidik, 2019. Simultaneous administration of Boesenbergia pandurata extract and vaccination to stimulate immune response in Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 22: 419-426.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Asriqah, L., R.A. Nugroho and R. Aryani, 2019. Application of organic acids in Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822 aquafeed: Impacts on fish relative growth rate, condition factor and cannibalism ratio. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Vol. 1277, No. 1. 10.1088/1742-6596/1277/1/012032.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nugroho, R.A., M. Meylianawati, O.A. ASokawati, Y.P. Sari and E.H. Hardi, 2018. The effects of dietary Eleutherine bulbosa on the growth, leukocyte profile and digestive enzyme activity of the striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Nusantara Biosci., 10: 46-51.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nugroho, R.A. and F.M. Nur, 2018. Insect-based protein: Future promising protein source for fish cultured. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., Vol. 144, No. 1. 10.1088/1755-1315/144/1/012002.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Hayat, M., R.A. Nugroho and R. Aryani, 2018. Influence of different stocking density on the growth, feed efficiency and survival of Majalaya common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus 1758). F1000Research, Vol. 7. 10.12688/f1000research.16875.1.
CrossRef | PubMed | - Hardi, E.H., R.A. Nugroho, I.W. Kusuma, W. Suwinarti, A. Sudaryono and R. Rostika, 2018. Borneo herbal plant extracts as a natural medication for prophylaxis and treatment of Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens infection in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). F1000Research, Vol. 7. 10.12688/f1000research.16902.2.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Asriqah, L., R.A. Nugroho and R. Aryani, 2018. Effect of various organic acid supplementation diets on Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822: Evaluation of growth, survival and feed utilization. F1000Research, Vol. 7. 10.12688/f1000research.15954.1.
CrossRef | PubMed | Direct Link | - Allyn, O.Q., E. Kusumawati and R.A. Nugroho, 2018. Antimicrobial activity of Terminalia catappa brown leaf extracts against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853. F1000Research, Vol. 7. 10.12688/f1000research.15998.1.
CrossRef | PubMed | Direct Link | - Nur, F.M. and R.A. Nugroho, 2017. Effects of propolis (Trigona sp) extract supplementation on the growth and blood profile of Pangasius djambal. AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1813. 10.1063/1.4975962.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nugroho, R.A., H. Manurung, F.M. Nur and W. Prahastika, 2017. Terminalia catappa L. extract improves survival, hematological profile and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila in Betta sp. Arch. Pol. Fish., 25: 103-115.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Hardi, E.H., G. Saptiani, I.W. Kusuma, W. Suwinarti and R.A. Nugroho, 2017. Immunomodulatory and antibacterial effects of Boesenbergia pandurata, Solanum ferox and Zingiber zerumbet on tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. AACL Bioflux, 10: 182-190.
Direct Link | - Nugroho, R.A., Y.G.G. Santoso, F.M. Nur, N. Hariani and S. Solikin, 2016. A preliminary study on the biodiversity of fish in the Suhui River, Muara Ancalong, East Kutai, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux., 9: 345-351.
- Nugroho, R.A., H. Manurung, D. Saraswati, D. Ladyescha and F.M. Nur, 2016. The effects of Terminalia catappa L. leaves extract on the water quality properties, survival and blood profile of ornamental fish (Betta sp) cultured. Biosaintifika: J. Biol. Biol Edu., 8: 240-247.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Hardi, E.H., I.W. Kusuma, W. Suwinarti, Agustina and R.A. Nugroho, 2016. Short communication: Antibacterial activity of Boesenbergia pandurata, Zingiber zerumbet and Solanum ferox extracts against Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas sp. Nusantara Biosci., 8: 18-21.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Hardi, E.H., I.W. Kusuma, W. Suwinarti, Agustina and R.A. Nugroho, 2016. Antibacterial activities of some Borneo plant extracts against pathogenic bacteria of Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas sp. AACL Bioflux, 9: 638-646.
Direct Link | - Nugroho, R. and R. Fotedar, 2015. Effects of dietary organic selenium on immune responses, total selenium accumulation and digestive system health of marron, Cherax cainii (Austin, 2002). Aquacult. Res., 46: 1657-1667.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nugroho, R. and R. Fotedar, 2014. Comparing the effects of dietary selenium and mannan oligosaccharide supplementation on the growth, immune function and antioxidant enzyme activity in the cultured marron Cherax cainii (Austin, 2002). Aquacult. Int., 22: 585-596.
Direct Link | - Nugroho, R.A. and R. Fotedar, 2013. Dietary organic selenium improves growth, survival and resistance to Vibrio mimicus in cultured marron, Cherax cainii (Austin, 2002). Fish Shellfish Immunol., 35: 79-85.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Nugroho, R.A. and R. Fotedar, 2012. Growth, survival and physiological condition of cultured marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) fed different levels of organic selenium. J. Agric. Sci. Technol., 3: 125-135.
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